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I remember, I bought those sprues when they were first released. :wink:
The thing is that since then we've have the FW black books and the Black Library novels etc which have established a pretty solid framework for armour lore, so making Mk VI the default again is creates an odd situation where we either need a retcon which will affect some people's favourite works (Know No Fear, for example) or we're restricted to the late Heresy in LI in order for the various legions to have a suitable supply of Corvus armour.
Also, personally: All my 40k Death Guard are in Mk III. I'd like some continuity!

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15 minutes ago, Urauloth said:

I remember, I bought those sprues when they were first released. :wink:
The thing is that since then we've have the FW black books and the Black Library novels etc which have established a pretty solid framework for armour lore, so making Mk VI the default again is creates an odd situation where we either need a retcon which will affect some people's favourite works (Know No Fear, for example) or we're restricted to the late Heresy in LI in order for the various legions to have a suitable supply of Corvus armour.
Also, personally: All my 40k Death Guard are in Mk III. I'd like some continuity!


And personally I'd very much like to see xenos armies come in quickly, just like the original Codex Titanicus and space marine 2nd edition did, rather than GW just release the exact same marine units over and over in 4 different tiny armour marks in yet another marine sausage fest. But I suspect I'm going to be even more disappointed; but for the same reason, the high cost of the creation of plastic sprue moulds, for a niche game, when the opportunity cost is churning out some more 40k minis that print money.

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Yea I would much prefer them expanding into xenos factions rather than churn out other armour marks of the same units. In the future if this does well I could see the initial SM/Auxilia being mainly plastic then a xenos race or two done in resin, which to me seems the most likely if they were to expand the armies past imperials and spikey imperials.

But then of course you get FW resin and the absolute highway robbery those items cost :dry: 

Edited by Mechanicus Tech-Support
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Mk6 in LI keeps it on line with AoD.

Mk6 was in AoD which was partly pitched on the 'nostalgia factor'.

I picked AoD on the basis that it was a big version of the Space Marine game I had in Epic scale as a kid.

And that had beakies in it because they matched the RTB01 box (which I also had).


Beakies become a marketable face for the 30k setting - as a kid in a GW store you can instantly recognise where this game sits in the franchise. 


But then why not have marine vs marine with Land Raiders and Rhinos? To ensure there is more of an incentive to buy a starter box rather than just the new rules and use those old models someone has in the loft / eBay / 3D printed.


A recent Painting Phase video with an ex-GW product designer gives some excellent insight into selling toy soldiers and the 'Hobby Trumpet'. The make up of the starter box makes more sense to me now having watched it.


Mk6 are at the wide end of the trumpet, other Marks are for the hardcore who will spend more to make it what they want. I don't want to become overly cynical here and I'm not knocking GW for this approach. 


As it is, I'll probably give it a miss as I never did get that AoD box started...


EDIT: this is just my take, not fact and other opinions are welcome.

Edited by Rusted Boltgun
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Older Marks are for the fans who came in during Visions of Heresy/White Dwarf 300/ Horus Rising era and then the fans who came in during Badab and Betrayal. Beakies were automatically associated with the Horus Heresy from 89 to 03 when Collected Visions was released. Betrayal was released in 13 and the other marks were still as prominent. That’s 20 years of Mark 2, 3, 4, and 5 being as integral to the Heresy as the preceding fourteen years of the Beakies being ‘the Heresy Armor’. 

so for a lot of people, No it isn’t a waste of plastic to do different Armor Marks. Mark 2-5 are some peoples nostalgia. 

Edited by Marshal Rohr
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6 hours ago, Redcomet said:

Sorry forgot you where an armor purist. Why stop there. Mk 1, 2 , 3 and 5 needs to be made too. So that people with magnifying glasses can see the difference and complain that the opponent is fielding the wrong armor mark for their legion in this “historical” game.


This is a joke and sarcasm btw.

I agreed with you until you said you were joking. But I cannot agree with a joke, as I had my funny bones surgically altered so I would not have a sense of humor.

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The Modern Armour Mark Fluff is from the mid 90s, when the Mk4 already was the Prime of Imperial Technology at the beginning of the Heresy and primary issued to the Traitor Legions, while the Mk5 was a stop-gap ect..


This was already part of the 2nd Edition's Canon.

Edited by Warmaster1988
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40 minutes ago, Marshal Rohr said:


so for a lot of people, No it isn’t a waste of plastic to do different Armor Marks. Mark 2-5 are some peoples nostalgia. 


I don't know if that was directed at my comment but I don't think the other marks are a waste of plastic and for the record, agree that using Mark 6 goes against what is now lore. 


However, I refer you to the 'Hobby Trumpet'. 

I think GW must think that Mark 6 would be an easier sell for AoD and, by extension, are consistent marketing for this scale 'in the age of Heresy'.


Personally, I would have liked to see mark 2 or 3 or 5. I'm not a fan of the helmet on mark 4.

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37 minutes ago, Redcomet said:

Oh no, people have views and opinions. How dare they. 
Just consume product.

I know, I was also quite shocked that the setting in which GW has excluded Xenos from for over a decade now has released a new game based on said setting and didn’t include Xenos. We should probably post another million replies to the thread about how shocking and upsetting this is. 

Seriously… do I wish that Xenos players had an option for the myriad of alien races (not you Tau) that were present in the Great Crusade / Heresy? Absolutely. But they didn’t do that. They probably won’t either. I don’t know, but polluting the thread with bellyaching about it and whining about other players wanting variety within the the confines of the game that they *will* play solves nothing and just gets old. 

Edited by DuskRaider
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2 hours ago, DuskRaider said:

This thread:


100 posts of ”We want Xenos! We don’t want armor variances because we can’t have Xenos!”




Unfortunately we are not getting xenos.

Not for years, unless they started planning and building them years ago. Pretty sure they didn't. 

Not sure why it keeps coming up, hope is a dangerous thing, wishing is worse.


But the community will find a way. Hell all the Imperium stuff has been available to print for years.

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12 minutes ago, DuskRaider said:

I know, I was also quite shocked that the setting in which GW has excluded Xenos from for over a decade now has released a new game based on said setting and didn’t include Xenos. We should probably post another million replies to the thread about how shocking and upsetting this is. 


Most previous versions of epic included xenos because they weren't set in the Heresy. Even the 1st version which was, included orks and eldar via WD. There was no immutable law that forced GW to make the new epic set in the Heresy era, rather than 40k - AI wasn't.


On the other hand, we'd probably be getting all the complaints about Primaris in epic instead...

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The rage over not including xenos... smh


"Why isn't GW releasing all the xenos races for a new system, we must rage against the system"  (Casually looks over at Aeronautica which had releases for almost every major xenos faction in 40k and still crashed and burned)


If you want the system to eventually get a 40k supplement and xenos races, then buy and support it.  Otherwise it's pretty guaranteed that GW won't have an issue taking it out back and smothering it with a pillow... again.


I feel like this thread was supposed to be for the News and the Rumors of Legion Imperialis, here's the latest scoop, GW has confirmed that the system is not expanding into 40k factions at this time.  Can we move the discussion on the merits of Xenos or not to a different thread somewhere else so we can free up some space for rumors about maybe getting some Realm of Battle tiles up in here.

Edited by ccnick22
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1 minute ago, Arkhanist said:


Most previous versions of epic included xenos because they weren't set in the Heresy. Even the 1st version which was, included orks and eldar via WD. There was no immutable law that forced GW to make the new epic set in the Heresy era, rather than 40k - AI wasn't.


On the other hand, we'd probably be getting all the complaints about Primaris in epic instead...

I more mean the HH setting than Epic. Ever since FW released the Heresy series starting in what? 2012? It has excluded Xenos. The moment that it was confirmed that the new Epic would be set during the Heresy it should have been a given that Xenos wouldn’t appear. At least not for the time being. 

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Is there an echo in here?


Can we please focus on what the game does involve, and not what we know it definitely doesn't? It's just off-topic really, would it be nice to have the 40k races? Sure. Is it happening in THIS game? No.


Could it happen in another game in the future with a different name? Sure, easily. But just going over this ground endlessly here, is not productive, and will probably attract mod attention before long. 

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10 minutes ago, ccnick22 said:

If you want the system to eventually get a 40k supplement and xenos races, then buy and support it.  Otherwise it's pretty guaranteed that GW won't have an issue taking it out back and smothering it with a pillow... again.

Or…provide constructive feedback on interest and desire for epic Xenos on every one the periodic surveys GW conducts.  Buying these releases will certainly help those of us interested in the current version, but that’s likely all it does.

I remain hyped for the release.  This is the scale I always envisioned and wanted for HH. Probably will try a different legion (and legio) from what I’ve used in HH 1.0/2.0 & AT.   Reality is I’ll likely build every army they release unless the pricing is just too prohibitive for the wife to tolerate.

Not being able to officially recreate the xenos armies I used to have is unfortunate.  More impactful, my long time gaming buddy and the one I most likely would be able to get games with won’t touch it without orcs or elder being represented.  That won’t change me buying and painting.  It may mean I won’t play any actual games. The hobby side is more than enough to keep me happy but I’ll divert other hobby purchases to show support in the hope that it helps the game continue to be supported and grow, rather than increase my hobby budget.  

What will be most interesting is the pace of releases.  While I want all the options to be available now…a more measured pace will be better for me. Assuming my eyesight will hold up with painting the smaller scale.

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I think Mk VI is fine for the standard game (plastic set)  I hope for all the Heresy snobs  aficionado's, they do the other Mk's in resin (I know I wont need or care for them since even though I can see em on the table, I don't really care that much compared to other things like the tanks and planes and Titans...




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2 hours ago, ccnick22 said:

rumors about maybe getting some Realm of Battle tiles



They look waaay better than the 40k sector imperialis ones imo.

They're more like the old resin Realms of battle ones, but flatter and more sparse.
Realms of battle:


Sector imperialis


The plastic 40k ones look like when you add ugly "high res texture mods" to a game, and everything looks really noisy and repetitive. 

Like who can actually imagine walking or driving on any of this stuff... 

Edited by JayJapanB
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15 hours ago, apologist said:

Anyone got any plans for Legions and, uh, whatever the equivalent of Regiments for Solar Auxilia are? 


I'm on a bit of a Salamanders kick at the moment, and think that bright green is going to really pop. One of the ways I think I could have improved my previous Epic stuff was by using brighter, cleaner colours – the techniques I use for 28mm/32mm stuff don't necessarily translate well to Epic scale.


Current thinking is Air Assault White Scars - Storm Eagles, Fire Raptors, Thunderhawks, Xiphons and Stormbirds galore. Probably backed up with Titans and Knights for fun.

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