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Index Errata and Tournament Companion

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A few other documents were mentioned in the video that you should be aware of. The first of these contains the initial balance updates that will launch in early July, seeking to address some of the early imbalances that have emerged in the new armies. Chief among these will be changes to Fate dice used by the Aeldari, and forms of indirect fire.

These are updates made for balance purposes – to keep the game fun for all – and we plan to revisit rules in this way with quarterly points updates, and rules updates every six months.


I'll be very interested to see where this goes!

At least if GW cripple Eldar we'll be like we are in the lore: Shadows of our formerselves and remembering our past strength fondly :biggrin:

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Also the following!



We’re also expecting a wider errata for all the new game content later in July. With 1,000 or more units and hundreds of pages of brand-new rules across 24 factions now in the wild, and thousands of games already played globally, a few more odd typos and niche interactions have been spotted, and we’d like to get them cleared up.


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12 minutes ago, TrawlingCleaner said:

The Errata is specifically for the Physical Index Cards, not the Indexes themselves too. All this does is bring the cards up to date with the PDF indexes




Nothing in here for the current digital Index.

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3 minutes ago, Colman said:

What's up with Towering? I've missed that discourse.

It basically removes half of the impact of terrain. You can see and be seen by Towering models, even with the 'obscuring' terrain elements in the way, so it makes it hard to hide Towering models - but also means Towering models are hard to hide from, so the high firepower of the various Knights is easy to leverage.

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Stu keeps mentioning this "Casual" or "casual matched play" thing, I was told matched play is always cutthroat super cereal?!


Jokes aside, it is good that they keep this metawatch thing going. It's not as much communication as I would like, but it is certainly good.


6 minutes ago, Malakithe said:

So a good chunk of the printed cards that people paid for that arent even released are now wrong and obsolete? 

To be fair those cards have been up to date for most of their shelf life. Warehouse shelves that is. :turned:

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I must say Mike is an excellent speaker - it is clear they have thought deeply.


The biggest thing I take from this is that


- there will be quarterly points updates, with the first full one "probably in mid September"

- semi-annual balance dataslate, with this occurring in December/January


But there seems to be a suggestion of a smaller points change happening sooner, Mike and Stu mention these will be "to kick off the meta" well - these are "targeted changes". Both towering and indirect fire are mentioned as problematic rules areas. But Stu mentions they also "want the meta to evolve" with "waves of innovation".


Still this does show how much the studio is being led by tournaments and competitive play, of course something 9th also made clear.

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Good to hear, overall, tho it does make me hesitant to actually purchase any Index decks.


Also, would love to know when the FW Index stuff will get an errata. I don’t play anyone who’d actually disallow me from attaching my Biker Warboss to the Warbikers he’s obviously meant to be able to lead, but it’d be nice to see that in print.

Edited by Lexington
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5 minutes ago, Petitioner's City said:


Would you rather errors and mistakes weren't addressed? :wallbash:

The thing is, the free rules don't have these problems - the paid product is literally inferior to the free product

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Just now, Doctor Perils said:

The thing is, the free rules don't have these problems - the paid product is literally inferior to the free product


It does cost money to print them out on cardstock, etc, so while the online product is free, to use it like the bought product you have to exchange some coin in that process - the last I checked that can be quite pricey, as it's not a standard size? (unless you have some fancy free printing :) )


So if you have bought the cards (and I find the AoS ones rather useful), you can always correct them :) 

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8 minutes ago, Petitioner's City said:


Would you rather errors and mistakes weren't addressed? :wallbash:

Ive said before I would be fine paying a small sub for full digital so errors could be addressed faster and easier. Its a good thing im not even interested in the cards as I knew from my AoS experience that they would be a wasted effort.

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10 minutes ago, Petitioner's City said:


Would you rather errors and mistakes weren't addressed? :wallbash:


i guess at a premiumpricepoint a customer COULD expect an equally premium quality control. but here are your crayons guys, time to update it yourself!


man, i love the taste of customer value, not gonna lie here.

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