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Warhammer+ Year 3: Content and Miniatures Teased.

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1 minute ago, Redcomet said:

Karlina? So a lady vampire? Honestly couldn’t tell from the mine. It couldn’t be any more boring if they tried

There's a slight curve on the upper/inner portion of the chestplate that could indicate a female torso, but the head is...ambiguous. My brother will get her right hand, his BA can always use another chalice. 

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Last year I decided to subscribe mostly because of the mini, and I have basically not used it, I still have pending animations to watch and not much time left before the renewal. 

Funnily enough, I took the AoS sorcerer as I loved the familiars and I thought I could use it for RPGs as a villain, even if I haven't had the chance yet. I appteciate the background of the terminator sculpt, but I never collected chaos, I am a mediocre painter so I couldn't do it hustice, and the mini does not lend itself to kitbashing or conversion, which is my favourite part of the hobby, so I gave it a pass. 


The vampire looks quite nice as well, and again it would make a great villain for an RPG (I do not really collect or play AoS), whereas the kasrkin, even if a really nice homage to the art, feels a bit plain. Still, not sure the mini alone is worth the subscription price, and I am not interested at all in the merchandise vouchers compared to actual GW/FW vouchers. 

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32 minutes ago, Matrindur said:

Seems like they don't give you a voucher for the webstore anymore, instead you get two codes for the merchandise store (one in October, one in Spring)


WH+ NewMinis Aug25 Merchoffer

This one hit me hard. I could always use a voucher to help justify buying an overpriced character model but the merch store has zero interest for me so these vouchers will go to waste and I won't be buying any of the character models I've been eyeing up. Damn, I really didn't want to cancel my subscription but there's just nothing there for me this year.

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1 hour ago, Redcomet said:

Karlina? So a lady vampire? Honestly couldn’t tell from the mine. It couldn’t be any more boring if they tried


Can´t help but thinking it looks like a Necromonger from Riddick... As boring as them.

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The merch store voucher is a definite downgrade, what were they thinking? Unlike the main webstore, customs isn't covered by GW so non UK folks need to take that into account. Theres no free delivery option over a certain amount. Even with the 20% off, once you factor those in, it's still not worth it.

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35 minutes ago, Petitioner's City said:


I do think they made a mistake not painting the kasrkin in a style closer to the kopinski painting - I wish it was something more painterly about it.

Someone pointed out on twittee that with a headswap, she would make a batter Drukhari archon, than the one we have now. So will probably get it for that

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The Karl Kopinski art is one of my all-time favourites, but I'm not sure how well it translates to model form. At the end of the day, that piece and the accompanying Guardsmen were just depicting your average Karskin/Guardsmen. There's not enough that stands out about him to justify being nearly 50% more expensive than buying an entire box of Karskin.


The Vampire is cool, but we've hardly been lacking for alternate vampire sculpts since Soulblight Gravelords released.


Edited by Lord Marshal
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So from Vindicare...to Chaos Lord...to a Kasrkrin...So year 4 will be a Grot featured in the background of some ork artwork!


Certainly a fairly recognised art piece but if I were to say which ones are iconic, Blanche likely has somewhere north of 95% of those in my books!

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30 minutes ago, EnsignJoker said:

I went in to resubscribe after taking a year off, and don’t understand why the free mini is still showing as last years terminator or sorcerer and not the Kasrkin or Vampire? Anybody else having that issue? I might just be missing something.


I don’t want to spend money on models I didn’t want last year. 

I don't think they're up yet simply put.

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Yes, the voucher change just feels really tight-fisted from GW. and I’m very surprised as it really reduces the value , perceived or otherwise, of the subscription.


when you consider the mark-ups on the products and the fact that the previous vouchers had (as far as I recall) either a minimum spend or were under the free delivery threshold so led to people (eg me) spending more with the vouchers then they usually would have in the webstore I doubt that they ended up costing GW much but will have driven folk (eg me) to subscribe to WH+. Now, I’m not so sure. A percentage off tat that I don’t want, twice? I’m not sure if I can mentally subtract that from the cost of subscription to justify renewing. 

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It makes me wonder if Merchandise hasn't been a successful as they hoped and this is intended more to push the Merchandise to the seemingly more hardcore customers but they haven't factored in how marginal Warhammer+ is to a lot of people.


Personally I'd quite like to watch Angels of Death, but I've not passed the apathy threshold to subscribe.

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