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2nd batch is all purple now at least! Got finer details to do before I can get to the meat of the drybrushing.


Might miss my self imposed deadline of friday though to get then ready for basing.

Thanks! I'm quite fond of the scheme.


More Basing done:



after taking this picture i realised that i made a slight mistake with the middle Barbagaunt  i mistook the parasite on top of the gaunts head for carapace :laugh:


This brings me over half way in my Call to Arms vow!

29/47 based. 

The more I look at them, the more I wonder if they might look a little better with a grey base rim? It would give a bit more contrast between the rim and the snow (so you get a little more definition between the two), and it might go on a bit easier given the Base paint options. I don't know what your thoughts are?

On 7/30/2023 at 11:11 AM, Grotsmasha said:

I'd also do a test with ice blue rims, it'll look like they're on snow covered ice.

That does sound like a good idea, I'll have to see if I have a blue the right tone.

On 7/30/2023 at 11:33 AM, Brother Captain Arkley said:

Loving your Nid scheme... It reminds me of my Epic Eldar which I used the same colours for.

Thanks! I do wonder how well this scheme will scale down....or scale up if I get my hands on an Inquisitor scale genestealer again.


3rd batch of gaunts is progressing well, drybrushing time for them tonight...the end point is in sight!

No picture for this batch as it'll be repeating myself :laugh:

Thanks! :smile:


i do like what they add, even if some of the details will be missed en masse...speaking of:



the Gaunts are now all done! Group shots will come when everything is based, but for now, I'm going to pivot to something a bit larger and a lot leapier!

The Von Ryan's Leapers are done!


I've also finally found an ice blue like colour to try out a different rim colour than the white, so soon I'll be giving them a go. Next up on the painting desk though is the Winged prime!

The Winged Prime so far!


Next I'll be working on his wings, hopefully bringing them in line with the Parasite of Motrex.


Now the rim test. I found Army Painter's Ice Storn while rummaging through my local flgs and found it suited my needs pretty well:

Ice Storm test:



Administratum Grey (brightest Grey I have by GW):



I'm currently leaning toward the Ice Storn myself, as I do love the way it came out. Needs two coats but it did finish smooth.

Yeah, I think Ice Storm will be the way forward here. Thanks everyone!


The Prime got his wings done!

First step (syabrite green, I think that's the spelling):



Then a nuln oil wash:



a better look at the wing:



another session should see him done. Excitingly, the psychophage is next!

It'll also mean that all the models in the combat patrol will be done. Leaving on the Screamer Killer left!

Edited by Firedrake Cordova
Fixed formatting :)

Yeah, it might have worked too well? But it's done now, and speaking of done now...20230811_011356.thumb.jpg.e962278e5ba8057beaa16faa133b7622.jpg

slightly different angles:



I'm undecided if I need to brighten up the membrane any more but I'm happy with it overall. I've also started going through the base rims of the other figures and changing them to the new colour, which the prime is already sporting.

37 minutes ago, ZeroWolf said:

Yeah, it might have worked too well?

I think it's fine - you definitely want the contrast between the membrane of the wings, and the "fingers" (*shudder*) within them, to give it a bit of definition and increase the "readability" of the model (which the wash over the membrane does). :smile: I was more surprised at how light the base coat was, compared to the final result. :blush: 

It's a nice green at that, I originally got it for my blood bowl wood elf team.


No painting last night but I got a lot of basing done.










I'm still in the process of changing the base rims over but it's a nice feeling to look in the case for my smaller nids and only seeing painted minis staring back at me.


I was planing on uploading these to the gallery but I may wait till everything is 100% done.

I think the pale blue rims are a definite improvement - not only have you got great coverage, but the off-white colour contrasts with and accentuates the whiteness of the snow :smile: 

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