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Battle for Oghram - decide the fate of a world!

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13 minutes ago, Matt C said:

Hitchen’s razor my good man, it also doesn’t mean it was, neither of us have proof to refute the other, I do hope the weasel comment wasn’t directed at my intention


No - "weasel wording" was referring to the word choice of the presenters. Saying "We can confirm that the Tyranids codex will be coming first" is NOT the same as saying "Because of the results of this contest, the Tyranids codex will be coming first." But a lot of people will take it that way and they know it.

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1 hour ago, Odd-ad said:

So based on what the presenters said, SM were winning, then once they announced that the Tyranid wins ramped up. 


I do suspect that the community wanted 'Nids to win more, so just reported wins that may be suspect :wink:

I mean, that's exactly what happened, we all know this.

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Thank you for the clarification, it appears that stoking the fires of animosity between aspects of the community was an intent here, they could have been clearer on many regards in their presenting, I always found Eddie somewhat lacking in that department, needless to say annoying also

Edited by Matt C
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@Redcomet All the Necrons were spoiled in a single image that leaked ahead of time.


I found today's reveal to be kind of underwhelming. All the models are nice. I think the new biovores are great and everything looks much better than before, but the lack of a Knight equivalent in the army is kind of disappointing. Relative to the Deathguard and Necrons this release feels light and evolutionary rather than a big event.

Screen Shot 2023-07-15 at 10.48.58 AM.png

Edited by Flaherty
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I have to say, I'm very happy by just about all of this.

I've had my fingers crossed for a new Genestealer kit since the Deathwatch: Overkill box a few years back, and these guys look great. I'll second the viewpoint of getting some of these with some of the new Terminators, some Boarding Actions terrain, and going to town recreating Space Hulk (I'll never understand why they didn't do theses part of Gallowdark, but hey-ho).

And the complete rehaul of the baseline Termagant and Hormogant boxes too, I'd buy that for a dollar! Great poses, good weapon options on the Termagants too, nice to see them get some weapon flexibility.

I really want to see the Lictor sprues, because I don't know how many kits we're getting. If all of them are made from a single box, then that's a lot of leftover bits - especially with the base Lictor getting multiple poses. I guess we'll see more over the coming weeks.

Really digging the beetle-aspect of the Biovore and Pyrovore. Great re-imagining.

I get confused when I look at the Norn duo when trying to determine size. Off the bat, they look ginormous, almost Knight sized. When they said in the stream that it was Wraithlord sized my mind went "Surely they mean Wraithknight sized?", but no - a bit taller than a Wraithlord. Even the way it's shot in the pictures with the perspective of other models makes it look enormous / bigger than it actually is. I think I need some clearer shots with other models to get it right in my head - the Wraithlord shot is ok, but there's still some obscuring. Other than that, they look like a mean pair coming to town.


I'm a little surprised they didn't show one Marine reveal as a "Consolation Prize", but kudos on them sticking to their word. Great reveal, can't wait to see more about them in the coming weeks.

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1 minute ago, Flaherty said:

@Redcomet All the Necrons were spoiled in a single image that leaked ahead of time.


I found today's reveal to be kind of underwhelming. All the models are nice. I think the new biovores are great and everything looks nice, but the lack of a Knight equivalent in the army is kind of disappointing. Relative to the Deathguard and Necrons this release feels light and evolutionary rather than a big event.

Screen Shot 2023-07-15 at 10.48.58 AM.png

I completely agree. They had the opportunity to make a Norn Queen, but we got the too small emissary instead. The minis all look lovely however. 

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54 minutes ago, StrangerOrders said:

Hopefully this tones down the belly-aching. Ogram has brought the ugly out in the community to an almost shameful degree so I am glad its over. Although part of me still thinks there will be crying from both sides despite a massive release.


The Nid models are gorgeous imo although the Norn is a little disappointing the artwork had me thinking it was a lengthy, serpentine abomination with tons spindly limbs. This guy to me just looks like a Hive Tyrant protagonist of a shounen manga that just unlocked its ultimate form in time to save his childhood friend from the big bad. 


Still want one though.


Overall, I am glad the average Nid model is now younger than the average player! Hope this purge of ancient models holds up!



I can’t understand all of the crying and moaning (along with other things I really want to say but can’t because of community rules, some of which probably should be said). It’s not even on GW anymore for failing to meet expectations, it’s the community developing unrealistic expectations and then throwing a temper tantrum when their fantasy didn’t turn out. 


I never saw myself collecting nids before, it’s not a model line I would have wanted to be my only army (I like tacticool stuffs and tanks too much), but now that my collection has expanded over the years I’m definitely keeping them and starting a Tyranids army that I’ll get into eventually. They were the army I played against with my SW the most consistently when I first started, so I’m pretty excited for this releasee! Certainly everything I’ve seen so far is awesome. 


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this was excellent. I think all of it was good; no stinkers. I expected the Norn bugs to be larger, but they are still very good. personally i feel their limbs feel small for the bulkiness of thier body, but it's not a huge issue. Looking at the new bio/pyrovores, i really want an exocrine-sized creature with this body plan, its so different but feels so right. hope they come two in a box, but i doubt it. surprised at the termaguant special weapons, but those hormogaunts are beautiful. 

a little surprised there were no multipart Von Ryan's Leapers or shrikes. this wave feels a little anemic, but unlike say necrons there's no stinkers (looking at you ophidian destroyers). maybe they'll reveal some more, but i think its unlikely. still, i think Nids are in a really good place now.

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I'm kind of disappointed that the Biovores/Pyrovores are no longer apelike, with brutish fused arms and comparatively stubby legs. It's easily the biggest shift in design in the entire range, while everything else remained very faithful to previous iterations.


On the other hand, those new Biovores/Pyrovores are beautiful and sensible, something far more suitable to the hivemind. Just kind of a pity that they don't take any design cues from the greenskins anymore.

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My interest in Tyranids has been scientifically indistinguishable from zero for over twenty-five years, and while it remains extremely low, this guy does make the measuring instruments spike to a good 0.001 or so.

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1 hour ago, Sarges said:

This is me looking at updated biovores, love them so much.


"Say the line, Biovore-jak!"
"The victory is mine!"
"I love this guy!"



Anyway, thoughts overall.

>New gaunts are great, no complaints there. Special weapons for Termagants is very cool.

>Genestealers look very good too though I would have liked them to be more in line with the Overkill 'stealers? Full Ymgarl heads is great though.

>Lictor is fantastic. Not so sure about the Neurolictor, could be the paintjob TBF.

>Bio/Pyrovores are great; I definitely prefer the Pyrovore build but the Biovore is hardly anything to sniff at. Does look oddly Zergy compared to previous generations but, to quote the old 3E Tyranid Codex "It is entirely appropriate to use older models in your force as Tyranid swarms are constantly evolving".

>Norn thingy is probably the one "meh" for me, just because it reeks of "Modern GW centrepiece syndrome". Some cool elements though, the vents being fused into two massive pylons are pretty cool (gives me Evangelion vibes which is no bad thing!).


I would have liked Shrikes but maybe they come later.


Overall I really like what we've seen, and even in spite of my utter lack of enthusiasm for the actual rules I'm looking forward to these.

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2 hours ago, Lexington said:



My interest in Tyranids has been scientifically indistinguishable from zero for over twenty-five years, and while it remains extremely low, this guy does make the measuring instruments spike to a good 0.001 or so.

I don't know about you, but in that colour scheme he reads to me as a Khorne Demon....

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