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New Webstore Incoming

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1 hour ago, RWJP said:

I'm not a web designer by trade but did do a degree in computing which involved some web design stuff... This is triggering so many memories of things I was told not to do...

Poking through the code, there are some places which have 100+ pixels of padding between elements (especially visible on the Help pages) which means HUGE areas are just blank. On a fairly normal 1920x1080 monitor, that means nearly 10% of the screen is just dead space.

Web designer here, it ticks almost every DO NOT DO box there is for a webstore... for the average consumer, it's a nightmare to navigate. The old format was better by a land slide and didn't need a change, functional, easy to access categories, easy to read and browse model ranges. The amount of banners and pictures is unacceptable, feels more like they tried to do a generic company page from 2010.

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Ultimately the thing that matters is whether or not it can tolerate big preorder days. If the queue system is now there by default and people can successfully buy the products they want then it will be a big win regardless of how many times I have to click "show more" (although you'd think that should be an easy fix)


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I just tried it and I think it's a terrible site now.  It's a great way to get me to shop at Element or other 3rd party retailers instead of GW Official.  The masses of empty space and MASSIVE buttons with a bad UX make it feel like it's a site designed for mobile, with no understanding of how to create a unified desktop & mobile site.  I despise the fact that I have to go through big pictures of factions with some accompanying text fluff to see any models to begin with, and the categories (i.e. Imperial, Xenos, etc) are in a much smaller font than the MASSIVE button to click on the faction within the category.


I clicked back on a Necromunda Van Saar gang and was dumped in the queue again...  All told, 1/10, will try and avoid it where possible.

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Giving it a quick poke, it seems there's a lot of click-throughs needed, and it makes for a lot of scrolling on a 1080p screen.


It's not compliant with WCAG WAI-AA, specifically: the privacy policy text is not readable due to poor contrast (and some of the silver headings, e.g. "shop by faction" are dodgy), it's missing the primary page landmark and level 1 heading, and there's keyboard traps (if you poke "page down" enough times it gets to the carousel and doesn't let you get to the footer, so it may be a pain to use for those with eyesight issues (yes, I will be letting GW know).

Edited by Firedrake Cordova
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1 hour ago, Xirix said:

One of the few times I wished you were wrong, Valrak, considering what we got. :P


I actually do prefer the old site, my main complaint for the GW webstores was always the traffic for big pre-orders, I just hope that is fixed!

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You know what this reeks of...Executives thinking they are designers. The bland as get-out use of white on EVERYTHING like they are landlords painting a rental, followed by banners being black with straight white font...

Its like a website design you make when starting just so you can get things placed and get a feel for a layout...not a final product.


And stability isn't the same as UI (User Interface). Stability is down to servers and programming. This is about Visuals and User Interaction and this site is just souless...like even a culexus assassin would be uncomfortable around this site.


The stores being merged? Good idea, really nice to have easy access to forge world.

Improvement to stability? Time will tell if that is the case, this isn't launch day of indomintus or the launch of the sisters box. The big test isn't if the queuing system works, the question is if it can handle larger loads without having to resort to such systems.

Improved layout? Nope. Too many clicks. Looks bland and generic as all get out. Like they just bought a generic layout from a website provider...

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3 hours ago, RWJP said:

I was able to use it a bit...

Initial impressions are that I am not impressed. Navigation is awkward as the menu isn't easily accessible from within product pages and there's no breadcrumbs to make navigation easier, there's also a LOT of unused white space that makes every product listing look massive... I also didn't see any obvious accessibility options (such as greyscale, alternate font sizes etc). There's also no "Show All" option so you have to click the "See More" button a thousand times.

The old GW site was clearly only designed to work properly on desktops/laptops. I feel like this new site has gone too far the other way and seems to focus entirely on being viewed on mobile at the detriment of being viewed on a regular computer.

Personally, the new site feels like it's more of a catalogue than an actual functional store.

Ita definitely much more mobile orientated.


Not sure we have stats for GW but my own company sees about 80% of its web traffic as mobile

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A random thing that caught my eye as they're making quite a big deal of the whole "Customer service, return replace at any time!" thing, so I read the terms and conditions:


Usually when they send out a miscast that's on them and they just send a replacement free of charge, but it seems the terms now state you have to return the faulty parts back to them. Quite a bit more hassle for the customer involved. 


https://www.warhammer.com/en-NL/legal#Terms and Conditions of Sale




Not sure if these terms were always the case, we'll have to see if they actually follow through on this or keep the old customer service standard going. 

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The thing I like: ForgeWorld items are now just part of the regular catalgue, you can browse everything in one space and now there's a standardised shipping policy / price-point. 


Unfortunately, I feel like the flip-side of this list is far too long to put here. In fact, I feel we've sacrificed things for this and come up negative. In fact, if they just ported the FW products into the main GW webstore and left it like that - it would have been fantastic. 


I'm going to go smash my head against the wall for a while.

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I got this from Customer Service about regarding orders that are not yet sent out, so I'll go back in a few days to see if my orders have returned.


Thank you for reaching out.

We have launched our new site this morning, but a lot of information is still being migrated over from the old webstore, this would include outstanding orders history.

At this time we are expecting for all information to be migrated over with in the next 72 hours. 

If there are any further issues or concerns with this order please reach back out here so we can further assist.

Best regards,

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