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Battle for Oghram - decide the fate of a world!

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Just now, Bradeh said:

Some GW shareholder loves his 'Nids. Not even a teaser for Marines. 

To be fair, this is as GW promised, a reveal solely for the victor of the campaign. Can't harp on at them for following their own rules.


As for everything on display....glorious! Now to decide what to add to the swarm (other than a full 20 bug full unit of hormagaunts)

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2 minutes ago, Malakithe said:

Im wondering how/when they will reveal the SM stuff now

My prediction is GenCon.
It's the next big event and also gets the Marine models shown to the most people rather than on a Random 2pm Saturday stream.

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Just now, 01RTB01 said:

Lovely kits but "only" 6 new kits for nids. That's a lot less than orks and necrons received. (By about half?)

Don't forget the ones included in Leviathan though, only the Termagaunts in there were a refresh (technically the Screamer Killer was but I'll let that slide as the specific model was last seen in 1999!)

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All the models they showed are amazing but is it strange that I expected more?


Not even counting the three units that came later via Kill Team, Necrons got 9 kits after the Launch set which where all unique and while Tyranids did get 10 units but at least two maybe three with the Lictor/Neurolictor are dual kits and the Termagant are just the multipart version of the launch set ones. So only 6 kits in the worst case.

Also Necrons got really big models with the Monolith, the Silent King and the Void Dragon.


While the Norn Emissary/Assimilator are great I would have wished for one more kit thats even bigger and then another elite units like Shrikes.

And since it is rumoured the Genestealer will be coming via Kill Team I wouldn't expect anymore kits from that direction.


Of course just to clarify I'm still very happy about what we did get

Edited by Matrindur
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Really happy with everything we saw. I'm not super into the new 'vore models (aren't all tyranids vore models though?) but I think they're still a big upgrade on their previous incarnation. Hormagaunts and Genestealers are nothing revolutionary but good updates on the old models.

I really liked all the new stuff in the Lictor family, loving the trend of more brain focused bugs. The Norn Emissary really was the big winner for me, absolutely fab looking model. Not so hot on the alt build but that's fine. I'm not going to be von ryan's leaping into a full Tyranids army right away but I'm really looking forward to expanding on what I got with Leviathan some time in the future. Lictors, Death Leaper and Norn Emissary are definite purchases when the time comes.

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