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Adeptus Mechanicus Index

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On 7/9/2023 at 2:40 AM, Nagashsnee said:

You realise only the data smith gains fnp, not the robots yeah? Never ever put a datasmith untill they fix the infantry thing. 

Ohhhhh. My bad. Cheers for the 35 points saved I guess.




The Good Doctor.

Edited by Dr. Clock
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As far as I can tell the problem is that having a Datasmith unit with the 'infantry' keyword join a Kastellan unit with the vehicle keyword means that the combined Attached unit has both vehicle & infantry keywords and this all models, Kastellans included' are culnerable to 'anti-infantry' weapons.


However, I cannot find anywhere in the rules that an Attached unit has both the keywords of the Leader and Bodyguard units, only that they are treated as a 'single unit for all rules purposes' -p39. However, you can interpret that in other ways than that the combined unit has both infantry & vehicle keywords.  

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Rules commentary in Keywords section


Some units can contain models that have different keywords. While this is the case, such a unit is considered to have all of the keywords of all of its models, and so is affected by any rule that applies to units with any of those keywords. Remember that attacks are made against units, not models


Edited by Madao
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Usch, that hurts. I really don´t understand that GW made this mistake and that they not have fixed it yet. Just so easy, write one sentace like something like this; this unit counts as veichles even if a datasmith has the infatery key word. Fixed, no problem. Also, please give back our 3+ to hit. Right now that´s the two must things I want. I then think our army will work much better.

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It all comes down to index cards, having printed them and sold them big changes to statlines ( like switching a whole army to 3+) simply wont happen. The datasmith likewise has a printed index which interacts with a core rules, so base case they FAQ  him.  Likewise most changes they make for balance i feel will be points based rather then rules/stat based, as these dont affect any sold products. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

A first update of te Index datacards has fallen and I was not expecting it so early.

Anyway, these changes and corrections looks very very "peripheral":


  • Archaeopter Transvector – Transport section, 2nd sentence Change to ‘It cannot transport Jump Pack or Kataphron models.’
  • Kastelan Robots – Wargear Options, 1st bullet, 2nd sub-bullet Change to ‘1 twin Kastelan phosphor blaster and 1 close combat weapon’.
  • Onager Dunecrawler – Ranged Weapons Delete the heavy phosphor blaster profile. 


It will not change the state of the game and the current ranking of AdMech, this is sure. SO, rather talk about "obvious tipos and omissions corrections"

May be that the expected Sept update will gives deeper adjustments (I think to Kastellans and Datasmith among other things...)?

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14 hours ago, Bouargh said:

May be that the expected Sept update will gives deeper adjustments

While conceivable, anything that happens in September will have to be guided by, and then likely pretty quickly overshadowed by the Codex release this 'Winter'...


The time to print makes me consider that work on the Codex needs to be done pretty much by September. I suppose they could try and crunch final design into end of September, but for all intents and purposes they are definitely working on the Codex right now. While a 'sneak preview' of changes in September would be nice, I don't actually expect much in that vein tbh, and that'll be fine with me pretty much as long as they make the Codex actually good.




The Good Doctor.



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6 hours ago, Dr. Clock said:

While conceivable, anything that happens in September will have to be guided by, and then likely pretty quickly overshadowed by the Codex release this 'Winter'...


The time to print makes me consider that work on the Codex needs to be done pretty much by September. I suppose they could try and crunch final design into end of September, but for all intents and purposes they are definitely working on the Codex right now. While a 'sneak preview' of changes in September would be nice, I don't actually expect much in that vein tbh, and that'll be fine with me pretty much as long as they make the Codex actually good.



I would say that anything related to the Codex is already a closed topic, decided and printed/under shipping.

While mentionning the Sept. update I don´t really expect big changes, and if there are due to Balance dataslate it would be only if there are some significant events between Sept and the release of the Codex.

"Winter" runs up to March 20th 2024 afterall... and if there are events inbetween that lead to AdMeh being underperforming it might penalize sales at launch; or boost them. So may be some slight adjustements already included in the Codex might be released in Sept, to tease it somehow... But I am may be wish listing here.

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It is one of the speculations: would codices, any codex, include one or more factions/detachment rules? I wish it does but, we will probably have a better view once the first codice will have been released. 

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I started playing in 8th so didn’t experience the old rules when the armies were bifurcated. 

In my opinion the army has suffered because they continue to treat cult/skirarii as separate entities, going so far in 9th to having the clumsy doctrina/canticles for different units depending on their keywords/association with cult or skitarii.


I hope they don’t continue that for our codex. They need to get a clear idea of what our army should do on the tabletop, lower points, and fix broken rules like the above mentioned data smith making robots vulnerable to anti infantry.

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