spiros14 Posted September 9, 2023 Author Share Posted September 9, 2023 Ahoy! Just to update on my building, painting situation to keep me focussed on the project at hand! To start with, I managed to finish off the predator, which you can also see in the Call to Arms thread. As I've said on there, really happy with how the stripes have come out. I want to add a Predator Destructor to the army at some point this year, and I'm not sure if I want to copy this pattern to it or vary it up. The way I see it, the Chaos Legions, as a part of the Crusade and Horus Heresy, should have had squadrons of identical tanks of the same class, likely as an escort piece to a Fellblade or similar. So there's a justification to copy-pasting the markings on the tank. On the other hand, because these legions have gone through both the Heresy and the long war without serious Mechanicus Support, these squadrons feasibly should have been whittled down to pieces on forgotten battlefields or even scattered to the winds as other warbands have taken them for their own cause. It may be a couple of months before I make a decision, I have plenty of models on the to-do list to occupy my time. Also on my list this month are some cultists, and these have also been vowed to the Call to Arms thread to be done this month. I have four new cultists and three old autogun cultists to do. I had wanted to get the Blackstone Fortress cultists to replace the old moulds in the mob, simply because they tie in with the newer guys better and they include the special weapons, but GW have very recently put that unit as "no longer available online, denying me access! A big disappointment, but in the grand scheme of things, a minor setback: good equipment on a single band of mortals will not make the difference in this battle! Finally, I've built up a squad of chosen and a terminator sorcerer, to be part of my painting quota next month. I've said it before, but I do like the chosen models, especially the backpack weapons, and the extra fleshy bits that help them stand out from regular legionnaires, and I'll be looking forward to getting them painted. The Sorcerer was a bit of a meta choice, my plan is for him to be in a full squad of ten brothers and teleport down with my two obliterators and cut down the Imperial dogs in shooting. I tried to pose him a lot more open armed than my Terminator Lord to break the silhouette and help differentiate the two, though the likely scenario will be that these characters won't be close to each other during the battle, as my Lord will start play in a land raider on the front lines, while the sorcerer will start in reserves. With that I've cut down my "to build" list to seven models (five terminators, a land raider, and a predator). I hope by my next post I will have cut down my "to paint" list just as much (I'm currently sitting on 31 models for the army). Until then! ShotgunFacelift, TrawlingCleaner, madlibrarian and 1 other 2 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/379457-the-ultimate-siege-challenge-project-thread-back-on-the-horse/page/2/#findComment-5987490 Share on other sites More sharing options...
TrawlingCleaner Posted September 11, 2023 Share Posted September 11, 2023 Amazing work Spiros, I'm looking forward to seeing how the Chosen come out! spiros14 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/379457-the-ultimate-siege-challenge-project-thread-back-on-the-horse/page/2/#findComment-5987997 Share on other sites More sharing options...
spiros14 Posted October 1, 2023 Author Share Posted October 1, 2023 Howdy guys, It's been almost a month since my last update, mainly because a lot of what I was doing was quite insignificant on its own, but now I can hit you with a more impressive piece. To start with the more simple stuff, the rest of last month's quota, the cultists, were done in fairly quick order, which was put on Grotsmasha's painting challenge over the weeks. I've mentioned before, but I used a more generic villain purple and green scheme on the clothes of these guys because I wanted them to be quite generic without the more bland black and reds used by other evil characters. I also had a good bit of enjoyment putting in some different skin tones on the models. I was also able to get the blackstone fortress cultists on Ebay. one or two of the models need some greenstuff cleanup, but the rest have been undercoated black and ready for the paint table. My recently built marines have also been undercoated, and will be the focus for this month, alongside two of the above cultists. On the terrain side of things I'm happy to announce that I got two of the terrain kits that I was after, allowing me to decorate half of my castle map. I feel really proud of this, as it makes the playspace much more immersive for the armies fighting, and it gives me a huge boost of confidence to get this terrain done admittedly, I had been slacking on that last month, and had moved on to a little bit of painting for my Necromunda and Age of Sigmar armies) So here's an overhead of the Medicae unit, the Control room, and the Library. It's useful for me to have an overhead shot like this, as it'll make it easier to reference as the moths go on. So to start with the control room, this will be where my Chaos Lord, Champion, and Chosen are going to start the battle. These pieces are from the Soulshackle killzone box, and do a great job of filling the space without making it too cluttered. The library uses shelves from terraincrate's arcane library. I think I might have shown this setup before as part of my proof-of-concept, but this is on a larger scale. I wanted to make three larger blocks of shelves to funnel troops into my legionnaires and hinder lines of sight, but I also made a point to keep the corridor to the side clear for a bit of realism. The final room I have on show is the medicae unit, which uses terrain from the Gallowfall Killzone set. This is an important room, as this will be where the hostage will start, and it will be guarded by more legionnaires. The killzone set really helps sell the theme, with both a surgical and an autopsy table (I've tried to separate the chamber into two suites dedicated to each) and I'm confident this will look great once finished, but the downside, at least in my opinion, is that the size and number of the pieces makes the whole thing a little bit cluttered. I plan on getting another terraincrate set to fill out the other rooms, which I should order sometime this month. I'll be aiming to get those chosen done for my next update. Until then! +Spiros14+ ShotgunFacelift, madlibrarian, Dr_Ruminahui and 3 others 4 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/379457-the-ultimate-siege-challenge-project-thread-back-on-the-horse/page/2/#findComment-5992289 Share on other sites More sharing options...
spiros14 Posted November 30, 2023 Author Share Posted November 30, 2023 Hello again, I had a bit of a two-month hiatus on my plan, having had to redo my painting room for a few weeks and then getting completely sidetracked with Necromunda minis (I've been on quite a long campaign with my friends) as well as a fair bit of A song of Ice and Fire (whose simple design work as an excellent palate cleanser for GW minis), but I'm ready to get back on the horse and work some more on this project. The last couple of days have had me work very hard on my chosen, and I've gotten three of the five done (or at the very least, ready to have the transfers put on when I finish the whole squad). This puts me down to twenty minis for the army to paint, plus my terrain, and the navigator model from blackstone fortress, who acts as the mission's captive. My original deadline for this army was early 2024, when the Chaos Space Marines codex released, but that's probably going to be pushed to springtime. We'll see how things go. +Sprios14+ Lord Abaia, TrawlingCleaner, Brother Dallo and 4 others 1 6 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/379457-the-ultimate-siege-challenge-project-thread-back-on-the-horse/page/2/#findComment-6006507 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord Abaia Posted November 30, 2023 Share Posted November 30, 2023 Great looking chosen! I particularly like the face on the guy in the middle. I would not want to run into that guy in a dark fortress. spiros14 and Dr_Ruminahui 1 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/379457-the-ultimate-siege-challenge-project-thread-back-on-the-horse/page/2/#findComment-6006530 Share on other sites More sharing options...
spiros14 Posted December 10, 2023 Author Share Posted December 10, 2023 Some great progress has been done today, brothers. To begin, I've completed my latest box of chosen, who are ready to rumble and cause some casualties. Just because you're in the middle of a crowded firefight doesn't mean you can't smile for the camera. This in itself means that I'm down to 19 models to paint for the army, and it completes my ten-man chosen squad with a Lord and Champion attachment. I've mentioned before that these marines are set to be in charge of the castle garrison, and will be deployed in the room I've designated my command centre while my Warsmith sallies out with his terminators in a Land Raider. In terms of walls, I'm down to the last eight. I'm aiming to get those done by the end of the month so stay tuned for that. Speaking of the Terminators, I've made a build plan for my latest box. I already own two squads of five terminators, but when it came to building them, I just kind of threw it all together with small regard to combat weapons and who gets what ranged weapon. While this isn't something to be condemned, it does slow down game-time when you have to choose which squad member you're killing, not to mention needing to separate your attacks one at a time or by using different dice sets, which can really make it a slog, especially in large games. What I ended up doing is mixing and matching so I had a single squad I used for my normal games, and a second squad of the leftovers. I wanted to change that a little bit, and in this game I have one squad in a land raider ready to get up close and personal, and a larger ten man team with a sorcerer in deep strike. I also wanted to be able to split these again down the line into three distinct squads for any future games that might warrant fifteen terminators striking down the enemy in a three-pronged attack. With that in mind I'm going to make squad three as shown in the left table, then mix up my squad members so I have the configuration on the right. For now though I have six cultists on painting handles ready to be started. I'm aiming to get the completed and my terminators built for the next post. Until then! +Spiros14+ madlibrarian, Dr_Ruminahui and TrawlingCleaner 2 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/379457-the-ultimate-siege-challenge-project-thread-back-on-the-horse/page/2/#findComment-6008712 Share on other sites More sharing options...
spiros14 Posted December 22, 2023 Author Share Posted December 22, 2023 Hey gang, Just a small update here. As promised, I've gotten my cultists painted up (fifteen down, five to go) and I'm very pleased with how they've come out: I'm really happy with how this mob has come out so far. Cultists are the lowest form of life in the heretic astartes toolkit, but you've got to love a madman who showed up to a battle with armour they made themselves and an autogun too rusty to be considered salvage. I've gotten my terminators build and (not pictured here) undercoated. As said previously this "squad" is going to be painted then split up to augment my existing terminators into three reasonably coherent squads, so I'm eager to get these done so I can sign all three as "completed" Even in an unpainted state, there's something impressive in seeing a block of terminator armour. I've played more than a few team apocalypse games, but I think my favourite parts in them is when you see a mass teleportation of twenty-plus terminators strike in, either made up by several players in a colourful parade of death or one select player who brought most of the first company and the chapter's high command to match (my fondest memory in that regard involved Grimnar, Arjac, Stormcaller, and a lot of their friends). My final plan isn't quite at that level, not is it likely to be, but I can take pride in having this many terminators on the field. Hopefully I can get enough done between now and next Monday to warrant another update, but if not, I hope you all have a very happy new year. +Spiros14+ Kythnos, TrawlingCleaner, Lord Abaia and 2 others 2 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/379457-the-ultimate-siege-challenge-project-thread-back-on-the-horse/page/2/#findComment-6010935 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr_Ruminahui Posted December 22, 2023 Share Posted December 22, 2023 Your cultists, just like your last bunch, are fantastic. I think you would do well to photograph them with a different background, though, as the bright reds and oranges of this one kind of washes out the minis. spiros14 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/379457-the-ultimate-siege-challenge-project-thread-back-on-the-horse/page/2/#findComment-6010957 Share on other sites More sharing options...
spiros14 Posted January 15, 2024 Author Share Posted January 15, 2024 Happy new year to you brothers. I hope your 2024 has been fruitful so far! I've reached a small milestone in my army today by getting all of my cultists painted, based, and ready to be meat shields for the Iron Warriors and I wanted to showcase them all for you today. First up thank you Dr_Ruminahui for your advice. I don't have much of a skill with photography, and tend to just pick backgrounds willy-nilly. I hope the more muted blue of my boarding action walls act as a better backdrop for my cultists. Here's the full unit in their twenty-strong glory! I made a point of painting the leader's horns red to help him stand out a little from his fellows, as that bolt pistol is quite hard to pick out in a press of bodies. As I may have mentioned before, I love how disorganised and characterful these models are (more so than the stoic astartes in the warband) and painting them have been a real treat. The important characters of the mob. I'm really happy with how the flames have come out on the big man. Some contrast paint and gradual drybrushes are all you need to build up a great flame effect on models, which is always fun to apply. I also like how my grenade launcher and heavy stubber have come out too, and I'm sure they'll find their way into a few Necromunda scenarios to play with the group as enemy NPCs. Those weapons can be lethal in the underhive! This unit is the culmination of three different cultists boxes, which give them all a unique loadout and pose - there are no twins in this unit! While this made it a slow process to paint (more than a couple of months on and off) I feel suitably rewarded by seeing them finished (hopefully they return the favour by doing really well in my games). The basic cultists kit The Children of the Abyss expansion for Blackstone Fortress, minus leader. The three easy-build cultists introduced by the Dark Vengeance boxset in 6th edition. My model count to paint for my apocalypse army is currently now eight, however, I'll be taking a small hiatus from painting my Iron Warriors warband in favour of some smaller projects for other game systems. I hope by my next post I have some pictures of either my completed Terminator squads or a fully painted boarding action layout. May the dark gods sweep over the galaxy in a menacing tide! +Spiros14+ Lord Abaia, Lay, madlibrarian and 1 other 1 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/379457-the-ultimate-siege-challenge-project-thread-back-on-the-horse/page/2/#findComment-6015960 Share on other sites More sharing options...
spiros14 Posted March 21, 2024 Author Share Posted March 21, 2024 And I am returned brothers! While I have still spent the last two months painting, it has been units for non-GW games like Star Wars Legion and A Song of Ice and Fire in a bid to get some of my pile of shame in order. I am now back with fresh bitterness in my heart and a sense of purpose to crush the loyalists! As promised, I have gotten my terminator squads all painted and ready for deployment. Perhaps my favourite bit about team apocalypse games are the mass terminator assaults that happen turn 2. Because everyone tends to have a terminator squad or two in their collection, and they were shoe-ins for apocalypse games, so you'd end up with games where roughly two dozen terminators would teleport onto the field and wreck face in a parade of death. or you'd have someone bring a demi-company's worth of termies with character (I know I was guilty of this with captain Karlean back when I played Blood Angels, and I recall another player in my LGS doing so with at least Arjac, maybe Grimnir and Stormcaller too) and they'd have almost a last-stand moment straight from the artwork. I've always considered it a great spectacle in games. My main squad I intend to use for my everyday matches. My second squad, to be attached to the above squad to make a ten-strong unit and a terminator sorcerer lord and put in reserve for apocalypse games. My third squad, to be put in a Land Raider with my terminator lord for apocalypse games. It's a little funny that today we also saw the teaser for the upcoming Veterans of the Long War box. While I love the new Chaos Lord model, a collection of twenty-five terminators isn't something I want right now, so I'll either wait for his blister release or split the box with someone (my hobby group are quite the chaos enjoyers). My army to-do list has taken a bit of a change lately. While I still want to and will eventually play this siege mission, it's designed to be a one-on-one affair. I had a sudden urge to play a team apocalypse game with my Iron Warriors to test the waters a bit, and so have begun organisation of a casual team apocalypse game in July. I've given those in my group who are interested the general instructions of "3,000 points, maybe bring something big" and to follow that I've changed my own list slightly... I've cut out most of my base infantry in exchange for vehicles, including a Falchion super-heavy tank, which has just arrived for me to build. My build/paint list for this list change is four models (the sorcerer, predator, land raider, and falchion) but with four months before deadline I am hopeful I can get through it all. I am partway through building my Land Raider, and I aim to get that built (and maybe undercoated) for my next post. Until then, brothers! +Spiros14+ danodan123, Lay, Cpt.Danjou and 4 others 2 5 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/379457-the-ultimate-siege-challenge-project-thread-back-on-the-horse/page/2/#findComment-6029701 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tallarn Commander Posted March 21, 2024 Share Posted March 21, 2024 The termies look wonderful. Have fun at the July Apocalypse game. May there be massive Terminator Mayhem on the field! spiros14 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/379457-the-ultimate-siege-challenge-project-thread-back-on-the-horse/page/2/#findComment-6029704 Share on other sites More sharing options...
TrawlingCleaner Posted March 22, 2024 Share Posted March 22, 2024 Absolutely lovely Terminators spiros, great work! spiros14 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/379457-the-ultimate-siege-challenge-project-thread-back-on-the-horse/page/2/#findComment-6029824 Share on other sites More sharing options...
spiros14 Posted March 25, 2024 Author Share Posted March 25, 2024 Thank you for the compliments. I'm very excited for some terminator madness to mosh-pit in the middle of the table! Speaking of, I finished off the last of my terminators with my sorcerer lord! My original plan was to paint up the robes in purple and green like my regular sorcerer, but I was having so much fun with the red on his crown I went with that instead. As said previously, the plan is to have him in a big unit of terminators (and close by a unit of obliterators) in deep strike so I can get the most out of his Warptime and Death Hex abilities. As promised, I built and undercoated my proteus carrier, which will act as my Warsmith's command vehicle in games. I grabbed a set of 3d-printed side doors on ebay to personalise such an important tank (it's a pity GW don't sell their legion land raider doors any more). While I love some of the design elements of the new land raider model (such as the detachable sponsoons and the smaller-yet-easier-to-build interior) I think the way the sides assemble together can leave some horrible lines on the mini that are hard to remove, I like to think that while the rest of the battle is happening, my Warsmith is stood completely still in the Land Raider, using his armour's HUD to direct the battle to an obsessive degree. Only when his bodyguard send him a teams message that they're in charge distance of the enemy does he ready himself to engage. I have a tendency to leave large gaps in projects like these without showing any work, so I'll be making an effort to post some progress in a couple of weeks time, regardless of how far I've actually progressed. Until then! +Spiros14+ Tallarn Commander, Dr_Ruminahui, TrawlingCleaner and 2 others 3 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/379457-the-ultimate-siege-challenge-project-thread-back-on-the-horse/page/2/#findComment-6030276 Share on other sites More sharing options...
spiros14 Posted April 9, 2024 Author Share Posted April 9, 2024 A progress report as promised, brothers! I just about finished the land raider a few moments before posting this and I wanted to share the results. I did try this out in a game recently and while it greatly underperformed (all of my tanks did, mainly due to some very lucky saving throws from my opponent) I am eager to try it on the tabletop again! Warsmith Khragan's personal pimpmobile on the battlefield. I've found painting a fully metallic tank to be a dull affair, so I added some markings to colour it up a little. I was inspired by the Grey Knight's own Land Raiders, which have those heraldric emblems along the sides, so decided to add my own take on that. I also added a red band at the rear of the tank, partly to add colour, and partly to hide a line on the hull from where the parts were glued together. Perhaps it's to show it's a command vehicle, perhaps this is my warsmith showing his devotion to Khorne in the best way his pedantic brain can allow, or perhaps it's a campaign or honour marking of sorts. For the hull I used a heavily mediumed Basilicanum Grey (4:1) to wash my tanks to get rid of the streaking issue I was having with my predator. I also used Agrax Eathshade wash over the tracks to differentiate them from the hull. I did end up weathering the top of the tank with watered down Mournfang and Skrag brown in the recesses to again add some colour. I then added a load of transfers to the front hatch. Finally I started work on my Falchion. This is the first resin kit of this size that I've worked on, and it's quite daunting. I did find on delivery that the left hull had snapped in transit, and while GW customer support quickly sent me a replacement, it hasn't arrived yet. Still, I intend to get the right hull and whatever extra details I can glued on for my next update. My invitation for a July apocalypse game has gotten my hobby group hyped up quite nicely. One player has gotten himself a secret super heavy that he's been happily working on for his World Eaters, and another (The Imperial Fists player this siege project is being designed for) asked if he could go a little over the points limit of 3,000 to bring his Warlord Titan. Not only did I allow it, I urged him to take another 2,500 points on top of that, and signed on a seventh player, so we could have two equal sides of 12,000 points! We are here to Rock! I'll again try and make another update post in a couple more weeks. I'll be aiming to do some more building on my Falchion, as well as building an Iron Warriors contemptor dread I got a couple of years ago before they were discontinued. Until then, brothers! +Spiros14+ TrawlingCleaner, madlibrarian, Kythnos and 4 others 4 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/379457-the-ultimate-siege-challenge-project-thread-back-on-the-horse/page/2/#findComment-6032956 Share on other sites More sharing options...
spiros14 Posted April 27, 2024 Author Share Posted April 27, 2024 Not much of an update brothers, but I did promise I would try and keep things regular. Unfortunately, I still haven't received my replacement part for the Falchion just yet. I don't believe it's been the full twenty days, but I was hopeful that it would arrive before now so I could get it fully built and undercoated by mid-May. There's still plenty of time before that, of course, but I prefer to get things done as long in advance as I can. I have however built up a bit more of the right hull. I also went ahead and got a second Predator Destructor, which I finished building today, done up exactly the same as my already completed one. I've never really been a big tread-head for 40k, but I will admit that it's visually impressive to see a big tank flanked by two smaller escort tanks. I am looking forward to seeing this painted and on the battlefield. I hope to get the predator and contemptor dread (I'll build it next - I swear!) undercoated and ready to be painted by the end of the month, so I'll try and update you when that's all ready. Until then! +Spiros14+ Dr_Ruminahui and ShotgunFacelift 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/379457-the-ultimate-siege-challenge-project-thread-back-on-the-horse/page/2/#findComment-6037244 Share on other sites More sharing options...
spiros14 Posted May 16, 2024 Author Share Posted May 16, 2024 I've gotten some great progress on my last three units completed, which I'm happy to share. First off, I've completed the main body of my dreadnought and my ranged weapon of choice for him, the Lascannon! I like to think that this particular dreadnought is a self-made warrior who made the rather drastic ork decision to lock himself in a dreadnought to make himself more powerful, which worked for just long enough as it took the warband's other warpsmiths to compromise the suit and attach a slave module to him, forcing him to follow their commands! I did manage to magnetise the guns, so I have a choice between lascannon, autocannon, multi-melta, and heavy bolter. Chances are high I'll be sticking to the one gun, which is why the others aren't painted yet, but it's nice to have the option, especially with dreadnoughts. I've made some progress in painting the main chasis of Deimos Predator no#2. I decided on copying the scheme as my first predator, as if these were made on a legion production line. I plan on getting this guy done by the end of this month. Finally, my Falchion piece finally arrived, so I was able to do some more building of the super-heavy. The tracks were quite difficult to work with, but now that it's done, I'm pleased with how impressive it looks. I just need to attach the guns and some minor details on the piece and it will be ready for painting, also scheduled for the end of this month (leaving me the whole of June to be painted for the big day!) I hope my next post will be just as productive, brothers. Until then! +Spiros14+ madlibrarian, danodan123, Brother Nathan and 4 others 4 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/379457-the-ultimate-siege-challenge-project-thread-back-on-the-horse/page/2/#findComment-6040932 Share on other sites More sharing options...
spiros14 Posted May 28, 2024 Author Share Posted May 28, 2024 I've managed to get my Falchion (or at least, the body of it) undercoated and have made some painting progress ahead of schedule. I've decided to help my sanity to paint the Falchion in chunks, rather than the conventional paint all of the hull, then the brass, then the black panels, etc. I've started with the drivers cockpit area and the area around the main gun first. I took the opportunity to write on the Falchion, including the name Hephaestus, greek god of fire, volcanoes, and blacksmithing, the perfect pick for an Iron Warrior's volcano cannon. I chose an Eye of Horus transfer also to represent that this tank has been fighting since the heresy, and (naturally) sided with the Warmaster from the outset. A twisted badge of honour similar to the lightning bolts and bird heads found on heresy-era loyalists. I've also got the name on one side of the main gun housing, which I don't have pictured today I wanted my Falchion to have a very storied history, and inspired by loyalist vehicles like the Venerable Dreadnought and Warhammer World command tanks, I added a list of theatres the super heavy served in. Hephaestus is a true veteran of the long war, and as times (and the Warmaster) have changed, displays a different marking to represent its part in the Black Crusades. I wanted to add Vigilus to the bottom of the list, but ran out of space. Never mind. In other news I played my first game with the new codex against a fellow Chaos Worshipper, who was trying out a Dread Talons list with the Worldclaimer at its head while I was testing out the Fellhammer Siege Host. My opponent had set up a lot of infantry, including thirty legionaries, twenty warp talons, and ten raptors. These was hard-countered by my Forgefiend, who spat death at every turn (Haarkon at least had the honour of being beaten into the dirt by my Warsmith and his terminator bodyguard). The dread talons have some great aggressive tactics (Merciless Pursuit and Pitiless Hunters at least meant my opponent's surviving chosen smashed a chunk out of my flank before being surrounded and forced to quit the field) but the reliance on half strength and battleshock makes it a struggle against other astartes, I plan on getting some more games in before the big apocalypse day, so will be sure to add some pics here as I go along. Until then! +Spiros14+ madlibrarian, Dr_Ruminahui, TrawlingCleaner and 1 other 3 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/379457-the-ultimate-siege-challenge-project-thread-back-on-the-horse/page/2/#findComment-6043079 Share on other sites More sharing options...
spiros14 Posted June 3, 2024 Author Share Posted June 3, 2024 Happy June to you, Brothers! Progress of the Falchion continues apace. I've completed the main sides of the tank, with just the tracks and oil barrels on the main body, as well as some weathering, to complete it. I also kicked off a casual summer league against my friend's Salamanders' Firestorm Assault Force with my Iron Warriors' Fellhammer Siege Host. Though we did have to cut the game short at the end of turn 3, we ended the game at a 35-35 point draw. The Indomitable Salamanders. The use of transports and heavy armour caused me no end of concern. My go-to list of Iron Warriors. Very pleased that it's all painted. Deployment was Search and Destroy with the Priority Target primary and Chosen Battlefield mission rule, allowing us more freedom to place objectives. Jack won first turn, and quickly took down the forgefiend in his opening salvo. By the end of my turn 1 I had managed to scrape by on secondary objectives, though my army's steadfast refusal to hurt the enemy left a frightening amount of Salamander vehicles on the table. Turn 2 had the Salamanders storm the centre of the table with the aim to destroy the Chaos Terminators who had been caught in the open failing to charge the dreadnought. With the Salamanders co solidated in the centre, the Iron Warriors made to encircle the loyalists, and a great turn of No Prisoners brought the score back up (not pictured: Deep Striking obliterators in the backfield and legionnaires taking the right flank) The Salamanders continued to clean up resistance, though the Iron Warriors' brutal attrition had meant they had not done so unscathed. End of Game shot. I think if the game continued my Chosen would probably be roasted by the salamanders, though any survivors would have started eating through the warriors holding the loyalist's home objective (in the ruin the two transports were guarding). I also still had an advantage on anti-tank weaponry, and with the threat of both the Salamander's dreadnoughts (seriously good units) I could open up on the remaining transports. Overall it was a reasonably good game, though some very bad rolls on my part meant I was on the back foot for the majority of it. We did have to cut the game short as my friend needed to catch his bus home, but I'm glad I managed to claw back a draw. I haven't played as or against loyalists in 10th until now and it surprised me greatly that Gravis gives the wearer a toughness of 6 now! It's a good thing I brought combi-weapons with me, or I'd have real difficulty going through all of that! Both dreadnoughts also proved to be quite fearsome, especially the Brutalis pattern's six strike attacks, though I was able to use that against my opponent with Brutal Attrition. Hopefully by my next update I'll have the tank body finished and a more favourable game result. Until then! +Spiros14+ danodan123, Dr_Ruminahui and TrawlingCleaner 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/379457-the-ultimate-siege-challenge-project-thread-back-on-the-horse/page/2/#findComment-6043901 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr_Ruminahui Posted June 3, 2024 Share Posted June 3, 2024 Your mega tanks if looking great! And thanks for the battle report - looks like you had a pretty good run of it despite some crappy luck. I like those mdf ruins you guys are using. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/379457-the-ultimate-siege-challenge-project-thread-back-on-the-horse/page/2/#findComment-6043907 Share on other sites More sharing options...
spiros14 Posted June 10, 2024 Author Share Posted June 10, 2024 Thank you. The day in question is looming ever closer, and I'm really looking forward to it. The terrain is my LGS'. I'm not sure where they sourced it but they're cheap enough to furnish about five tables, with some different styles (including necron and ork. Since I last posted I've finished the main body of the tank and started work on the weapons. Fingers crossed it'll all be done by the weekend. I did notice that I'm getting an excessive amount of chipping in areas, which I've been told is from release agent still on the model (I gave the pieces a very good scrub but I guess the larger tanks have more of the stuff on that I expected), so what I plan on doing is get the last bit of my painting done and then give it a good spray of Matt varnish to keep it all together (This is the first time I'm using varnish, TBH). Hope to write soon with a full army display! +Spiros14+ Dr_Ruminahui and TrawlingCleaner 1 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/379457-the-ultimate-siege-challenge-project-thread-back-on-the-horse/page/2/#findComment-6044915 Share on other sites More sharing options...
spiros14 Posted June 20, 2024 Author Share Posted June 20, 2024 And here we are! A full apocalypse army ready to purge all that stand in the way of the long war! I've split these pictures into two "archetypes". The first is "the retinue", which is made up of elite choices and characters; the guys we want to to push to the middle of the field and recreate every old codex-cover artwork of a last stand with. These thirty-one infantry and two transports may not seem a lot, but they cost just over half of my army in points! Top: what starts the game on the table. Bottom: What starts the game in deep strike reserve. Next we have "the spearhead". My beloved Falchion is the crown jewel in this detachment, and sits alongside two predator annihilators, a forgefiend, a helbrute, and Dar'Vak the forgemaster in his merry band of Havocs. I'm concerned the Falchion may get blasted apart in the first turn - it has a shadowsword, brass scorpion, Kytan, Angron, another falchion, a warlord titan, and a full pokemon team of c'tan to contend with - but that's why we play the Apocalypse games, to Blow up the big tanks! I had the intoxicating taste of the Vindicator tank yesterday when it did 19 damage to an ork stompa. I will be proxying it in a few more practice games before I get the model full time for my collection. As a small intermission between now and the apocalypse game, I started painting an Emperor's Children kill team for fun. I fell in love with Juan Hidalgo's painting tutorial for these guys, and knew I had to try and replicate the scheme on some models. It was quite the challenge to get the pink to blend properly, but I'm very happy with the results. I don't think I'd want an army of these guys, just because it's an in-depth colour scheme, but a kill team should be fine. If I'm still sane after painting all ten I may try acting as a brush-for-hire when the proper codex arrives! A mere two weeks before the big game brothers, I hope I can get some good pictures and compile a decent battle report for you all in a quick timeframe! +Spiros14+ Dr_Ruminahui, TrawlingCleaner, Brother Nathan and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/379457-the-ultimate-siege-challenge-project-thread-back-on-the-horse/page/2/#findComment-6046620 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr_Ruminahui Posted June 20, 2024 Share Posted June 20, 2024 All your minis are gorgeous, though I must admit I particularly like your Emperor's Children (Child?) - the suture work on the right leg is particularly eye catching and is a really neat effect. spiros14 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/379457-the-ultimate-siege-challenge-project-thread-back-on-the-horse/page/2/#findComment-6046626 Share on other sites More sharing options...
spiros14 Posted June 20, 2024 Author Share Posted June 20, 2024 Thank you. Praise from Caeser is praise indeed! (really loving your converted defiler so far!) The suture is actually just a line of Darkoath flesh with Rakarth flesh added to make the stitches. From there I highlighted around the sutures the same ways as the rest of the pink panels. It was quite time consuming but I feel it was well spent. I have the fighters modelled with open arms - the chosen, anointed, and shrivetalon - all undercoated and on the desk. I'll likely be going over them one at a time, but I'm looking forward to it all. Dr_Ruminahui 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/379457-the-ultimate-siege-challenge-project-thread-back-on-the-horse/page/2/#findComment-6046639 Share on other sites More sharing options...
TrawlingCleaner Posted June 21, 2024 Share Posted June 21, 2024 All great work but that EC is sublime! Dr_Ruminahui and spiros14 1 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/379457-the-ultimate-siege-challenge-project-thread-back-on-the-horse/page/2/#findComment-6046709 Share on other sites More sharing options...
spiros14 Posted June 26, 2024 Author Share Posted June 26, 2024 Thank you. The Emperor's Children are a refreshing change to the Iron Warriors as a painting subject. The Iron Warriors were a very easy "silver and contrast paints) base, but these EC really let me put in the time and effort for a beautiful effect. A while ago I mentioned how if you were to take several IW players and put their armies together in one large Apocalypse Team, chances would be high that you would end up with an almost uniform appearance due to it all being silver (perhaps with it being lighter, darker, or more weathered in places), which I think codifies that legion well. The opposite could be said of the Emperor's Children. You would be guaranteed to see players who have painted their hosts to emulate the fleshy baby-pink I have done, the shocking pink shown in some WHTV tutorials, HH purple, and even the 80's themed punk rocker as shown on the lone noise marine on the WH store. All of it would be different, and all of it perfectly canon as every warlord in the legion is an egotistical maverick making his part of the legion his own. It's in fact something I'm looking forward to seeing when the codex releases, as I'm hoping for a similar expansion of warband colour schemes and lore similar to the Thousand Sons or Death Guard. Anyway, here's my latest EC model: I painted the torso plate black to make it look more reinforced than the rest of the warband's plate. That and the black shoulder pad has given him the moniker "The Blackguard" by the rest of the squad. Unwilling to be a "mere" member of the warband's chosen squad, Blackguard here has taken to bossing lower-ranking legionnaires in whatever mission the kill team is thrown at. I'm going to get to painting the Legionary Annointed next - I was moved by a previous post in this forum explaining that old EC lore said they actually enjoyed possession as it "allowed for new experiences", and I'm looking forward to having that sort of representation in the warband. Until then! +Spiros14+ Tallarn Commander, TrawlingCleaner, Dr_Ruminahui and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/379457-the-ultimate-siege-challenge-project-thread-back-on-the-horse/page/2/#findComment-6047585 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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