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Index to the 10e Chaos Marines Index

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I may be dumb, but I can't find any kind of index in the 10th edition chaos index and therefore have always floundered around trying to find the units I want in it.  As well, I got tired with having to look through every character just to find out what units could have what character attached.


To solve both these issues, I have created an Word Document giving the Index PDF page number for each unit, as well as a separate list of units and what can attach to them (if the unit isn't listed, it doesn't have anything in the Index that can attach to it).  Figuring others might have the same issues as I do with finding things, I thought I would share it here.  It is saved as an RTF so hopefully most should be able to read it.


Please let me know if I made any mistakes, there are changes that you think should be made, or if there are things that would be useful to add. 


Here's the link: 


Edited by Dr_Ruminahui
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Good point!  I will look into the best way to do that.


Edit: Okay, I've made a few revisions to my copy, which if you want to make them at home, go ahead while I figure out how to replace the version I uploaded with a revised version.  They are:


1.  Add "(may be 2nd leader)" after the "Leader" entry on the Exalted Champion and the Master of Executions

2.  Correct the spelling for the Chaos Rhino so it reads "Dedicated Transport" - I missed the final "d" in dedicated.

3.  In the list of who can be attached to what, for the Accursed Cultist change "(pp ??)" to "(pp 47-48)".


In the meantime, if there any other changes or errors, please let me know.

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui
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