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3 minutes ago, Lord Nord said:

So on the longshot chance that someone actually wanted to put Inceptors in a Repulsor...


Since they have both the GRAVIS and JUMP PACK keywords, does each model take up two, three, or four slots?

 or 9? ;-)

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Very excited for the confirmations here - not sure how the "basic" transport specializations will shape up but I wouldn't be surprised if it was something related to the battle line keyword.  Capacity bump on the Repulsor is excellent and makes a lot of sense in hindsight given that characters are attached to units again. Land Raider will be epic to use again - I'm going to guess either T13 or an invulnerable save for it to represent it's tough-as-nails relic status.


The Taurox preview, I think, gives more evidence that the specializations from the IG codex will also be gone in their current form. Getting out of a vehicle post-move was one of their special doctrines, so if it's being rolled back to the transport data sheets it most likely won't be back as a detachment bonus or otherwise.

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4 minutes ago, Noserenda said:

Looks good but I'd not rush out to drop money on things until you see the actual rules...

I'd agree. I've personally got a few extra drop pods laying around that I was going to use for a 30k project, but it hasn't quite panned out. I think they've got a new purpose now, same with that extra Spartan I grabbed for whatever reason a few months back.


3 minutes ago, Irate Khornate said:

World Eaters Spartan party bus is a go.

I'm thinking I'm making the same. Already have Black Legion party bus I need to prime.

Edited by WrathOfTheLion
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Repulsors all units to jump back inside…. Hellblasters, Devastators, Desolators rejoice to name a few.



Edit: Question - can multiple squads jump into a transport at the same time?

Edited by CCE1981
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9 minutes ago, CCE1981 said:

Edit: Question - can multiple squads jump into a transport at the same time?


That we don't yet know. I could certainly see things being limited to one squad plus attached characters outside of very large vehicles though, given all the other benefits that are coming (and in the interests of simplifying things). 

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I like the sound of all of this. This is the first 10th article that feel is 100% improvement over the current situation, especially for Marines. I am not a tread-head but I have a decent number of tanks that have barely seen play in 9th edition. Now it looks like it might be time to dust off those Land Raiders.


6 Flamestorm Aggressors and a Gravis Captain leaping out of a Land Raider Crusader and incinerating all in their path looks mighty tasty!

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The 3rd/4th edition refresh proceeds apace! I have to say, I like most of the stuff in this article without reservation. Best batch of changes yet. I've had two drop pods languishing in their boxes on the shelf for a while now. Looks like they will be headed to the assembly facility in the near future! Also, I never thought I would consider buying another Chaos Landraider, but given that World Eaters are their own army in 40k now and the return of the Assault Ramp rule, that might very well happen.


It will be interesting to see how vehicle upgrades will be handled. For now, some stuff is free - will that continue or will it be a return to form with points for everything.


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14 minutes ago, acrozatarim said:

Making models using firing steps count as the vehicle's weapons is quite elegant. Makes it easier to have mechanics that buff and debuff transports without needing fiddly definitions of whether they affect the transport or the carried unit.

It also would mean that any leaders attached to a particular unit that is embarked within doesn't bestow their effects in this case, right? It's the vehicle firing, using weapons it is considered to be equipped with, and not the embarked unit itself.


That means there's an opportunity cost for keeping a unit embarked, blasting away, when they have a leader attached who would otherwise provide additional buffs, or different buffs if they were on the table.


I like all of this.

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31 minutes ago, CCE1981 said:

Repulsors all units to jump back inside…. Hellblasters, Devastators, Desolators rejoice to name a few.



Edit: Question - can multiple squads jump into a transport at the same time?

 Odds are extremely good that this will be the once per turn datasheet ability for Repulsors and it will read something like "Once per turn, after a unit within 6" of a friendly Repulsor Transport is declared the target of a charge, that unit may immediately be removed from the table and treated as having embarked on said rRpulsor."

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