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Making my 30k Abaddon

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Hello fellow Frater, 

I've been away from these hallowed halls for a while but following the Horus Heresy 2.0 release, I'm now more firmly in love with our hobby than I think I ever have been.


I've been building a Blood Angels force for years but have decided to dabble with some more heretical marines for my latest project.


LUPERCAL! For the Warmaster.


I've always liked the 40k Abaddon model but never had a reason to get it until now.


I'm in the process of trying to make my version of a 30k Abaddon.



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Thanks frankendoodle65.  It's only early in the build so far but it's starting to show some signs of progress.  


As to conversion work, my plans are to keep a lot of the sculpt the same but I've removed all the organic chaos growths.  The horn like spikes and piercings pushed through the armour.  


I'm using this image from Collected Visions as inspiration.


I'm currently working on the eye for the center of the chest plate.


I see Abaddon as nearly as big as Horus, so the size of the model doesn't bother me.

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Thanks for your suggestions.  You've given me some ideas to think about.  I wasn't going to change the armour that much but can see its going to have a better 30k astetic with some changes.  


 I'll have another update this week once I've made some progress.

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I've been working on the base this morning.  Sadly, lost my desk as my eldest daughter wanted to use the computer but I'm planning some more updates later.




I decided to lean into the Sanguinary Guard idea.  Will be a nice nod to my Blood Angels army.  There's more work to do on the base, more stone and sand to blend it altogether. 




Reverse view showing the magnet.




Detail of the 40mm base for gaming.

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@Boc Don't worry about the NNM.  I stopped using metallic paints a while ago, when I decided to push myself.  I'm pretty happy with the results but I don't think I've managed to get the contrast between the light and shadow right yet.  You can all judge once the paint goes on :blink:

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