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Strike Force Justian (Space Marine Heroes + Kill Team)

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I guess if you don't have hardly any (Primaris) Space Marines in your collection then this would be ok?... price depending of course :unsure:..... If it's too dear then i guess I'd give it a wide berth...

The latest Blind box marines are about $13.00 Aust , what's the expected price of these new ones?... if it's more than $20.00... i know where GW can stick them ... :tongue:



Edited by Mumeishi
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Seems a bit uninspired - I mean, only the grenade chucker and the captain can't be made, or approximated from bits within the normal kits, right? Even the heads are pretty generic. Compare that to the Terminators or the Plague Marines.


The intercessor base kits are already quite dynamic, so it doesn't even have that going for it in terms of altrnate poses like SMH 2 and 1/4. Like, even themost bog-standard loadout in SMH2 has a better pose than stock kits and unique headsculpt.



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The trouble with them is that the bar was higher for intercessors as the existing intercessors are generally better posed in the first place.


that said, the grenade pose is unique, the reload is unique, even the aiming pose is different, albeit less so. 

the heads on them are unique too as are the adornments on the hips. It also feels a bit off to compare intercessors poses to terminators, one is veterans, the other is not. They’re comparable to the tactical, easily so.


the heavy bolter marine has a heavy bolter, so fairly limited posing options.


the eliminator is in a fairly standard sniper pose, but I’m not sure what would have been better? 

the captain is great, has a distinct appearance and pose from others, so that’s good.


also, I agree with others, next will be stormcast, not more 40k

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13 minutes ago, Blindhamster said:

The trouble with them is that the bar was higher for intercessors as the existing intercessors are generally better posed in the first place.


that said, the grenade pose is unique, the reload is unique, even the aiming pose is different, albeit less so. 

the heads on them are unique too as are the adornments on the hips. It also feels a bit off to compare intercessors poses to terminators, one is veterans, the other is not. They’re comparable to the tactical, easily so.


the heavy bolter marine has a heavy bolter, so fairly limited posing options.


the eliminator is in a fairly standard sniper pose, but I’m not sure what would have been better? 

the captain is great, has a distinct appearance and pose from others, so that’s good.


also, I agree with others, next will be stormcast, not more 40k

While I do agree with you I also feel they could and should have taken the opportunity to go wild with the poses. Bringing the heavy bolter to bare, maybe even reloading it, maybe a relocating pose for eliminator. Take the opportunity to do poses you really couldnt have done in the box

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26 minutes ago, Blindhamster said:

It also feels a bit off to compare intercessors poses to terminators, one is veterans, the other is not.


Don't see how that matters too much - as above, with the terms they went with poses and details not seen in the current box, while with these they largely went with things you can recreate from the box - I think there's a reloading marine in the intercessor box also? 

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Different reloading pose, which doesn’t matter to some, but having more than one way to represent something is a good thing imo. The only pose that is probably identical is the aiming one, and looking at the tactical squad that was done, they have models that can be more or less perfectly recreated using assault squad and/or tactical squad bits



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I'm going to be a lone dissenting voice (and probably wrong), but I see these as staying 40K. AoS has underworlds and warcry which are continually pumping out these kind of character posed line troops and I don't think a 'Heroes' style range would appeal in the context (see for Stormcasts how many different Underworlds warbands they've had - what room is left for a Heroes range?). 


As for the removal of the 'Space Marine' tag, there are many places they could go - I wouldn't be massively surprised if the next range is Space Marines of some flavour anyway.... perhaps a Primaris DeathWatch Killteam - but if they finish the Eldar rework by then a set of cool more distinct alternate Exarchs for each aspect is where I'd go, if not then perhaps a set of Guard revisiting the old regiments (a Mordian, a Pretorian, a Valhallan etc.) or more Inquisition aides.

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On 5/2/2023 at 2:54 AM, MegaVolt87 said:

Why is this a blind buy box ? Should be a regular KT, I actually like it. 


I would wager that the miniatures were designed first and then they decided to put rules with them. Like, they were always going to launch a series of Primaris blind buys and then said, "hey, what if you could do something with them?"

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doing plain vanilla codex marines seems an utter waste of both Kill Team and Space Marine heroes. There's no character to these guys.


I could make this Kill Team by pulling individual models out of my army. That's not exciting.


If they're not aspiring to do something as characterful as Kill Team Cassius everytime they do Space Marine Heroes or Kill Team, it's all wasted effort, IMO.

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2 hours ago, Cleon said:

As for the removal of the 'Space Marine' tag, there are many places they could go - I wouldn't be massively surprised if the next range is Space Marines of some flavour anyway.... perhaps a Primaris DeathWatch Killteam - but if they finish the Eldar rework by then a set of cool more distinct alternate Exarchs for each aspect is where I'd go, if not then perhaps a set of Guard revisiting the old regiments (a Mordian, a Pretorian, a Valhallan etc.) or more Inquisition aides.


Oh man, alternate exarchs as blind buys would be the death of me!

Though I think it may be time for a stormcast version after these

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8 hours ago, Xenith said:

Seems a bit uninspired - I mean, only the grenade chucker and the captain can't be made, or approximated from bits within the normal kits, right? Even the heads are pretty generic. Compare that to the Terminators or the Plague Marines.


The intercessor base kits are already quite dynamic, so it doesn't even have that going for it in terms of altrnate poses like SMH 2 and 1/4. Like, even themost bog-standard loadout in SMH2 has a better pose than stock kits and unique headsculpt.



Ugh, arms way too high up on this one. 

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8 hours ago, Cleon said:

I'm going to be a lone dissenting voice (and probably wrong), but I see these as staying 40K. AoS has underworlds and warcry which are continually pumping out these kind of character posed line troops and I don't think a 'Heroes' style range would appeal in the context (see for Stormcasts how many different Underworlds warbands they've had - what room is left for a Heroes range?).


Considering the new logo even has the Age of Sigmar twintailed comet mostly associated with stormcast currently ( the O is made of a hammer, a eagle and the twin tailed comet.) Id say you are probably wrong ;) (sadly)


to add

I think eldar are least likely to appear here, they are among those ( the only ones ?) to not appear among the collectible toy lineups, nor the MtG set, despite both having quite a huge representation of other armies. And these blindbuys are meant to appeal to the same audience.

Edited by TheMawr
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11 hours ago, Noserenda said:

Ill be interested to see how this plays v the existing intercessor KT seeing as its bigger, has bigger guns and a captain on board...

I'm betting the gravis guy and the captain will both quite severely limit what else you can take in any given game

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On 5/3/2023 at 2:23 PM, Marshal Reinhard said:

Ugh, arms way too high up on this one. 


The SM Heroes Terminators are an improvement over older Terminator kits, but still have some of the older kits' issues.


Main thing though, they are an improvement over the existing kits (until Leviathan comes out of course). Same with the SM Heroes Tactical Marines.


This latest kit is just slightly different poses of existing models.

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3 hours ago, phandaal said:


The SM Heroes Terminators are an improvement over older Terminator kits, but still have some of the older kits' issues.


Main thing though, they are an improvement over the existing kits (until Leviathan comes out of course). Same with the SM Heroes Tactical Marines.


This latest kit is just slightly different poses of existing models.


The improvements you speak of is because existing kits they're emulating are wrought with proportion issues not present in primaris. This series has nothing to fix in that regard.


If the 2012 tactical kit had the same proportions as SM Heroes 1, "This latest kit is just slightly different poses of existing models." would pretty much have applied perfectly to them too: 

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine Heroes Series #1

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9 hours ago, Marshal Reinhard said:


The improvements you speak of is because existing kits they're emulating are wrought with proportion issues not present in primaris. This series has nothing to fix in that regard.


If the 2012 tactical kit had the same proportions as SM Heroes 1, "This latest kit is just slightly different poses of existing models." would pretty much have applied perfectly to them too: 




People had an extra incentive to buy the other Space Marine Heroes kits, because of those proportion issues.


The fact that this latest series has nothing to fix with regards to the proportions means, ironically, that there is less incentive for people to get it.

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12 hours ago, phandaal said:




People had an extra incentive to buy the other Space Marine Heroes kits, because of those proportion issues.


The fact that this latest series has nothing to fix with regards to the proportions means, ironically, that there is less incentive for people to get it.

A good case of respectfully disagreeing. I know in my own case that having a squad thats proportioned differently than the rest would actually be a detriment. It's one of the reason i would never mix classic and primaris marines.


Ill be the first to concede that this is not the case for everyone, im just saying it being scaled differently made it less interesting for some, those like myself in this regard.

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  • 1 month later...

Something different from usual is obviously going on with how this product is releasing, as in addition to them already listed by various eBay vendors they are also now up for preorder on actual legit store Alchemists Workshop with a stated shipping date of September.

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  • 4 months later...

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