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Vroom, vroom. Again.



  • Any unit can leave a transport after it has moved, so long as the vehicle didn't Advance or Fall Back.
  • The unit can Shoot, but can't Charge unless they disembarked before the transport moved.
  • Still can't embark/disembark in the same turn,
  • Open-topped rules consolidated into Firing Deck X.
  • Firing Deck graphic.
  • Vehicle counts as the one making the attack, this means it can benefit from buffs.
  • Mekaniak graphic as an example.
  • Impulsor and Taurox given as examples of vehicles with Rapid Deployment
  • Rapid Deployment = Units can Disembark if the vehicle Advanced, but they count as having moved and can't Charge.
  • Reiterate that Land Raider keeps it's Assault Ramp, so they can Charge the same turn they disembarked.
  • Confirmed that Marine transports aren't Primaris/Firstborn locked anymore, "minus a couple of exceptions."
  • Rhino, Razorback and Impulsor "are still specialised for certain squad types". Terminators and Gravis also have restrictions (presumably due to size still).
  • Repulsor graphic - Can carry 12. Jump Pack, Wulfen, Gravis and Terminators count as 2, Centurions count as 3.
  • Chimera has the Mobile Command Vehicle Rule = Officer can issue Orders from it. 
  • Falcon has the Fire Support Rule = After the Falcon has fired, pick 1 enemy unit it hit, models which disembarked from it reroll wounds against that unit. 








Edited by Lord Marshal
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Just been looking at buying some drop pods in anticipation of this change but I'm also thinking I'll paint up my other Impulsor I have lying around.


Playing an Ultima founding Chapter, Impulsors always felt like a burden having to take as a "Cheap" transport but I like the disembark after advancing rule gives them some flavour. 

Edited by ChapterMasterGodfrey
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Honestly, every thing in this article sounds good. Firing Deck 22 for Battlewagons? Uh, yes please! Useable buffs for the firing embarked models? You know it! Disembarking after moving and even rapiderer disembark? Don't make me weak! Individual Vehicle abilities that are fluffy? Take all my monies pls.

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2 minutes ago, ChapterMasterGodfrey said:

Do people think this will be applied to Spartan Assault Tanks?

Would be silly if it didn't, assuming they end up in the codex of course (I know it's likely but you never know)

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7 minutes ago, Arbedark said:

The Rhino, Razorback, and Impulsor are still specialised for certain squad types, and many larger models like Terminators and Gravis-armoured Space Marines still have their own restrictions.


Well that's disappointing. 


Best case scenario (which is what I think is happening) is that these are restricted to Firstborn tactical armour/MKX units so it excludes Termies, Aggressors etc rather than a Firstborn/Primaris split


Worst Case, these 3 have the split (which would be very odd)

Edited by TrawlingCleaner
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Call me cynical, but I feel like the Rhino/Razoback/Impulsor exception is to avoid cannibalising sales.


Lot of interesting stuff here. Very curious to see if people are able to get good use out of that (kinda scary) new rule on the Falcon.

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Assault ramp returning is so damn good and so is that they can carry Primaris, Sword Brethren got a new ride! If you can put multiple squads then 3x5 Assault Intercessors also sound tasty.


Im excited for this, 20 man crusader squad with Helbrecht in a Spartan is also a cool possibility.

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I don't want to get my hopes up too high, as the land raider redeemer is a model I've been wanting to run for a long time that has sucked for many editions. Perhaps, maybe, possibly, I can finally have my flame aggressors launch an assault out of one of these with adrax or he'stan (if the redeemer doesn't consistently get blown up in turn 1).

Edited by arnesh88
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Ooo Rhinos with Sternguard (if they're good...) and other units might be a thing again!


I'd be interested in how Impulsors shape up in this environment. Being able to move and disembark used to be their thing.


My friend uses Eradicators quite substantially and they have rocked against me. Putting them in Drop Pods could hurt even more! Though Gravis might not be able to get in, we have to see.


And the big boy... Land Raiders! They're gonna be at least T12 we can extrapolate from the Repulsor, they might have a 2+ still but we don't know... but Assault Ramps! Yes!

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I'd like at least have Intercessors/Assault Intercessors have the ability to get in a Rhino. That'd be a nice quality of life, even if things like Bladeguard Veterans can't ride in them.


Worst case, that's not possible still, but it sounds like they can get a drop pod. So we've got some steel rain fun coming.

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10 minutes ago, TrawlingCleaner said:


Best case scenario (which is what I think is happening) is that these are restricted to Firstborn tactical armour/MKX units so it excludes Termies, Aggressors etc rather than a Firstborn/Primaris split


Worst Case, these 3 have the split (which would be very odd)


That may certainly be the case, but given the context etc. it's not how I read it (given the lack of inclusion of drop pods and, paradoxically, land speeder storms). Wouldn't be the first time that these articles were vague...


I'm happy that it seems Land Raiders can now carry Primaris, though.

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