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Yeah, Finecast is / was absolute trash. Do they even do it anymore? I haven’t purchased a 40K model in years so I honestly don’t know. 

I think the Krieg line is one of the best examples. FW’s Krieg line is still amazing to this day, and I still prefer their HH armor kits to the newer GW ones (though the GW new Mk. III is pretty good from what I’ve seen). Scale is so much better in the FW models, everything seems proportional to the model and those it interacts with… it’s just a superior product. Is there more work involved with resin models? Yes. Is it worth it? In my opinion, absolutely. Even the FW Greater Daemon models are better than the much much newer GW equivalents. 

One of the biggest problems with LI gaining traction is GW’s seeming lack of any kind of coverage of the game other than an occasional Heresy Thursday article. I don’t see it mentioned much at all otherwise while games such as 40K, AoS… even Old World or Horus Heresy 28mm get much more attention. How are you going to sell a product when you barely acknowledge it?

Each expansion should be accompanied by fanfare. There should be articles concerning the lore of the game, occasional battle reports that don’t require a new model or book to remind folks this game even exists. Hell, write up a large campaign in White Dwarf or whatever that rolls HH28, Zone Mortalis HH, Aeronautica HH, Titanicus, and Legions Imperialis all into one. They’ve got all of these separate systems that revolve around this point in the universe, incorporate them all together and make this awesome narrative campaign that will draw interest and attention to all of them. 

I really thought we would see something like this when both HH28 and LI introduced Mechanicum / Dark Mechanicum in close succession to one another, yet GW didn’t really do much of anything to capitalize on it. 

I’m not sure if everyone read the article this past Sunday, but GW is releasing the rest of the Mechanicum Battlebox contents separately. This is great news for those of us playing Dark Mechanicum, now we can get our hands on the infantry without all of the other contents that are less useful. 

As for personal LI news, all of my Constructs are built, primed and waiting in queue for me to finish my Mechanicum box. My son loved his Christmas presents of the Mechanicum Box, Titan Maniple Box and lone Reaver and will unfortunately be playing filthy Mars Loyalists as well as Legio Astorum. You can lead a horse to heretical water but you can’t make it drink, it seems. 

Have really been pushing on with some Epic Eldar, to carry on with a blog and campaign that some gaming friends and I are playing through

World Eaters of the Great Crusade narrative campaign blog


First up, Eldar Aspect Warriors. Clock-wise from top left: Singing Swords (30k-era Aspect Warrior house), Fire Dragons, Swooping Hawks, Dark Reapers. The Top two are Vanguard Miniatures Eloi range, the bottom two are prints



Original/classic minis, Warp Hunters and Doom Weavers



Finally, the completed army so far. I have some command units to come (Avatar and Warlock), followed by Howling Banshees, Jet bikes/Vypers, Scouts and hopefully a Titan or two to round out the force.


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