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Space Wolves Power Armour Praetor + New MKVI Upgrades

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The Praetor looks pretty good, definitely a step up from pretty much all the other 30k Space Wolves miniatures, which are are all pretty bad besides the Deathsworn and Geigor Fell-hand. I'll probably pick this one up.


The new helmets are pretty good as well, a lot better to just do embellished MK VI helmets than what they were doing before.


I really like the helmet on the Preator, with what looks like some Anglo-Saxon stylization.

Edited by WrathOfTheLion
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1 minute ago, darkhorse0607 said:

I love that the internet bullied them into changing the MKVI helmets though, that's funny


If I had a nickel for every time FW pulled Space Wolf models to redesign them I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.

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It wasnt the internet bullying the helms

It was the fact they sold almost none.




Aww yiiiiisssssss wolf-head-dance.gif

Edited by Triszin
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I really do like the Praetors Helmet Design in particular. Etsy had a lot of proxy-designs for MKIII and MKIV ( for a while ) that did go towards e.g. the Sutton Hoo-Helmet and still didnt look out of place being a part of a Suit of MKIII / MK IV Armour, i always wondered why GW wasnt able to just go in that direction for SW-Upgrades, design wise.

Edited by Hræsvelgr
minor typing mistake
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7 minutes ago, Wormwoods said:


They should have dug their heels in, made them goofier. 

Yeah. Make them out of fur.


The new ones look pretty great though. Praetor I'm indifferent on, but not SW fan in the first place.

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I agree with Wrathofthelion; quite a few of the FW space wolf models are poor, so this is a great return to form. The fur sculpting is good, I like the shield on his back and the armour detailing is befitting for an HQ choice. 


It's rather amusing the way that the article mentions: a new  selection for the VIth to replace the previous wolf-style heads.


This is a bit like when FW replaced the IF praetor, "here is a new model!"....but they don't tell us why it's replacing the old one :D 


EDIT: and the praetor has a bolt pistol! they must have run out of volkite serpentas

Edited by Varyn
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It's good that GW have listened to feedback (or more likely noticed the lack of sales of the awful helms) and U-turned this. They look great.


The wolf helms were just awful. An embarrassing lack in quality and theme for a company supposedly top of the industry.


Maybe this means we have new quality control or project managers to address this sort of thing? Another good thing.

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Well.... Guess I can have another Legion....


Gotta reward them when they don't make the VIth ridiculous for once!


Good news for TS as has been mentioned, there is hope for a PA Praetor! Although I personally take issue with it if it goes MKIII...


Guessing this bodes well for IW, IH, WE and Sallies since all tend to go MKIII.


Not sure about RG though lol.

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