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Warhammer Preview - NOVA Open 2023

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New scouts - finally! Blockhead boys were really showing their age...


Happy that jump pack intercessors are finally out. The kit is fine, though rather limited posing and I can see it not being to everybody's taste. But can kitbash in intercessors and assault intercessors and pretty much any old tacticus models by adding a jump pack, and assault arms aren't hard to come by, so they'll work just like we used to do for assault marines/DC/vanguard/tactical kitbashes for alt poses. Losing the calf mini jet would actually be a bonus...


Presumably Death Company JP intercessors will be a thing for Blood Angels; the options will likely be limited to chainsword and pistol, same as foot DC assault intercessors, but that's actually not all terrible when doing that option with classic JP DC costs the same as giving them all e.g. powerfist and plasma pistol. Purely personally, it always felt a bit odd giving your not-coming-back suicide troops the absolutely rarest and most treasured weapons from the armoury....


Really like the new chaplain; being cleaner and less cluttered than the older ones is actually nice, though I think he'll be getting a spiky iron-halo style thingie on top. The rest of the kits feel a bit superfluous given I have leviathan, but easy access to new scale terminator legs will be helpful to kitbash with e.g. my spare blood angels assault terminators arms and bling. And I'm glad those that have been waiting for MPK versions instead of monopose haven't had too long to wait.


All I need now is some time in RL to actually model and paint Leviathan...

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This is about what I would have expected from the release: GW releasing models to blur the lines between the firstborn and primaris. They needed to do it eventually.


Everything looks great except I am a little disappointed with the assault marines. The don’t fit the aesthetic I would have predicted. They’re bulkier than I would have expected for a jump assault unit. Maybe they thought a Phobos design would conflict with Reivers jump chutes. Dante was closer to what I would have expected. The Raven Guard scheme looks great on them. Black is slimming?


Way too much tactical rock.

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1 hour ago, Minsc said:

For me who already have the leviathan-stuff and don't need more Scouts and instead was hoping for genuinely new units, is it really a "weird" take to feel  underwhelmed in only 1 new unit? (Especially after seeing all the proper new stuff Nids got.) Can't you understand my disappointment even a little bit?

It's the army with the biggest codex.

How many new units do you need?
I'm not even sure what marines could need. I would have said Assault Terminators, but they aren't new.

Maybe just start a new faction at that point. Or learn to love old stuff. I'm way more worried about stuff being discontinued than released.


As for Nids, they don't get releases every ~24months. Let them have a moment.

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Something I noticed on the Sternguard blurb:



sculpted pauldrons, greave options, eight helmets and seven bare heads


I wonder if that means there might be alternate greaves that look more like other armour Mks? The heavy weapon guy looks more MkVI, but it would be lovely to have some square kneepads like MkIV, etc, etc.


The heads look nice too, glad that the classic bearded Sternguard head (one of my favourite ever) has been updated/included!

Edited by Lysimachus
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2 hours ago, Rhavien said:

Anyone wanna guess, why the jumppack intercessor sergeants are the only intercessor sergeants who can't take thunder hammers? There are also heavy intercessors, who can't take melee weapons at all, but I guess you know what I mean.


Thunder Hammer too Heavy to fly around with, but just light enough to run around with.

As for Heavy Intercessors, aren't they the Heavy Armour Gunline guys?

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2 hours ago, Rhavien said:

Anyone wanna guess, why the jumppack intercessor sergeants are the only intercessor sergeants who can't take thunder hammers? There are also heavy intercessors, who can't take melee weapons at all, but I guess you know what I mean.

Because for along while, thunderhammers were a balance problem:yes:


So they have all be confiscated:laugh:

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52 minutes ago, JayJapanB said:

It's the army with the biggest codex.

How many new units do you need?
I'm not even sure what marines could need. I would have said Assault Terminators, but they aren't new.

Maybe just start a new faction at that point. Or learn to love old stuff.


I'm way more worried about stuff being discontinued than released.


Thats beside the point don't you think? One can always hope for new stuff when promised a "big release". I'd love for more Gravis-units for instance.


OK now you're just being rude. "Learn to love old stuff"? I've been playing SM since 5th and have a ton of painted firstborn I regurarily play with. Still doesn't mean I can't hope for new units does it? 


Agreed. Ironically new units (as in actually NEW units, not just resculpted/"reprimarised" versions of Firstborn) means less chance of firstborn units getting discontinued. These new Jump Assault Intercessors sadly, are a deathsentence for Assault Marines, while a unit of (for example) melee jumppack gravis marines would be its own new thing without stepping on the toes of already existing units.

Edited by Minsc
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Regarding opinions on reveals (Disappointment Fulgrim notwithstanding)


Terminators (Captain/Chaplain):

They all certainly fit in with the Leviathan Terminators, but the Captain looks a little... off. Somethings not right there and I can't quite put my finger on it.


Jump Intercessors (Captain):

Like the style of Jetpack, IMO looks better than the Square ones did. Not really a fan of the Cape on the Captain, it looks like it should be on fire by how close to the thrusters it is. Also, is it me or are the heads on these guys the same as in the Scouts kit?


Company Command:

Nice details on these guys. Hopefully you can attach the whole squad as one character to a full Marine squad like Guard can.


Sternguard Veterans:

Apparently this kit comes with a bunch of extras for your bits box, so hopefully it's for spares of "primaris scale" older armour mk helmets and stuff so you can take the new Jump Infantry and make them all beakies or something. As for the actual kit itself, looks pretty nice and one guy has a massive Flamer so that's cool.



You can certainly see the Black Templar Neophytes vibe here, which is good as they looked nice. The reduction to one Sniper/Heavy Bolter in the unit seems to bring it in line with the other "one specialist guy" thing most of the other Imperium factions do. I don't think this makes them a KillTeam kit tho, since they lack the random Auspexes and Vox stuff the other KillTeam kits have on the base sprue.


Overall, I'd give the new Marine releases 8/10. Pretty much everything we expected and a little bit more.

Now where's the new Bike Scouts?

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I wonder if that is it for the release as a whole?


Also, does HH need there own seperate Daemon Primarch? Seems like duplication of effort, unless I'm missing something major.


Overall I like what has been shown. I do wonder if this should have been the first primaris release wave along with intercessors. 


I love the terminator sculpts. I don't like so many first founding being jammed into one book. Either all first founding should have their own book like DA and BA or all should be rolled into one. I dislike the favouritism.

Edited by Subtleknife
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16 minutes ago, Minsc said:


Thats beside the point don't you think? One can always hope for new stuff when promised a "big release". I'd love for more Gravis-units for instance.


OK now you're just being rude. "Learn to love old stuff"? I've been playing SM since 5th and have a ton of painted firstborn I regurarily play with. Still doesn't mean I can't hope for new units does it? 


Agreed. Ironically new units (as in actually NEW units, not resculpted/"reprimarised" versions of Firstborn) means less chance of firstborn units getting discontinued. These new Jump Assault Intercessors sadly, are a deathsentence for Assault Marines. 

But we already knew that the Assault Marine kit was being retired though, so it's less a deathsentence and more GW following through.


Incidentally, it was GW retiring those units which pretty much proved the rumours about these kits being revealed.


Also, regarding the new jump pack guys, remember they were in a similar place as the desolator marines in that they've been ready to go for a long time.

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8 hours ago, Marshal Reinhard said:

Jump infantry - yes

Terminator mpk - yes

Sternguard mpk - yes

Termie and jump characters - yes


Scouts.... huh. Did not expect. Was thinking they'd be kill team only. Are these classic scouts? Boltguns not carbines. Combat knives not chainswords. Need a look at their back.


Scouts are obviously super welcome but I specifically hoped for models that I could use interchangeably with my BT primaris neophytes

Finally been home and able to see the scouts on the big screen as well as see the moving trailers. My concerns about the scouts are completely alleviated. The boltgun choise seems a bit odd, but i have a fair bit of spare neophyte arms laying about so i will have no issues having these guys blend in with my neophytes. Can't wait.


Also, the previous comments about the other stuff holds up as well. I will want at least some of everything

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Three things I hope they bring from AoS to 40K:


- Warhammer Underworlds: It's well past time that they bring this game to 40K. The sculpts are generally amazing. Underworlds 40K would be an amazing way to get some flavorful character sculpts into the legions and xenos factions. Feels like it would be a money printer to boot.


- Warcry: The new box format of two teams with one cool piece of terrain feels like a much better model than a massive box every quarter. I hope the new KillTeam season opener is a deluxe box with a lot of terrain and then the next three can be closer to a combat patrol in terms of price. If they can actually match supply and demand, this feels like a great innovation.


- Codex + more than an HQ: The Ironjawz release feels substantial and the model I'd like to see for say, the upcoming CSM codex. E.g. I sincerely hope we get Raptors, Bikers, an updated Helbrute, and a jump captain along with the codex. If it's just a Chaos lord in Terminator armor, I'll be pretty disappointed. This format that is bigger than a single blister, but smaller than a full-on range refresh is most welcome.


One of the better previews in recent memory all told!

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4 hours ago, Final Sunn said:

As one of about 8 people who like the Phobos aesthetic, I was sort of hoping the jump marines would borrow elements of that, but it was a fools hope and will be picking them and some scouts up from my phobos only beaky storm lords.


The ancient from the command squad is probably the best primaris model yet, though I do notice they're not calling them Primaris anymore.


Well, we now have Jump units in Gravis (Inceptors) and Tacticus (Jump Ints) so I dont see why we wouldnt get Jump Phobos

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Marine stuff looks mostly pretty decent. It is nice to have more primaris veterans that come with varied bits.


Like others have noted, some poses of the jump marines look a tad off though. It also is weird how the jump captain has additional fins on the side of his knees whilst the regular duded don't. 

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3 hours ago, JayJapanB said:

It's the army with the biggest codex.

How many new units do you need?
I'm not even sure what marines could need. I would have said Assault Terminators, but they aren't new.

Maybe just start a new faction at that point. Or learn to love old stuff. I'm way more worried about stuff being discontinued than released.


As for Nids, they don't get releases every ~24months. Let them have a moment.


This is why the whole "well firstborn units won't receive new models" thing always confused me.. Well said, and I very much agree with you!

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5 minutes ago, arnesh88 said:

Only critique I have of the Jump Pack Intercessors is that they all are jumping off of rocks. Add some variety of normal dudes running on the ground, or single knee in the air as if they're about to take off. So like, half of them jumping off of rocks, and half of them on the ground.

I’m thinking it may not be too hard to remove them from rocks, fingers crossed

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Jump Intercessors are pretty much exactly as expected. Nice enough but I think I will just stick some jump packs on my leftover Indomitus Assault Intercessors. I was only holding off to see if they got any cool wargear but it seems like a special weapon on the sergeant and an extra plasma pistol is going to be the limit of it.

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