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=] Call to Arms: Chaos Stronghold [=

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Okay, the Lordiest Lord of Call to Arms 2023 poll is currently now live - you can find it here!  Now go vote!  Sorry about the delay - I kind of ran out of steam the last few weeks, and had some trepadition (and then some difficulty) setting up the poll correctly.

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui
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Chaos Page topper.png








Call to Arms 2023 Chaos Stronghold Summary



First of all, thank you to everyone who participated in our first ever Call to Arms, whether or not you completed your Vows, you have all made the event the success it has been. Should enough of you clamour for more we may very well have this event return annually.



Ok, so how did the Chaos Forums and Stronghold perform throughout the Event?


Chaos Knights - Participants vs Competed: 1/1, Pledged, 66pts / Complete: 66pts / Secured: 66/66pts (100%)

The first of three Forums from the Chaos Stronghold to achieve an outstanding 100% Participant Completion, and as such, @Boc has claimed the Chaos Knights Champions of the Call badge.

chaos champions heretic knights.png


Heretic Astartes - Participants vs Completed: 16/18 Pledged:  559pts / Complete:  528pts / Secured: 528/559pts (94%)

As the primary faction within the Chaos Stronghold, the Heretic Astartes had the most Participants, points pledged and completed within the Stronghold. What the Forum lacked in Participants and pledged models vs. it's Imperium counter-part, it made up with dedication to the cause. This is in no small part to @Dr_Ruminahui's efforts throughout the entire Call to Arms Event within the Stronghold, and surely is a significant factor in the motivation and performance shown within the Stronghold forums. Unfortunetly, the Heretic Astartes Forum was the only one within the Stronghold to fall just shy of the 100% mark of the other three Forums, with a still outstanding completion rate of 94%, with just two Participants missing the deadline. This has earned all Participants who complted their vows in the Heretic Astarted Forum the Champions of the Horde badge to display in their signatures.

chaos champions heretic astartes.png


The Realms of Chaos - Participants vs Completed: 1/1, Pledged:   20pts / Complete:   20pts / Secured: 20pts (100%)

The second of three Forums from the Chaos Stronghold to achieve an outstanding 100% Participant Completion, and as such, @renegadeguard has claimed the Realms of Chaos Champions of the Call badge.

chaos champions heretic guard.png


Age of Darkness Traitors - Participants vs Completed: 1/1, Pledged:  12pts / Complete: 12pts / Secured: 12pts (100%)

The third of three Forums from the Chaos Stronghold to achieve an outstanding 100% Participant Completion, and as such, @Trixie has claimed the AoD Traitors Champions of the Call badge.

chaos champions heretic legionaires.png



As with most Events, there are of course Badges for Individual Achievments within the Stronghold,


Starting with those who did not Complete their Vows, the Spawn Badge, these Participants are honour-bound to bear this Badge until years end.

spawn badge chaos.png


@Brother Argent

@Valkia the Bloody



For Completing 1-9pts within the Call to Arms, the Completed Badge,

completed chaos.png






For Completing 10-24pts within the Call to Arms, the Servent of Chaos Badge,

servant badge chaos.png


@Brother Captain Arkley









For Completing 25-44pts within the Call to Arms, the Chosen of Chaos Badge,

chosen badge chaos.png










@Tallarn Commander



For Completing 45-74pts within the Call to Arms, the Aspiring Champion Badge,

aspiring badge chaos.png






For Completing +100pts within the Call to Arms, the Warmaster of Chaos Badge,

warmaster badge chaos.png





Congratultions to @crimsondave for completing 158pts worth of models, which was individually the most points completed in the Chaos Stronghold, and claiming the title of Chaos Champion badge.

chaos champion.png



The Moderators and Administratum were faced with the very difficult task of selecting three Artificers from each Stronghold, just three entries each from the many, many excellent models submitted within each Stronghold for the Call to Arms. These three Artificers will face off against one another in a Public Poll to claim the Stronghold Artifcer Badge, AND a physical prize. Next, the three Stronghold Artificer's from the Imperium, Chaos, and Xenos Strongholds will face off in one last Public Poll to claim the Master Artificer Badge.


Congratulations to @Boc, @Brother Captain Arkley, and @spiros14 for their fantastic entries, earning themselves the Artificer Badge, and a shot at being the Call to Arms 2023 Master Artificer.

artificer badge xenos.png


Boc's Cerastus Knight




Brother Captain Arkley's Azrakh the Annihilator




spiros14's Cultist Squad





Please take a moment to look at all three polls and cast your votes,




Now, you may have noticed the overall Stronghold participants, and points completed are missing, they will feature in one last Summary where the Strongholds results verses each other will be discussed, and prizes announced ans so on. Artificer Polls will be open for  a week or so, and then we'll talk Strongholds.

Edited by Grotsmasha
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7 minutes ago, Brother Captain Arkley said:

Cant use the badges @Grotsmasha


This image is larger than the maximum allowed dimensions of x 100. and This image is larger than the maximum allowed dimensions of x 100.

I was able to copy/paste them into my signature no problems. I'm not sure why this issue keeps cropping up? I got the error when I tried from your links, but not when copy/pasting the image from the post itself.

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I don't know how to add the badges. I understand cutting and pasting, but when I edit my profile I don't see a way to change my signature. I'm on a Mac if that means anything but it shouldn't. I think I have it figured out. It is weird signature is not part of your profile...

Edited by Muskie
Confusion versus accuracy
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45 minutes ago, Brother Argent said:

Hey @Grotsmasha.  Noticed you have me for both Spawn and Servant badges.  Unfortunately I am just a spawn this time around...  

edit: Mis-read, have corrected :thumbsup:

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Thanks again @Grotsmasha for running the event, and @Dr_Ruminahui for the motivational updates. My painting has fallen off a cliff since it finished! I think the combination of overdoing it in the last couple of weeks to get the models finished, plus some holiday, has done for me. Planning to get back on it next week and start my terminators!

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Our lowest completion rate being 94%?  :wub:  :banana::banana::banana:  Great going guys!


Thanks (and you're welcome) to all who have expressed appreciation of my cheerleading - it makes me happy that I could help inspire you all to paint up a storm and produce so many gorgeous models for this event, and it feels great such was appreciated.  And really, it was fun to give you all your well deserved praise every week, even if it did require me to plumb my vocabulary for new superlatives. :biggrin:  Really, all the work done in this event was by @Grotsmasha and by all you folks who participated.


@Boc - Winning Chaos knights as its only contributor definitely still counts as winning!  Good job!  Likewise, good job to @renegadeguard and @Trixie for winning for the Traitor Guard and 30K forums!  And @crimsondave for being the winningnest of them all - you cranked out so many excellent models.


@legoman - I think some burn out after a big push like you did for the event is normal.  Certainly I'm feeling the same and I painted far less than you did.


@Brother Captain Arkley - No surprise you painted the most for Chaos - Chaos is the best!  We have free tentacles and crab claws!


@Boc, @spiros14 and @Brother Captain Arkley, congratulations all of you for your Artificer badges, all well deserved.  As for everyone else, although Grotsmasha had to limit it down to those 3, there are were so many entries that deserved to or could have been included had there been space for them.  And if anyone hasn't voted for their favorite yet, go do so.


As well, if you haven't yet, go vote for the Lordiest Lord - less than a week left to get your vote in!

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui
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On 10/24/2023 at 7:13 PM, Grotsmasha said:

I was able to copy/paste them into my signature no problems. I'm not sure why this issue keeps cropping up? I got the error when I tried from your links, but not when copy/pasting the image from the post itself.

It still doesn't work. I cut and pasted them and it keeps saying they are larger than 100 by 100 pixels. I download the pictures and they are 100 by 100, it still won't let me add them, is the other badge too big. I don't understand why I can't add the exact same badge other people can.

Edited by Muskie
100 pixel test
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On 10/25/2023 at 11:13 AM, Grotsmasha said:

I was able to copy/paste them into my signature no problems. I'm not sure why this issue keeps cropping up? I got the error when I tried from your links, but not when copy/pasting the image from the post itself.


2 hours ago, Muskie said:

It still doesn't work. I cut and pasted them and it keeps saying they are larger than 100 by 100 pixels. I download the pictures and they are 100 by 100, it still won't let me add them, is the other badge too big. I don't understand why I can't add the exact same badge other people can.


@Brother Tyler @WrathOfTheLion any ideas?


(This is referencing the Award Badges)

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I could only guess that it'd be something with the browser or system pasting the image as is and trying to reupload a new attachment. Still, I don't know and that's just blind guessing. Either MacOS or the browser could resize it or perform some other transformation during that.


I usually copy the link and paste it when I add badges to mine.


I'll try uploading the image in the post with my mac and see if anything interesting happens



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1 hour ago, Dr_Ruminahui said:

For whatever reason, the copy of the Servant badge you posted above seems clearer/less fuzzy than the one that was inserted by Brother Tyler into Muskie's signature.

I want to say my system did some sort of color space transformation on it, so it's brighter now, between sRGB and linear.

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Been on vacation for a while and had some life mishaps so I'm just now getting back.  Thanks for all you did to make this a fun time, @Grotsmasha, and thanks @Dr_Ruminahui for keeping us motivated to keep on keeping on.

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Thanks and you're welcome, @crimsondave!


The polls for Lordliest Lord are now closed (in fact, they have been for a week - sorry for my delay) and crimsondave has the Lordliest Lord in the form of his Iron Warriors terminator lord!  It was a close thing, with @Brother Captain Arkley and his khorne terminator lord close behind, but is well deserved!  May he wear his unofficial title with well earned pride!


And congratulations to Brother Captain Arkley for winning the best Chaos mini and being in the run for Master Artificer.  So, while only the 2nd most Lordly, it is still a very fine model and perhaps the finest model of the 2023 Call to Arms.

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui
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