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Terminatorinhell's WIPs

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I cleaned up the bikes a bit and added more stowage for personality and to hid gross seams. 


I also primes the daemon prince, I might add more trophy skulls to the back of his waist. I'm also worried about colors but I want to make it close to the red skin black armor box art. 


And I have a mostly rebuilt Huron Blackheart, I used to hate him but I sort of have a new appreciation for him. He's just missing his faux halo. 









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Your dedication to the hobby is absolutely amazing. It's super cool to see all these models, including some ancient sculpts from a simpler time. With all their drawback, poor quality and sillier proportions, they will always remain Warhammer.


Like you, I also 'cheated' with the seams on the bikes' mudguards: I think adding pouches or other accessories is a really clever way of fixing the problem, without the hassle of actual gap filling.

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I really like Azrael's sword, I think the tones really suit the mini.

I have struggled with some old minis having come back to the hobby and trying out Primaris marines. The older minis don't have such crisp details. Painting the older ones is more 'sketchy' whereas Primaris are more like 'painting by numbers'! At least, that's how it has felt to me. Painting by numbers suits my old eyes and wobbly hands!

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