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The wait has ruined my hype

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The fact GW has been hype manimg every release, it's burned out my hype receptors. I just go oh neat, then if I like it buy or just keep waiting and go about my day. Now it's a race with my mortal frame and when things end up releasing (new marauders for WoC, normal destroyers for necrons, more HH plastic infantry....) 

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I'm honestly more hyped for The Old World stuff on Sunday than Saturday. Why? Because I know next to nothing about it yet. It could be ANYTHING revealed and there's so little known. With 10th edition, the buzz has been pretty static the last few days before the drop which is understandable since it's about to all come out on Saturday. 

You guys gotta remember you won't just be playing 10th on Saturday yourself unless you're the lucky ducky that goes to the event. You also won't have alllll the points, datasheets etc for everything, surely, so until someone leaks that in the coming weeks, you'll have to be content not knowing. Hell if that happens, there's nothing stopping you and your mates from getting together and playing it. It's not like GW is going to send Pinkerton goons to your house for playing with unreleased rules. 

I also assume they'll dripfeed out different factions over the coming weeks until 10th goes live as well. Like every few days they'll say "hey Necron players, check out this cool new faction-wide ability!" then "okay now you've seen that, check out the Monolith, it's actually good this edition!*" and so on. It'll keep the hype fires burning. 

* - They will not post this.

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1 hour ago, Bash said:

I also assume they'll dripfeed out different factions over the coming weeks until 10th goes live as well. Like every few days they'll say "hey Necron players, check out this cool new faction-wide ability!" then "okay now you've seen that, check out the Monolith, it's actually good this edition!*" and so on. It'll keep the hype fires burning. 

* - They will not post this.

That sort of sass in their articles would be hilarious. They could talk about turning the Land Raider into a glorified taxi by stripping half the guns off thanks to the twin-linked rule. At least it can be a Primaris taxi though* :p 


*Terminators or Aggressors in there? It's a tough choice for me. :)

Edited by Magos Takatus
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2 hours ago, Magos Takatus said:

That sort of sass in their articles would be hilarious. They could talk about turning the Land Raider into a glorified taxi by stripping half the guns off thanks to the twin-linked rule. At least it can be a Primaris taxi though* :p 


*Terminators or Aggressors in there? It's a tough choice for me. :)


I am leaning towards Aggressors since Terminators have teleport strike to get them into the action. Aggressors either need a LR/Repulsor or have to trudge up the table with their mighty 5" movement rate.

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2 hours ago, Magos Takatus said:

They could talk about turning the Land Raider into a glorified taxi by stripping half the guns off thanks to the twin-linked rule.


That's very sad for the glorious Godhammer variants that are doubtlessly going to spring up on tables everywhere. I myself am a Crusader Enjoyer so it sadly has little by way of firepower to lose but it does mean I can whack some of the new Terminators into it with Gabriel Seth and run it down mid like the good old days. I've been using a Stormraven more recently to do that so it's nice to have options. 


7 minutes ago, Karhedron said:

Aggressors either need a LR/Repulsor or have to trudge up the table with their mighty 5" movement rate.

This is a good point as well, likewise with Bladeguard and other elite nasties that can't teleport in and are a good deal squishier than Terminators. That Assault Ramp is going to be game-changing. 

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On 4/27/2023 at 2:55 AM, Grotsmasha said:

Puts down walking cane, "back in mt day......" we had to wait for the White Dwarf each month to get any news of anything, a few days? We're spoiled for information these days. Instead of thinking "I can't believe they're making us wait" try thinking "I can't wait for Saturday"


Even worse, if you did spot something, you would have to wait until you actually saw your warhammer friends later that week!

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Seems like an extremely 2023 view to lament not being fed a nugget of info for a whole week, especially when a good chunk of the entire ruleset is going to be playable by randos and no doubt immediately plastered all over the internet tomorrow morning. Like how fragile is your enthusiasm for something if not being told an isolatedline of rules for 7 whole days ruins it for you?


Remember when you used to go whole/multiple editions without a new Codex and only find out it was coming when the White Dwarf dropped a couple of weeks before release? We're spoiled for info these days by comparison. 

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15 minutes ago, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

Today’s article makes no sense. 

why wait this long and reveal more rules when WHF starts tomorrow.




"They haven't given us info, this is bad"


"They have given us info, I can't understand why?!?!?!"

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To be honest all this hype going up and down from individual forum users, as well as the complaints have been what bothers more than the actual way GW handles things.

On the Astra Militarum sub forum there were lots of discussions on how 9th would change things, then as the codex took a while to arrive, most conversations died out until the codex was previewed and then exploded again.

Only like 3 months after the codex and kits were released the sub forum went silent only to start again a few weeks afterwards with 10th changes.

Most people seem not even have bothered to play 9th because they were already thinking about 10th and I find this entire cycle of wishes about x, y or z and then not actually enjoying something and starting to wish again just very upsetting.

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36 minutes ago, GreenScorpion said:

To be honest all this hype going up and down from individual forum users, as well as the complaints have been what bothers more than the actual way GW handles things.

On the Astra Militarum sub forum there were lots of discussions on how 9th would change things, then as the codex took a while to arrive, most conversations died out until the codex was previewed and then exploded again.

Only like 3 months after the codex and kits were released the sub forum went silent only to start again a few weeks afterwards with 10th changes.

Most people seem not even have bothered to play 9th because they were already thinking about 10th and I find this entire cycle of wishes about x, y or z and then not actually enjoying something and starting to wish again just very upsetting.

Yeah I don’t understand why you’d just not play 9th


ive gotten 3-4 games in with the 9th codex, and if I didn’t have my marines I could be up to 5-6 games with the 9th codex, and with another month or two I could do another 1-2 games with it pretty easily.

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1 hour ago, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

I just don’t understand their decision making on timing. 

there’s no apparent logic behind it.


1 hour ago, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

Yeah I don’t understand why you’d just not play 9th


ive gotten 3-4 games in with the 9th codex, and if I didn’t have my marines I could be up to 5-6 games with the 9th codex, and with another month or two I could do another 1-2 games with it pretty easily.

Multi quoted just to show that there is really no need for a double post, you could have used multi quote instead.

Also 3 or 4 games with the codex means those ~40€ weren't really used that much :biggrin:

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47 minutes ago, GreenScorpion said:


Multi quoted just to show that there is really no need for a double post, you could have used multi quote instead.

Also 3 or 4 games with the codex means those ~40€ weren't really used that much :biggrin:

if you say so. in the last 6 months of 8th i had a total of 4 games.

guess it just depends on perspective. the game is a hobby not my life. 4 games in two months is a lot of warhammer for me.

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I find the GW hype train derails my interest in most stuff nowadays sadly. Of late it has been wait ages for something then it sells out and you have to wait even longer for the restock by which time I have lost interest.


I should think 10th will be ok in this respect and will have tons of stock for players but I try not to look at leaks or articles anymore to be honest because you lose that new car smell feeling when you finally do get your hands on the models because they've been floating around the web for so long.

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7 hours ago, KrakenBorn said:


For real this thread and particularly this post makes me want to want to walk away from all online communities and never look back.


Come on my guy it's not THAT bad.


I genuinely mean no offence but isn't that reaction even more hyperbolic?


I think the issue is FOMO and product hype is just taking the shine off the game for a lot of us, people just want to discuss with fellow Frater and gauge their reactions. I'm not really seeing anything over the top or particularly inflammatory in this thread to be honest. 

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42 minutes ago, KrakenBorn said:

It's all very silly but I didn't mean to genuinely hurt anybody or cause emotional distress. It's a good job I didn't react with any Emojis or I fear I would really be on the personal attack.


It's fine, I don't think anyone is taking it's personally so no worries. :)

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This topic started with questionable potential for any value to the community, serving only as a venue for complaining that we're not getting information fast enough. That doesn't help other members to understand or enjoy the hobby in any way. And the latest news from Warhammer Fest should have put to rest any impatience.





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