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Indomitus Wrecks


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I'm still getting character happy, but they're usually small characters with Leadder/Force Multiplication buffs:


Roboute Guilliman


Hanging out with 

Phobos Libby + 10 Infiltrators (for Super Stealth and 3ish freebie CP per game (Guilliman can freebie Repeat one Strat per turn, 5 battle rounds is 10 turns, 10 rolls for a 5+


Marneus Calgar hanging out with a BGV Lieutenant and 6 BGV - probably on the opposite side of G  (all total gives me an estimated average income of 2.6ish  CP per turn)


Uriel Ventris (may not stay Uriel, and go generic walkers) hanging with some (10) Intercessors sticky capping after they deep strike behind whichever Epic Hero Group starts clearing objectives first.


Sergeant Telion hanging with 10 Scout Snipers with a potentially precision Krak Missile Launcher.


10 Heavy Intercessors holding objectives themselves.


6 Eradicators that are potentially just a place holder for something I like better.


Still over 50 models plus characters. 


The Erads are kinda Meh on tank hunting, and that's one of my weaknesses with only Guilliman having anything over S9  That could turn into a couple Gladiators or Devs in Pods or something quick.

Edited by Tacitus
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The Eradicators look OK to me. They get full rerolls vs Vehicles and Monsters, even without OOM which should help. If you find they do not cut the mustard, you could consider adding the Apothecary Biologis to give them Lethal Hits. With the aforementioned rerolls, you should be getting 1-2 auto-wounds per volley which will definitely help push the damage through.


With 8 shots + rerolls + Biologis, you will normally be looking at 1 auto-wound, 6 hits and a miss. Even against heavy tanks, that will normally be another 3 regular wounds once rerolls are applied. Even if your opponent gets a luck 6 on a save, that is 10-ish points of damage at long range or 16 within Melta range.

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Conversely for their points and the BGV Lieutenant I could probably take two Gladiator Lancers.  There's also dropping the Intercessors down to 5 - you only need 1 to sticky cap an empty objective.


One of the nice but weird things about 40K right now is that there are so many mini-gimmicks to try and layer in and still cover all your threat-band bases.  I'm also realizing without the Dreads I had last time, I'm missing some S6-7 shooting for Terminators and Gravis equivalents - especially the Gravis as the S5 BGV swords will have difficulty vs T6. 

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