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Strength of Firstborn Crusader Squads vs Primaris?

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they are good when you need MSU. PCS are bigger and because of that they have to perform in combat. Then you can take a5 man squad for cheap with a bit of close combat and shooting viability and still cheap enough to take them just for objective holding or perform actions (secoundary missions)...

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I think that a crusade force need both of them even if i think the primaris sqquad are too big and difficult to manouvre, in my army the old guys from big daddy dorne legion has (on the tabletop) the specific role of taking object and (lore wise) share wisdom. i personally run 2 squad of crusaders (oriented on the shooting) supported by 10 men assoult intercesor each, for board controll. 


im still a novice of the game and in my experience this is the most effective way to use them.

May the emperor forgive my english.


Praise Be


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