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Exemplary Battles - The Battle for Felweather Keep

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Some interesting options for corrupting knights, shame you cant combine them with household ranks but i can see how that could get out of hand down the line. 

The Leadership 7 psyker "upgrade" is bold :D And its a shame you cant corrupt Armigers without throwing one of your proper knights under the bus when they are such a focus of the current army list. Hopefully this is a stopgap for a more extensive Corrupted knights list down the line.

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A number of ranks are the same - putrid corruption, conqueror of worlds and encroaching ruin - but nice to see other differences. Love slaanesh shutting off reactions - could combine with fear and cerastii for fun board control actions? Also love the rage bonus to khornate armigers. And psychic shenanigans! 

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2 minutes ago, Nagashsnee said:

I have complained about exemplary battles and 2ed being so insanely marine focused its detrimental to the game. 


So its damn nice to see them do something like this, good job FW! Now do a Mech vs militia with units for both please. 

Wasn't the Militia list technically an Exemplary battle feature in itself?

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They never said the following release would be Daemons; only that they'd release during the summer. Given we've now left the summer it's fairly clear they've been pushed back.

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17 minutes ago, Stitch5000 said:

Wasn't the Militia list technically an Exemplary battle feature in itself?


Did it feature an exemplary battle? Its free online but for anyone not wanting to waste the time, no...no it did not. 

Out of curiosity would you rate the Mechanicum army book as a exemplary battle compendium? 

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This isn’t the end of our exploration of all things dark and daemonic, as we have at least two forbidden tomes to crack open before we’re done. We are currently putting the finishing touches to a Daemons of the Ruinstorm army list, as well as a set of rules for Corrupted Knights, inspired by the Corrupted Titans that will be familiar to Adeptus Titanicus players. 


From the last article :)

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This does, on thought, remind me we are missing both the Dominus knight for AoD and the Corrupted/Tainted knights for Titanicus too, i suspect that might be the test to see if they are really continuing support rather than minimal conversion of Epic stuff.


Edited by Noserenda
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I should make it clear that these are Knights tainted by the powers of the Warp rather than fully mutated into something else. For much of the Horus Heresy, what will later become known as ‘Chaos’ remains an unknown and unknowable force. It certainly touches those who take arms against the Emperor, to various degrees, but slowly and by increments. 

This quote from the article is weird given the Word Bearers or the EC, and the events of Calth, Angel Exterminatus, Molech, etc.

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27 minutes ago, Petitioner's City said:

"We'll get there eventually" - Scouring and more playfully teased!

Siege of Terra teased, no?


’In fact, it doesn’t even begin to become fully manifest until well into the Siege of Terra – a period of the civil war described in great detail in the Black Library novels, but not yet explored in the game.*’ 

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1 hour ago, lansalt said:

This quote from the article is weird given the Word Bearers or the EC, and the events of Calth, Angel Exterminatus, Molech, etc.


"In fact, it doesn’t even begin to become fully manifest until well into the Siege of Terra – a period of the civil war described in great detail in the Black Library novels, but not yet explored in the game."


The Ruinstorm would beg to differ


Other than that semi-weird few paragraphs, I really like the color schemes shown off here, they're really well painted imo

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1 hour ago, Gamiel said:

It is still summer.


Sort of. Summer/Autumn is a bit of an odd split in the UK anyway, although most agree that the end of August is the end of summer. When it comes to the release schedule Games Workshop orientates itself around the school terms as that's largely their largest market by-and-by the large. I've dropped a rough outline below of how the seasons break down around that. You'll never find a sensible school calling September summer, as an aside. :laugh:



Spring -  March to May
Summer -  June to August
Autumn -  September to late November
Winter -  Late November-ish to February


If you want to take it a step further, look at the recent Tyranids release on the roadmap; which was slated for Autumn. It went on pre-order last Saturday (2nd September) and released on the following (9th September).


So yes, we're in Autumn now.

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4 hours ago, Joe said:

They never said the following release would be Daemons; only that they'd release during the summer. Given we've now left the summer it's fairly clear they've been pushed back.


Depending on how GW look at it. Summer could end for them September 23rd.


Though admittedly it's probably going to be later than that they release it. 

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The original plan mentioned was militia, followed by the full daemon list, and capped off with corrupted engines and chaos cultists; all planned for the summer (which it isn't, according to gws roadmaps):




People may have expected the daemon list to be next, as the daemon engine article said they were finishing up daemons and rules for chaos knights, and people tend to assume the structure corresponds with the release order:




That being said, if it's a difference of a couple of weeks instead of two/three months, then it doesn't really matter too much. Though it does make you wonder what happened to their timeline internally. 

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Disappointing theres still no word on when ones like blackshields will be done even if done as an exemplary one would still be happy

Word of a more set time for daemojsnis nice can't wait as would love to try out daemons in 30k and actually use corbax again after getting him legended in 40k 


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I mean they could have just not released this. 

Some upgrades are just identical to the generic ranks, those that aren't mostly do roughly the same but are even more overcosted and the two actually interesting upgrades are way too unreliable to see play. 

I had really high hopes that this would be a step towards making knights viable, especially after the daemon engine pdf showed they've clearly developed an understanding of what big scary Models (like Knights) need to be viable. 

This feels insulting 

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1 hour ago, Razorblade said:

I mean they could have just not released this. 

Some upgrades are just identical to the generic ranks, those that aren't mostly do roughly the same but are even more overcosted and the two actually interesting upgrades are way too unreliable to see play. 

I had really high hopes that this would be a step towards making knights viable, especially after the daemon engine pdf showed they've clearly developed an understanding of what big scary Models (like Knights) need to be viable. 

This feels insulting 

Insulting...to whom? Knights weren't all that and a bag of chips in 1.0 either.

The mindset that people would rather *not* have content for this game we all ostensibly enjoy is absurd to me.

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1 hour ago, dicebod said:

Insulting...to whom? Knights weren't all that and a bag of chips in 1.0 either.

The mindset that people would rather *not* have content for this game we all ostensibly enjoy is absurd to me.

How about the People who are still without Rules for their army? 

Knights certainly weren't outperformed at their Job by dreadnoughts for half the points.

But that is precisely my point. This is not content for the game. Half of it is a reprint and the other half will never see a table

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