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Thanks! It is quite a sight when they're all on the table :smile:


The psychophage is beginning to take shape:


Next step for me is doing the small detail work, then its drybrush time.

Edited by Firedrake Cordova
Fixed formatting :)




details are sorted and awaiting final touches, leaving me free to get the drybrushing done.


Not getting much chance to get things done this week, looking like I'll be done before September though for my Call to Arms vow.

Nice highlights on the prime, they help pick out all the nice details around the face. I also think that the clean base edges look ace, unifying all the models and making sure the attention is directed to them and not distracted by a flash of colour elsewhere.

Thanks for the commehts :smile:


The Psychophage is now finished awaiting basing:



Alternative angle:



With the Ice Storm out, I went and re-did some other base rims, like on the Neurotyrant and the Parasite of Motrex.





Parasite of Motrex:



Edited by ZeroWolf
Forgot pictures

The highlighting really does make the world of difference to the chitin armour on that Psychophage:biggrin: 


Re-doing the old bases with Ice Storm really is showing an improvement, too!

Been a few days since I could post an update, but the Screamer Killer is finished!




Another angle:



This means that all I left for my vow for Call to Arms is to finish off the basing!


The Barbgaunts also got their rims changed over.




This just leaves 9 Termagaunts and 8 Neurogaunts left to switch over. Once that is done, I suppose I'll make a start on the Marine half of Leviathan...once I finish the Bladeguard Veterans and friends! :laugh:

Thanks everyone!


I'm looking forward to a group shot once the basing is done, I'm also probably going to need more Valhallan Blizzard after this!

4 hours ago, Rusted Boltgun said:

That Screamer Killer is my favourite of your models so far!  It just looks soooo mean


Love the green on the head and the carapace highlights.

Thanks for the compliments! It was the Tyranid model I was most hyped for on reveal.

They're definitely coming along nicely :smile: 


11 hours ago, ZeroWolf said:

It was the Tyranid model I was most hyped for on reveal.

It's a very cool model (I remember the old 2nd Ed one, so there may be some nostalgia in there too). I keep on telling myself I don't need to start a Tyranid army :laugh: 

2 hours ago, Firedrake Cordova said:

They're definitely coming along nicely :smile: 


It's a very cool model (I remember the old 2nd Ed one, so there may be some nostalgia in there too). I keep on telling myself I don't need to start a Tyranid army :laugh: 

I remember the 2nd one as well, even got to use it once when a friend lent me it to bulk out my 3rd edition Nid army. I find this one a nice refresh.

Another lull in painting this week but last night I got a lot done!


I finished turning all the remaining white base rims ice blue so here's the Neurogaunts and the Termagaunts!





Termagaunts and Rippers





At the same time, I also finished the shading on the Ultramarines stuff I was working on when Leviathan hit. Which means I can look to get them finished over the week and jump into the first company Terminators! With any luck I might get the SM half of Leviathan done before the end of November. However my process for painting Ultramarines is a lot more long winded than my glorious nids.

I need to do a horde army again, it's so SATISFYING to get a huge swarm finally finished, seeing all those individual beasties all lined up together. 


The carapace looks great, by the way, good level of highlighting for a chittering tide!

Thanks! :biggrin: honesty, i enjoyed it far more than thought of going back to power armour.


So with a new pot of Valhallan Blizzard at the ready, I got to basing:


Von Ryan's Leapers



Screamer Killer



The Psychophage is done but...I've got one daft thing I want to add before he's ready for his close up!

I actually managed to find time to paint today, so I progressed a bit further on my space marines...


Assault Intercessors



Bladeguard (Veterans, Ancient, Captain and lieutenant)



But of course the big thing I wanted to do was this:





Which means my Call to Arms Vow is complete:



And another with the Parasite:


All in all, I did something I never did when I was a kid, a fully painted and based Tyranid force.


Hopefully I can continue to add to it.

Another hour of painting and I'm starting to feel like I'm getting somewhere with these blue guys:



for this session, I sort of abandoned my previous approach where I'd tackle one colour on all the models but I'd instead try to get as much done on a smaller number, getting the robes done on the bladeguard (there's another hiding behind the guy to the left of the ancient). Another session like this and I can start completing models, though I need to dial back some of the highlights as they went on too thick!

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