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10 minutes ago, Redcomet said:

Or it could be that this is the final step stone in finishing their logistical overhaul. 

It's definitely more complicated than just interface if they're merging in what were previously two different stores. They must have been working towards this for years, given they tested doing some of that a year and some change ago with the 30k 2E launch, as well as testing how they would display those kits on the store. 

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3 minutes ago, WrathOfTheLion said:

  They must have been working towards this for years,

They have been. It's been discussed in their financial reports for at least a couple of years.

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Oh god, it's dreadful. I just got in and it's the most convoluted thing!


Edit I also hope that it's not done yet, because in the new releases section for Horus Heresy we now have intercessors and sternguard.

Edited by matcap86
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I was able to use it a bit...

Initial impressions are that I am not impressed. Navigation is awkward as the menu isn't easily accessible from within product pages and there's no breadcrumbs to make navigation easier, there's also a LOT of unused white space that makes every product listing look massive... I also didn't see any obvious accessibility options (such as greyscale, alternate font sizes etc). There's also no "Show All" option so you have to click the "See More" button a thousand times.

The old GW site was clearly only designed to work properly on desktops/laptops. I feel like this new site has gone too far the other way and seems to focus entirely on being viewed on mobile at the detriment of being viewed on a regular computer.

Personally, the new site feels like it's more of a catalogue than an actual functional store.

Edited by RWJP
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1 minute ago, RWJP said:

I was able to use it a bit...

Initial impressions are that I am not impressed. Navigation is awkward as the menu isn't easily accessible from within product pages and there's no breadcrumbs to make navigation easier, there's also a LOT of unused white space that makes every product listing look massive... I also didn't see any obvious accessibility options (such as greyscale, alternate font sizes etc).

The old GW site was clearly only designed to work properly on desktops/laptops. I feel like this new site has gone too far the other way and seems to focus entirely on being viewed on mobile at the detriment of being viewed on a regular computer.


Honestly I think it's an overall big downgrade, stuff is way harder to find. I do not want a "HEY DO YOU KNOW WHAT WARHAMMER IS?" video/graphic in my face everytime I try to buy something in the store. No option to sort stuff.  


Yeah it's nice that they combined the shipping stuff from FW with regular GW but I see that as seperate (and long overdue) from the absolute mess they've made of the store. Might actually dissuade me from buying from them tbh

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