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Finally decided to start sharing my own meager work (or at least my work in progress...which is a lot as i have the awful tendency to jump from project to project without completing anything). 


I hope by starting this thread I can actually keep motivated enough to focus on one thing to get it finished :laugh:


So with that said, what am I working on currently?


At the moment (thanks to Imperium magazine) that would be Roboute and two Paragon Warsuits! 


For my primarch, I've been trying to get each sub assembly finished and this has led to his base looking like this:20230403_143314.thumb.jpg.f84ebc36658de6439369298ac7a90fc6.jpg

One thing that I didn't notice till now is that I didn't do a very good job of blending the texture paint in with the actual base. Something to fix for later.


As for the Paragon Warsuits:


both ladies are ready for a nuln oil bath. Though looking closer at the helmeted head, I'm not too sure if the primer went on okay...


Hopefully I'll remember to update this thread as I paint. :sweat:

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Looks like you're off to a good start :smile: The hobby-butterfly effect is a very real and persistent challenge for some of us! :blush:


As you say, the join between the sculpted base and the normal base is a bit stark, but I imagine stippling some Astrogranite over the join would fix that :smile: 


I think your guess about the primer could well be right, looking at the helmeted head. :sad: I'm not really sure what you could do about it - I suppose you could strip the paint off of it by rubbing it with a cotton bud dipped  in isopropyl alcohol and then re-prime it by hand, but I really doubt it would be worth it.

Thanks :no:

I did think that about the helmeted head but I agree, I don't think the effort would be worth it, I'll see if I can fix it when it comes to highlighting.


I do plan on getting the astrogranite out again to try and fix that gap between the base.

Off to a good start, the flames are looking really nice! And I agree that it should be a fairly simple fix on the base transition, either with texture paint, or sand/coffee grounds.

Thanks for the kind words :no:


I've attempted a base fix which seems to have done the trick, in most places.



need to dry brush it now to get the colours matched up.


Here's how Roboute himself is coming along:


I've started the process for the sword, and he's about 10% highlighted as I've been doing a little between other figures lest I go crazy. The amount of gold trim on him almost drove me batty.


I'll post an update on the Paragon Warsuits as I've not done much to them really.

Another late night painting session brimgs me ever closer to completion.


I should point out that he's still not glued to the base yet as I need to do some more work on his feet. However I'm happy with the highlighting I've done on the gold and metal parts for now, and I got another layer on the sword. The head will be united with the body either tonight or tomorrow depending on time. 

Also hoping to get the blue highlights finished then as well. Which just leaves the emperors sword...


Well he's all together now, all i have to do is finish the sword and then i can get back to the Paragon Warsuits.20230407_011056.thumb.jpg.0838149a6d9c15663538d5011b63138c.jpg


As much as I've loved working on him, I can definitely see areas I need to improve, and I'm looking forward to doing the painting necessary to do it 



Final update on the Primarch, hes done:



i think I went to hard with the white highlight on the Emperor's sword, seems to be an issue I'm having at the moment.


Still, with him "done" (unless I go back to fix the sword) I can finish these two ladies:



got a lot of silver highlights to do -_-

Looks good :smile: As you say, the final highlight down the centre of the sword might be a bit too broad, but that's something that can be tidied up by glazing one of the intermediary highlight colours over the edges to narrow it down a bit :wink: 

2nd attempt at the final sword highlight:


and the back:



It's better I think, but I also got these lovely ladies sorted!


now just waiting on the next Imperium delivery to complete the squad and in the mean time, I've got a lot of other models to work on...

Definitely an improvement on the sword blade! 


Nice highlights on the Sisters' robes too, perhaps one extra even finer highlight right on the edge of the folds would bring them up one more level? 

Had another go at the sisters, trying to brighten up the robes as suggested, while also taking the opportunity to do the same on some of their friends who escaped primed hell.


I think it came out well, and this week is going to be a catch up week of sorts as I wait for the next Imperium delivery.

I may have bitten off more than I could chew with the models hitting my painting mat last night :laugh:


First off, more sisters!


The canoness was a bit further along than the others.


And then the marines arrived...


It may look like an act of lunacy but there was method to my madness, the colours I was putting down was the same across all the models (barring the 3 assault intercessors).


I was hoping to get more done on the Judicar and Chaplain but I realised late on that my priming attempt missed some areas so I went back over by hand with black paint.

Thanks! :smile: Hopefully I can get more done tonight, though i still need to get some colours in before I tackle the nid head on Calgars base.


Speaking of Calgar, I should have something fun arriving in the post in the next few days...

Well, my plans to get those figures painted has stumbled somewhat, the postman delivered my penultimate delivery of Imperium this morning which means because of my idiotic goal of trying to get as much done on the magazines contents as possible, I'm going to focus on them.


C'est la vie.


However, the first purchase in my mad plan (to get as many Ultramarine characters as possible) arrived today...



I will probably pick up the honour guard to go with him at some point but they're not essential currently. 


Will hopefully have some more wip pictures to share soon!

Not much of an update sadly as time constraints have conspired against me these past few days but I did manage to sneak some painting time in last night once everyone had gone to bed...


So all the recent Imperium acquisitions have been primed and the last Paragon Warsuit joined her fellow sisters with having the first layer of silver paint put on. Hoping tonight I can get the silver where I want it and then I want to focus on the gold details. The Hexmark will see some paintbrush time in a few days. As for the Marshall though, as nice as a figure he is, I haven't been too enamoured with the ad Mech range I've sampled, so he'll probably be last.


While I'd love to say I can all the Sisters stuff painted here before April's end, I know my timekeeping will bugger me up :laugh:

Well, I started painting something...unexpected last night...20230420_003245.thumb.jpg.85b113c8800c0f70182d3e609e3b677f.jpg

I've had this lone Ripper for 20 years, it survived the great purge, so I decided it was a good opportunity to try out my colour scheme for the nids with 10th edition round the corner. Going to try some different things and hopefully have a scheme I can replicate quickly and up scale.


As for other things, my last Paragon Warsuit is coming along slowly, as is the canoness.20230420_003210.thumb.jpg.bbdb87546b8b0e6bc8928bab0d98b729.jpg

i need to do some clean up work on the cannoness and then she's ready for some washes, I can pivot back to the battle sister squad then.

That lone ripper is almost cute :laugh: 


If I may make a suggestion? As they've survived a purge, if you do start a Tyranid army, use them on one of the bases of one of the bigger critters :smile: (IPA can be used to remove the test scheme from them :smile:)

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