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Coming back from a bit of a hobby break and going to make a filthy filthy but deadly, Xenos army for 10th, while dipping in and out on my Black Templars.  But need a break from power armour, at least for a bit, blasphemy I know :P

I had collected Tyranids many many years ago but fizzled out and lost interest, hopefully this time that won't happen. Starting big, seen this kitbash around the internet here and there and instantly wanted to build one while I wait for 10th box to drop. Had to search high and low to find a Maleceptor/toxicrene kit. 


 Done some work already, removed the straps, chaos symbol and filed and filled where the skull pop out through the skin/flesh. Some cleaning to do, but ready for the building to commence. Used the molded on armour plates on the side as chitin for now, if they don't fit in with the finished body will remove, A Dremel drill with a filing ball attachment came in really handy with this part of the process. 












Oops, looks like I forgot to get rid of some rivets. 

Edited by Eberious
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Bit more done yesterday/today, collected some biomass by stripping down an old conversion of a up-scaled Hive Tyrant from a fex kit. Managed to free the tail section that was encased in green stuff and milliput, cut and sanded down the two parts I want to use from it.  Was going to use the torso section from the fex kit but decided to use the maleceptor chest/ribs, as bigger and clean/undamaged, not tonight though as biggish job and the midnight hour draws near.







Got rid of the hairy tuft area as not niddy at all. After some sanding and trimming of both parts upgraded his groin to tyranid. 









The dremel attachment is a god send, it's making this project so so much faster and allowing me to get things done that otherwise I couldn't.




Only found it as I'm packing up ready to move house. Yes, the core hobby area will be the last thing to get packed, lol.


I'm thinking the two side chitin plates I was going to use may have to come off or at least be modified further. to be more clumpy? than flying V guitar shape.   


Edited by Eberious
11 hours ago, Eberious said:

Only found it as I'm packing up ready to move house. Yes, the core hobby area will be the last thing to get packed, lol.

As im moving first thing july im going through the same process and with 10th right around the corner i have gone to the same conclusion :p my girlfriend is not amused :p


Anyway this is an awesome project ! Looking forward to see more!

Thank you all, I'm really enjoying the process so far.


@Reinhard, I'm sure you are, it's a shame our models are very unlikely to do battle face to face.


@Sir Clausel Yup, the missus did try that with me "pack it up, we're moving/selling, having viewings  etc"  me ' By the Emperor's name, No way!, they are buying the house not my modeling area, we could still be here in 6-7 months if not sold' argument won, victory achieved. lol. The area is tidy but functional. 


@Xenith, certainly will be. I usually build up to the large centerpiece. I do plan to build a giant Red terror strain of Tyranid as some point down the line.   


My evening has been freed up so can get back to it tonight. 


Edited by Eberious

Tonight's modelling went well, the Maleceptor chest/ribs fit well after some shaping and some tricky sanding and filing on the main body to continue groove lines? not sure what you would call it, but basically where the chitin was(or the armour plates on the original model). Removed the side chitin, as it just didn't flow. I have however made bluestuff molds of the plates as I'm sure they'll come in handy either on this or something else down the road.   








Removed the spike/claw things as will interfere with the head placement, going to reattach to the upper front, but poking outwards. The greenstuff is rough, just to give me a solid surface to sculpt against tomorrow.










Thank you KrautScientist.... and I may or may not of sold most of my Chaos stuff, other than a few things like the Defiler, the Terminator lord, and the biker and one of the warp talons. The collections were getting to peak storage/display space and had to make a cull of the smaller armies. In this case Chaos and Orks. Kept the ones that I did the most work on. Due to move to a bigger house hopefully, so you never know. ;) 



Phew, that's a relief! That model is still basically my gold standard for a Khornate Terminator Lord! :thumbsup:


As for the PM's, uhhh...yeah, it turns out I was using 101% of my storage space. I am back down to 99%, so it should work now...

Starting to come together now, on one had is great but on the other it's been a short build time. Mind you, the head attachment is probably going to be a B**ch, also going to be making the scything talons more.. beefy. As the current largest ones are a little on the small side to balance the overall model. So maybe I spoke to soon. 






Filled the body with cork board, and bit and shaped it to hold the neck section. 




Same for the head.






Attempted to make some chitin plates for this monsters forearm's, not bad but not quite what I need. Might try the plastic resin I have to fill the molds as will reach the full spike's depth, unlike the greenstuff. If that fails then might just carve the plates out of the arms of the Exocrine and replace them with these. Don't really want to spend anymore on this project. Although I have sold basically all the extra bits, and done a load of overtime at work for it so...  




Oops, linked wrong pic. 

Edited by Eberious

Tonight's work. 


As mentioned the standard Scythe was't really big enough to strike a balance with the size of it's body...so ....  carefully cut away the outer chitin with spikes to harvest the bladed parts, leaving the chitin intact for something else. Cut and filed a little groove along the 2mm thick plasticard for the sharp edge of the while scythe to slide into. Then with the dremel and a flat sander attachment, file and knife smoothed the plastic card into shape.   






With the join lines I figured the bigger the scythe, the more reinforced it would be. So with the greenstuff and the difference in width of the parts I'll create I guess, extra bonded exoskeleton? along the joins and flatten out the ends. Once done I'll cut away the hands and meld them to the Dorghar's arms. 

Thanks both, 


@YannTheMad just the standard Malceptor head build. 


A bit messy filling the inside of the head, but it'll never be seen. Positioned the two plastic bumpy parts where they are as when looking at the face straight on you'll see up inside on each side(once it's together you'll see what I mean) so to give it some detail I used those there. Also knocked up some Fex rib molds for the underneath to fill in that details, as with this head position you'll be able to see underneath on each side. 






Had to cut into one section make it sit properly on the shoulders. 



So, took a deep breath and did this knowing if this doesn't work, then that's expensive mistake and would be hard to find replacements or alternative arms for it. Plenty of eyeing it up and holding bits together took place first but still.




and hold




exhale... it's done now so to late. XD 








slapped some chitin on, plastic plates are from the Exocirne.  some untidy green stuff to fix up. dug out a recess and holed ready for pinning. 


Also did the same for the talons, cut away from the main arms. 





Edited by Eberious

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