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Considering the only nids in the back ground are the ones shown off for 10th, I'd assume the photographer just filled the shot with relevant 10th ed models they where allowed to use. So I'd be the Librarian is only there for the cool factor, not attached or having arrived from drop pod.

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1 hour ago, mel_danes said:

What purpose do transports serve when you start the game on top of each other?

If I can walk to the middle of the board turn 1, why get in a Rhino?

The reduction in play size continues to be my most lamented change in recent editions. The game is more lethal partly because everything is in range turn 1.

I love my transports, tracked and grav, but don't see the point.


My whole group still plays on 6 x 4 mats. We never shrunk our tables, just added more terrain.

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1 hour ago, Nephaston said:

Same in my Group, especially because 9th ed. Missions all measure from the centre. The smaller size always seemed more like a recommendation or a minimum requirement.


The book even says that those are the recommended MINIMUM playing area for games of that size. Not that you should only ever play on that size.



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1 hour ago, War of the Eagle said:

Considering the only nids in the back ground are the ones shown off for 10th, I'd assume the photographer just filled the shot with relevant 10th ed models they where allowed to use. So I'd be the Librarian is only there for the cool factor, not attached or having arrived from drop pod.


Except for the sneaky rippers :wink:

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4 hours ago, TrawlingCleaner said:

For those wondering about primaris in droppods:




Definitely looks to be a thing!

Steel Rehn indeed. Design clearly holds up, but how are the details and such? Think I've heard mixed impressions on the model itself, ie it could well do with a new version.


Drop pod that is

Edited by Marshal Reinhard
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19 minutes ago, Marshal Reinhard said:

Steel Rehn indeed. Design clearly holds up, but how are the details and such? Think I've heard mixed impressions on the model itself, ie it could well do with a new version.


Drop pod that is

I think the model holds up very well but if they wanted to revisit it it would be cool if they included the option for something like the Deathstorm drop pod or buffed the size a little and made it usable as a Dreadnought drop pop too.

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1 hour ago, CL_Mission said:

I think the model holds up very well but if they wanted to revisit it it would be cool if they included the option for something like the Deathstorm drop pod or buffed the size a little and made it usable as a Dreadnought drop pop too.


I could see deathstorm happening if they do a redesign, if only for horus heresy; but I think that's only going to happen when the molds need replacing.  I could also see a plastic dreadnought drop pod happening (also for horus heresy).  What I DON'T see happening is the infantry pods and dread-pods being the same kit.

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2 hours ago, Marshal Reinhard said:

Steel Rehn indeed. Design clearly holds up, but how are the details and such? Think I've heard mixed impressions on the model itself, ie it could well do with a new version.


Drop pod that is


I've got both of mine sitting on my shelf.  They still look cool, and are, to me, part and parcel with the aesthetic of 40k.  There's something very quintessential about the steel rain in the background while a frontline element that's been surrounded is pushed by all sides.  So very grim, so very dark, so very Warhammer.

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3 hours ago, Marshal Reinhard said:

Steel Rehn indeed. Design clearly holds up, but how are the details and such? Think I've heard mixed impressions on the model itself, ie it could well do with a new version.


Drop pod that is

Well, now they cut back on the asinine two armies of marines in marines, it is much easier to do that since you can just refresh the droppod instead of needing to keep the old one and add a second one but with a variable wackiness gimmick so it is different. And then have two droppod flavours used in parallel.

Edited by spessmarine
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Well well, seems like 10th is going to be a vehicle meta. It has been a long time before we saw Land Raiders hitting the tabletop which is a very very welcome change. 

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3 minutes ago, Wispy said:

GW released this picture to go with everything and honestly the proportions of everything makes me so happy.  

I'm so glad I did not sell my old Firstborn vehicles.

1 Drop pod built, 1 in a box.
2 Land raiders ready to go.

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2 hours ago, mel_danes said:

I'm so glad I did not sell my old Firstborn vehicles.

1 Drop pod built, 1 in a box.
2 Land raiders ready to go.


Ditto - I've got four Land Raiders all painted, and two Drop Pods in subassemblies that have just jumped up my to-do list somewhat!

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It's definitely good that Primaris can use drop pods. Without access to those and Storm Raven's they don't have any way to actually get down off their space ships and onto planets - or at least not one that's represented in the game. I guess you could say that about a lot of factions but for marines that ability to rapidly deploy feels like part of the reason they exist.

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Posted on instagram just now:




"Looks like the Techmarines have finally put new seats in the Land Raider! Which variant will you be filling with Primaris Space Marines?"


While the text specifically calls out the land raider, the image also does show two rhinos. Of course could just be coincidental.

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I do wonder if the basic troops can all ride in a rhino. It'd be nice if assault intercessors/intercessors can, even if Bladeguard Veterans and all cannot.


They might be restricted to an enumerated list of squads.

Edited by WrathOfTheLion
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2 hours ago, ZeroWolf said:

The article before spoke about restrictions in place in Rhinos and Razorbacks but that may be more dealing with the heavier armour types (like gravis and terminator...and whatever the hell Centurions are wearing)


It could be, but here's the caveat they added:


"The Rhino, Razorback, and Impulsor are still specialised for certain squad types, and many larger models like Terminators and Gravis-armoured Space Marines still have their own restrictions."


And here is the context of where that caveat is mentioned:


"Minus a couple of exceptions,* Space Marine transports no longer care whether a Primaris unit is riding in the back or not."


Smoosh 'em together and you got a passage discussing specifically the Primaris transport divide going away, except for the Rhino, Razorback, and Impulsors. I think this is why folks are coming to that conclusion as it's not clear if they're speaking about the armour exclusively, in which case that isn't news to any Marine players, or if these will continue the current transport divide.


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the more you read it the more i picture hatches open and marines hanging on anyway they can /on top etc... like infantry have been known to do... they are on board after all even if not in the back...


would be a fun conversion... 


Edited by Brother nathan
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