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Got some more painting done last night:


Drybrushing time tonight :biggrin: then I think I'll move onto the Neurogaunts. With any luck both units will be ready for basing by weeks end.

So Monday night came and went and I didn't get anything done, but last night...20230712_003233.thumb.jpg.f2a4eb36550b508ccdaf7c28c32989d3.jpg

first 3 nids of the Vow complete!

They'll be based next Friday, along with what other units I'll get painted up in the meantime.

Next stop: Neurogaunts!

Soon, started the Neurogaunts and proceeded to not get very far at all:


My current thinking was that I'd overworked my eyes as i was forced to take a break before I crashed to the table, so I was only able to get these done (and even then, they're patchy in places).


Hopefully tonight will be better.

Rippers are done! Just the Neurogaunts that seem to be dragging now.20230718_004209.thumb.jpg.495edad55e3b88c4dcddc5b524155be4.jpg

The other base is done as well, and I really love drybrushing these guys. 


I'm having a rethink on how I'm going to be tackling the 20 strong Termagaunt squad though, maybe splitting them into groups of five may make them seem less of a chore.

Thanks everyone!


Inching closer on the Neurogaunts, skin drybrushing is now complete. I've also done the first pass over with Genestealer Purple, it's gone patchy on some of them but not too noticeable. I did annoying forget the Nodebeast mind.



Neurogaunts finally finished, entering the, to-be-based pile:20230720_004416.thumb.jpg.447db9e2dbf691914be333158a4640b7.jpg

16 down, 31 to go :laugh:

Looking to do small batches of Termagaunts next, and within 2 weeks have crossed the 2/3 mark! These are famous last words :sweat:

Good luck! Hopefully you don't end up seeing 'gaunts in your sleep! :laugh: (if you do, don't let them get too close, just in case you're not asleep! :tongue:)


(on a more serious note, they look like they're coming along nicely :smile:)

Edited by Firedrake Cordova

Thanks! If I'm lucky I won't fall asleep painting them all :laugh: There's going to be a lot more gaunts in my future with those special weapon sprues and hormagaunts to come! (Oh and two squads of Genestealers...because why not?)

Sounds good - I do love the look of a horde of "little gribblies" flowing around "the big ones" :smile: I don't blame you with the 'stealers, either - the new models are great, and the background is neat, too! :smile: 


Glory to the Four Armed Emperor! :biggrin:


Moved on to the first batch (of four) Termagaunts with a Barbgaunt joining in the fun. I'll try and squeeze one in with each batch till the final lot, where I'll do the last 2 together.


For the weapons, I used Dark Angels green contrast, in the picture its more noticeable on the Barbgaunt. Not sure if it'll need another coat to get the darkness I wanted, we'll see later.


Though seeing the bits of the gaunts I missed does annoy me greatly, especially since I do try and look for these things!

You're definitely getting through them at a rate, aren't you? :smile: 


Looking at the pictures, the white on the rim of the base looks a little see-through - annoyingly most whites don't have great coverage. I know some swear by artist's titanium white paints due to the amount of pigment in them - don't know if that's of interest?

Thanks, I have looked at that white before, may have to pick it up at some point. These ones were done with white scar and had 3 layers already so I need something better.


As for the rare, I've still got a lot to do it feels like!

3 hours ago, ZeroWolf said:

I have looked at that white before, may have to pick it up at some point. These ones were done with white scar and had 3 layers already so I need something better

That sounds quite frustrating. :sad: Looking at it, White Scar is a Layer paint, so it's designed to be a bit transparent, which isn't going to help. Another trick you could try is to paint the first coat with a good-covering light grey (or to mix said grey with the white), and then paint the white over it.

9 minutes ago, Firedrake Cordova said:

That sounds quite frustrating. :sad: Looking at it, White Scar is a Layer paint, so it's designed to be a bit transparent, which isn't going to help. Another trick you could try is to paint the first coat with a good-covering light grey (or to mix said grey with the white), and then paint the white over it.

Might be something I try next time, I'm not short of greys :laugh:


1 hour ago, Rusted Boltgun said:

I think the light base sets them off really well. Fantastic progress and strong scheme. 

Thanks! :smile:

First batch of Termagaunts and lone Barbagaunt is done!


i used a drybrushing of syrabrite(spelling?) green for the weapons, I think it helped them.


Tried using an army painter white and I think it was worse than the white scar :sad:

7 hours ago, ZeroWolf said:

My pots of crovax white are atrocious at the moment sadly, more solid than paint :sad:

I've begun transferring my paints to dropper bottles and adding agitators and airbrush thinner, the difference this has made to GW's Whites specifically has been super useful.

13 hours ago, Grotsmasha said:

I've begun transferring my paints to dropper bottles and adding agitators and airbrush thinner, the difference this has made to GW's Whites specifically has been super useful.

Airbrush thinner? Hmm, worth a shot since I've wound up with two pots of the stuff.


Last night I started work on the next batch, and I added an extra Barbagaunt:


while only one of them made it to the purple stage, all the weapons are done and the flesh cleaned up. If time allows I want to get all the main colors on, but it may spill over a few nights.

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