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Doing a thought experiment and I'd like people to join in for this. A forum like this shouldn't just be a place to show off our work or to get feedback on army lists, but a place where we can bounce ideas around and gain differing perspectives. That can only serve us well in this hobby. 


Now, to be clear, is it not the kind of topic where the answer should be "It's your hobby, just do what you want". This is about a place to bounce ideas around.


So the parameters:

- Let's just say, we have access to an Age of Darkness box and the Legiones Astartes battleforce (so that's 2 Praetors, 40 Mk6 Beakies, a Contemptor Dreadnought, a Spartan and 10 Cataphractii, as well as a Deredeo, a Land Raider Proteus and 30 Mk3 Marines).

- Another necessary bits, such as heavy/special weapons or conversion bits (be they official or 3d printed) are easily on hand.

- This army can be dedicated to Chaos Undivided or to a single Chaos God.

- You cannot add other Chaos kits, only the units listed above. 

- There's no need to post an army list.


The thought experiment: 

How do you, the reader, bring this force together as a Chaos Space Marine army for 40k?

What lore do you give this force?

What turned them to Chaos?

How far will they fall?


Have fun.

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