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Battle for Oghram - decide the fate of a world!

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This is your invitation to fight for the fate of the planet, and earn the victorious faction priority access to exciting new reveals in the next Warhammer 40,000 preview.


Well, we know Marines are going to win it through sheer numbers (which is very ironic considering they're going up against Tyranids).


I guess the biggest takeaway from this is confirmation that more Marine and Tyranid kits are coming, which I suppose isn't a surprise but I did see a few posts from people wondering if Leviathan would be all there is due to how quiet they've overwise been this time around.


Edited by Lord Marshal
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You folks remember the 8th Edition launch campaign with Space Marines getting their Codex and most of their model wave within the month of the edition's release and Death Guard not seeing any of it until October?


Well, if I had a nickel...

Although it does say that the winner will get their model reveals first, so maybe the campaign will be over before even the Marines get their Codex?

Edited by DeadFingers
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Pre-order the Leviathan boxed set this Saturday and among the stacks of miniatures inside you’ll find a special single-use code to join the Battle for Oghram.


That is an expensive ticket for entry into this global campaign!


Although you can enter yourself into their giveaway sweepstakes by emailing them a 150-word mini essay on why you like Space Marines or Tyranids.

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Only a small campaign, and for 13 days only! Just to decide the next previews. Pretty cool little bonus for ordering direct. 

19 minutes ago, Lord Marshal said:

Well, we know Marines are going to win it through sheer numbers (which is very ironic considering they're going up against Tyranids).


Well, only if marines win most of their games - as we seen from the 9th ed tourney standings, number of people playing a faction doesn't guarantee strong win%, quite the opposite! 

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I think from a community engagement perspective, locking it to the box isn't the worst idea? It does encourage people who've bought in to get stuff painted and start playing games a bit quicker. I wouldn't mind if we saw a few more of these focused campaigns / battles, albeit without a required buy-in to a £150 box at least.


As an aside, earlier summer campaigns were rife with organised cheating, and although they'd largely mitigated that by the time Medusa V and Nemesis Crown took place they'd left a pretty sour taste in the studios mouth. I suspect they'll be looking at Oghram as a bit of a test-bed for the future.

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2 minutes ago, phandaal said:

That is an expensive ticket for entry into this global campaign!


Well, there's maybe a 20% saving max from a 3rd party these days. If you put a £20 value on the tokens or boards if you order direct, then that ticket is £10. 


Also great to see them namedropping "The Triad", the real nefarious masterminds behind the loyalists annihilation in the original 13th Black Crusade. 

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Just now, farfromsam said:

I've never thought about it until I saw this art, but... with nid tendrils being much larger than worlds... why don't they.... ya know literally swallow planets?

It's a good point.  Maybe there is so much non-biomass that makes up a planet the biomass expended to grow a structure big enough to swallow a whole one wouldn't be worth it?  It would mostly be rock with a thin biomass coating.  Kinda fell I'm clutching at straws with that though.

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4 minutes ago, Xenith said:

Well, only if marines win most of their games - as we seen from the 9th ed tourney standings, number of people playing a faction doesn't guarantee strong win%, quite the opposite! 


I think it's more likely the majority of people just enter their code on the site without actually playing a game, especially since it's only for two weeks.

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3 minutes ago, farfromsam said:

I've never thought about it until I saw this art, but... with nid tendrils being much larger than worlds... why don't they.... ya know literally swallow planets?


Well, it's your stomach muscles, acids and enzymes that actually break down what you eat, once it's been enveloped by your digestive system. If the hive fleets are the digestive system, then the individual creatures are muscles, acids and enzymes! 

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1 minute ago, farfromsam said:

I've never thought about it until I saw this art, but... with nid tendrils being much larger than worlds... why don't they.... ya know literally swallow planets?

I'm sure they do when they can. The times they can't are the times they either invade "normally" or start a Genestealer Cult.


Alternate answer: That would make it hard to have games, right? :)

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6 minutes ago, Ammonius said:

I'm sure they do when they can. The times they can't are the times they either invade "normally" or start a Genestealer Cult.


Alternate answer: That would make it hard to have games, right? :)


"We're gonna have to shoot our way out of this monster's  tum tum."  Said brother indigestivus.  

"Right, I'll get to strapping a propulsion system at the polar caps."  Replied Tech Priest Rhia of Dia.... 


Yeah.  Not nearly as cool, but could have a fun inverted "Aliens" scene with humans popping out of an alien.



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I'm a fan of the global campaigns and I wish GW did them more often. That said, I think it's pretty crummy to only allow those with the box code to participate and I say this as a person who is very likely picking up the box (or attempting to). Hopefully, they decide to open it to a wider audience after the first two weeks.

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7 minutes ago, firestorm40k said:

Thanks GW for shutting people who aren't planning on buying this box out of this campaign :down:


Oh well, I really need to get on with my Heresy Imperial Fists anyway... 

To be fair it's locked to space marines and nids given that they're expecting all the battles to be the contents of the box, it's not meant to be a full on global summer long campaign. Just a fun extra included in the box (also its included no matter where you get your box from)

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To be honest it looks more like a competition then a campaign but at least it's a thematic competition.  Given it opens two days after the set is released and lasts only two weeks how many in reality will have built, painted and played a game with the box contents?  Still it's a bit of fun.

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48 minutes ago, phandaal said:


That is an expensive ticket for entry into this global campaign!


Although you can enter yourself into their giveaway sweepstakes by emailing them a 150-word mini essay on why you like Space Marines or Tyranids.


"I like Tyranids because..." followed by "nom" 146 times.

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23 minutes ago, firestorm40k said:

Thanks GW for shutting people who aren't planning on buying this box out of this campaign :down:


Oh well, I really need to get on with my Heresy Imperial Fists anyway... 


Not much lost. A campaign only for SM and Tyranids, and of little impact beyond determining who gets to see new future shinies. 

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Well this is funny:


Entry is free by emailing competitions@gwplc.com during the Entry Period and telling us in a minimum of 150 words why you like either Space Marines or Tyranids. The email must be titled “Leviathan Prize Draw”. No purchase is necessary for this AMOE. 


Also the price pool is £5,000 for 5 winners so £1,000 worth of model releases to come. That is probably both Tyranid and SM releases added together but that would still be around £500 worth of new models (and books/dice/etc) each

Edited by Matrindur
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7 minutes ago, Nova-V said:

To be honest it looks more like a competition then a campaign but at least it's a thematic competition.  Given it opens two days after the set is released and lasts only two weeks how many in reality will have built, painted and played a game with the box contents?  Still it's a bit of fun.

This is the truth of the matter, hence the short run time, which will give them a day to sort results and then release a video showing everything off. Not that there's too long to wait for that anyway looking at the road map.


Just hope they don't upload all the image assets early to the website for people to see when looking at the Web code...like how a certain YouTuber found existence of this contest.. 

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