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Combi-weapons in 10th

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Well, now. The first piece of evidence we have that combi weapons aren't being consolidated.


Still it adds a lot of questions. If they aren't, then what is the weird profile we've seen on the captain and librarian? New variant? If so, why is it called combi weapon instead of combi-x?

Why do characters seemingly only have access to this one version? Or was the unrestrained version of the captains sheet not truly unrestrained? Will the real unrestrained version have all the options we're familiar with? Or are characters limited to that one profile, while tactical squad sergeants (which is what this example sheet seems to be of) are allowed to take all the different options? Basically why do we have evidence pointing in different directions


Sooo many questions I want the answer to now.

Edited by Marshal Reinhard
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1 hour ago, Tokugawa said:

The sample datasheet in leaked pics is not full 10th, just a placeholder. It still has "angel of death" and "core units" in the pic.

Good observation. Might mean the idea of a combi weapon list is to be disregarded after all. It's pretty much impossible to conclusively tell anymore until the game is out I suspect (or a relevant full datasheet is leaked), but it does cast doubt on this one piece of evidence that flies in the face of the others.


EDIT: I suppose a big thing in opposition to the disregard idea is why have an example that is patently wrong in the first place? It's one thing to change names to "Example weapon" etc, another to reference things that possibly don't even exist.

Edited by Marshal Reinhard
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You do you man.


Moving back on to something that matters for the topic, I think there's enough discrepancies in the datasheet as compared to the other ones to make it a not good piece of evidence right now, we'll need to see more.

Edited by WrathOfTheLion
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The thing about claiming vindication this early is if the example there is incorrect or just an example, rescinding any form of vindication is a little awkward! :laugh::wink:


I'm not confident it is anything other than an example, but man I want it to be correct.

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The Combi-Weapon list mentioned in the Tactical Squad Sergeant upgrades might only have two entries: a storm bolter and the generic combi-weapon that they keep showing us.


On the plus side, it looks like 10 man Tac squads can either have a Heavy+Special weapon upgrades, or 2x Special weapons now.

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7 minutes ago, Spaced Hulk said:

The Combi-Weapon list mentioned in the Tactical Squad Sergeant upgrades might only have two entries: a storm bolter and the generic combi-weapon that they keep showing us.


On the plus side, it looks like 10 man Tac squads can either have a Heavy+Special weapon upgrades, or 2x Special weapons now.


I think most people are thinking that the example datasheet should be ignored, especially since its not even confirmed its just a guy who took pictures in a car, even if I do believe it's real myself (the rules, not the datasheet as such).

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1 hour ago, Spaced Hulk said:

The Combi-Weapon list mentioned in the Tactical Squad Sergeant upgrades might only have two entries: a storm bolter and the generic combi-weapon that they keep showing us.


On the plus side, it looks like 10 man Tac squads can either have a Heavy+Special weapon upgrades, or 2x Special weapons now.

Not to draw us on a tangent, but that's if Tac Squads are in 10th.  Every indication this far is they aren't. If they are, their special weapons and/or heavy weapons would be superior to any Combi-weapons 

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1 hour ago, Mike8404 said:

Not to draw us on a tangent, but that's if Tac Squads are in 10th.  Every indication this far is they aren't. If they are, their special weapons and/or heavy weapons would be superior to any Combi-weapons 


What? What indications? So far we have confirmed rhinos, razorbacks, land raiders and terminators. There's the quote from the FAQ:


"Will my collection and codexes be compatible?

Your miniatures aren’t going anywhere,"


There's literally a tactical squad datasheet in the leaked (pre-release? testing?) rules, firstborn units still abound on the store, they're doing a MTO for old firstborn metal characters next week, yet we're still arguing the "firstborn are going to be mass obsoleted at a stroke" that's been a staple since 8th edition. Come ON.

Edited by Arkhanist
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3 hours ago, Spaced Hulk said:

On the plus side, it looks like 10 man Tac squads can either have a Heavy+Special weapon upgrades, or 2x Special weapons now.

That's not what the [example] wording likely amounts to, I'm afraid... basically if the unit is 10-strong, those two latter 'may include' options replace rather than add to the 'one special or heavy' option bullet for units under 10 in size. Otherwise 2 specials + 1 heavy would also be an option, or indeed 2 heavies and a special.


In fairness it might be best to include an 'in total' in the '9 or fewer' one to avoid this kind of confusion, given that a 10-strong unit does 'contain' 9 models.




The Good Doctor.


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35 minutes ago, Dr. Clock said:

That's not what the [example] wording likely amounts to, I'm afraid... basically if the unit is 10-strong, those two latter 'may include' options replace rather than add to the 'one special or heavy' option bullet for units under 10 in size. Otherwise 2 specials + 1 heavy would also be an option, or indeed 2 heavies and a special.


In fairness it might be best to include an 'in total' in the '9 or fewer' one to avoid this kind of confusion, given that a 10-strong unit does 'contain' 9 models.




The Good Doctor.


Yes, you're right, I didn't read the rest of the options properly :blush: :facepalm:.


For a moment there I thought Guilliman had revised the Codex again! Obviously two plasma guns in a 10 man Tac squad is just too radical a prospect! :biggrin:


Oh well, at least you can still min-max a couple of 5 man squads instead! :smile:



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10 hours ago, Sword Brother Adelard said:

Then claim vindication too? Everyone loves to be vindicated.

Still too early for that party.:tongue:

Especially with the DG info. :confused:


Should this be the landing point, Tacticals Lose 1/3 of their non-anti-infantry hitting power; they will be less Tactical.

Sad days for the Original Gangstas.


Edited by Interrogator Stobz
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6 hours ago, Mike8404 said:

Not to draw us on a tangent, but that's if Tac Squads are in 10th.  Every indication this far is they aren't. If they are, their special weapons and/or heavy weapons would be superior to any Combi-weapons 


What indication do you mean by "Every indication" - because if that's hyperbole and the ONLY indication is that it hasn't been previewed yet, then I guess the Canoness, Seraphim and Immolators aren't in this edition either.


But you may have seen something that I haven't, and if so, please provide an itemized list of "Every indication."

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15 hours ago, Bradeh said:

Not so fast buckos...



They also have a combi-bolter which by technicality is a different combi-weapon.


Technical correctness aside, we know not everything on the front of the card is everything units may have access to so it feels too early to call that as a done thing. I am starting to suspect it's a combi-melta profile though since the existing Terminato Librarian has one as well, and we may see different profiles for other options.


Obviously none of us really knows but it ain't over until the fat Nurgling sings I guess.

Edited by BitsHammer
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