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New Webstore Incoming

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58 minutes ago, Scribe said:


Man, I gotta get my sales people in touch with GW procurement... 

Right? Hot damn. I wish I could've slipped in as an independent consultant on the ERP piece at inception. My proper, logical suggestions would've been ignored but I'd keep hetting paid for yeaaars I'm sure.

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Oh dear, I just tried to view the new store on mobile, and sadly have to concur that this is not comfortably useable; too much swiping to reach the full offering and filtering from there especially if you have the audacity to want something beyond 40k/space marines or the current hotness on the front page (Cities of Sigmar and Fulgrim Transfigured, the latter of which leads to a full list of Heresy minis instead).

Necrons will take the most swipes to reach, to the point where it's quicker to open the full list of items in the allegiance field and use the filter from there, though there you'll need to swipe down beyond any BL centric filters like author, or genre, format, before you hit anything miniatures related all in all saving you a swipe. Hurray.


All in all it probably saves time to just bookmark the "view all" adress: https://www.warhammer.com/en-GB/shop/warhammer-40000  instead of warhammer.com and just use the filter (adjust the adress depending on your region).

Sadly https://www.warhammer.com/en-GB/shop is not functional if want to view the full catalogue regardless of setting.


All in all; a downgrade, unless one really likes the looks, then it is, at the very best, a sidegrade.

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4 hours ago, potatocrusader said:

I hope this is just fake hyperbole but heard they paid 6mil for the website...


In January, GW's half year report stated they had spent £4.9m (which is figures to end of November), so £6m is both likely and probably low. The annual report from June states that Phase 1 is due in January 2024 - so this is both ahead of schedule and there is more work to follow.

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Aesthetics and navigability aside, it is way past time they updated the descriptions for their models. Here's the description for the Spiritseer on the First of November in the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Twenty-Three. Game-related info that's still true is in green; info that's outdated and therefore either irrelevant to the current edition of the game or just plain misleading is in red. Lore and product information I've left in the default text colour.



Spiritseers are those upon the Witch Path who are called to commune with the dead – a chilling concept, even amongst the Asuryani. Although their main task is to shepherd wraithbone constructs to battle, a Spiritseer can also use their psychic abilities to aid the greater Asuryani warhost (admittedly still true if interpreted to mean "witch staff goes *bonk*"). By their eldritch powers are friendly troops enshrouded in mist, or foes illuminated or struck down with mystic bolts of energy.

A Spiritseer is an HQ choice available to the Craftworld Aeldari – known as the Asuryani – though they can also be called upon to join the Ynnari. Each is a skilled psyker on the battlefield, able to wield powers from the Ruins (sic) of Battle discipline. They work especially well alongside Spirit Host units such as Wraithguard and towering Wraithknights, where the Spiritseer’s otherworldly Spirit Mark will enhance the accuracy of the mighty ghost warriors.

A Spiritseer stands with one foot planted on a ruined piece of architecture. The miniature carries a witch staff in one hand and an Aeldari blade in the other. A shuriken pistol rests in a holster attached to the Spiritseer’s sash.

The multipart plastic miniature comprises 11 components, and comes supplied with a Citadel 25mmm Round Base. The Warhammer 40,000 rules for Spiritseers can be found in Codex: Craftworlds.


Edited by Lucius_The_Temporary
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5 hours ago, theSpirea said:

It will definitely help with the traffic because I refuse to shop using this abomination.


Oh [insert deity of preference]! I dread to think what it will be like to try and order anything limited run/edition.


Late to the party on looking at this but,... No. Just no!

The fact that it opens on a video every time means I will not be browsing this at work ever. Considering this is where/when I am most likely to look on their site it means I am unlikely to use it very often at all. 


I only went a bit past the first few click and wasnt finding it very friendly to use at that point either.


There must be reasons and I am sure a lot of people have put a lot of work into this site but I don't get why change it?


They could have just updated the existing site to include FW stock - just added into the existing categories for given ranges, added new ones where needed and added a few more filter options. e.g. under Dark Angels you would see the whole DA range, you then filter to show only Horus Heresy, filter again to show only FW and you will have found a short list of what you are looking for. It may well be that you can do this with the new site but I have not/cannot subtly look at this more at work.


I quite liked the previous site for the most part for it being not to many frills.


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3 minutes ago, lhg033 said:


Oh [insert deity of preference]! I dread to think what it will be like to try and order anything limited run/edition.


Late to the party on looking at this but,... No. Just no!

The fact that it opens on a video every time means I will not be browsing this at work ever. Considering this is where/when I am most likely to look on their site it means I am unlikely to use it very often at all. 


I only went a bit past the first few click and wasnt finding it very friendly to use at that point either.


There must be reasons and I am sure a lot of people have put a lot of work into this site but I don't get why change it?


They could have just updated the existing site to include FW stock - just added into the existing categories for given ranges, added new ones where needed and added a few more filter options. e.g. under Dark Angels you would see the whole DA range, you then filter to show only Horus Heresy, filter again to show only FW and you will have found a short list of what you are looking for. It may well be that you can do this with the new site but I have not/cannot subtly look at this more at work.


I quite liked the previous site for the most part for it being not to many frills.


Summed up my opinions nicely here. Total disaster. Do I want all GW related stuff (GW/FW & eventually BL) on one website? Yes.
But not like this. God emperor, not like this.

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10 hours ago, Sothalor said:



Have to disagree there. This is what a bunch of Black Library product pages looks like, for instance. Big, vast swathes of empty page space with clunky, unintuitive overlapping UI elements.


Meanwhile, having to entirely cycle through the hidden dropdown menus to navigate to anything else, combined with an stupidly unhelpful filter system (limiting the filter to specific page categories) is just... bonkers unfriendly..

I find it amusing that given how little screen space is taken up by the product summary they still managed to plaster something all over it!


First purchase (Rogue Trader book) - they forgot my address and payment methods (only 1 ever on the account), and I was redirected to this:


The button sends you back to the same page forever! I got the confirmation email though, so I'll remain hopeful!

Edited by pawl
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10 minutes ago, Valkyrion said:

This may be the smallest and pettiest of gripes, but everything I think has already been mentioned, but why on Holy Terra are the Legions in alphabetical order instead of numerical?!

Because it is easier for the casual visitor. Not everyone knows which number each legion has

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Hold on, I get it now... sneaky GW people!


LOOK AT THE DATE THEY LAUNCHED, OCTOBER 31st! They've always pranked us on April Fools day, so they've upped the ante by giving us some scares and spooks on Halloween as they're version of Trick or Treat!!!!


Now that the 31st has passed, the store should be back to normal. Let me check....




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I thought they learned from the CEOS wifes website debacle. But this seems worse for at best the same money,


My LE siege of terra order disappeared, its not a heartwarming feeling.  I also hate looking for things now and the lack of show all is ajust so so so dumb. 

Its a solid 1/10 and a brave brave choice to roll out 2 months before x mas. 

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1 hour ago, Warmaster1988 said:

Working for a big, international trading Company - we payed 400.000 for our "high end" webshop.



It's almost like the pricing is based on the potential it has to handle cash transactions, rather than for what it actually is. 

I've worked on a couple of website relaunch/revamps during my professional career and as predicted, there are usually a bunch of detractors that simply rally against any change. Before making any of my decisions, I'm going to ask myself, "am I being one of those guys?"

A good thing: the taxonomy filter check boxes don't re-order after they load the filtered selection now, and there isn't a lag between selecting them, leading to you toggling on and off the same filter. 

That's a positive and makes things better. 

Edited by Stitch5000
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6 hours ago, Nephaston said:

Sadly https://www.warhammer.com/en-GB/shop is not functional if want to view the full catalogue regardless of setting.



It appears that if you just leave the search bar blank and click on the magnifying glass symbol a couple of times (or 'Enter' once in it), then it does list all items on the site (it returns 3521 items at least). Can still only view 12 at a time though, but just press "Show More" 292 times and you can see everything on one page - couldn't be simpler...!

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13 hours ago, Halandaar said:

Like come on it didn't really take anybody ten minutes

Actually it did I was clicking on this image:



thinking it would take me to the space marine page. I didnt catch the Newest arrivals line and then saw 9 space marine products. I then proceeded to see if some filters were auto turned on messed around in there didn't find anything. Finally realized that I had to click on the much lower faction menu to access the info I needed. This process took approximately 10 minutes with several crashes and errors thrown in for good measure.


I was reporting my experience accurately not being hyperbolic. My experience was quite unintuitve and honestly a bit frustrating.

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18 minutes ago, Nagashsnee said:

I thought they learned from the CEOS wifes website debacle. But this seems worse for at best the same money,


It's not strictly the same money; £6m today is equivalent to £4.5m in 2014 when you adjust for inflation, so if the two cash figures are actually the same then this update was 25% cheaper than the last one.


Whether or not they got value for money even on that basis is obviously a separate debate :tongue:

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I feel the new site lacks overview. It also requires a heck of a lot scrolling... Am I actually looking at the phone version on my computer? The huge "sort of"-video at the first page is just obnoxious.


It feels like its a design meant to impress clueless shareholders, rather than be functional? And to be mainly looked at on a phone rather on large screen. Needs more clicks and scrolling than before. And there's no 360 shots anymore (or are they temporarily missing? Seems to be a lot of missing image links on a lot of products).


I try to always be fair, but the fairest assessment here is that the new site is worse. I don't really care if FW also is on here. The net value has still decreased.

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22 minutes ago, Marshal Reinhard said:

I feel the new site lacks overview. It also requires a heck of a lot scrolling... Am I actually looking at the phone version on my computer? The huge "sort of"-video at the first page is just obnoxious.


It feels like its a design meant to impress clueless shareholders, rather than be functional? And to be mainly looked at on a phone rather on large screen. Needs more clicks and scrolling than before. And there's no 360 shots anymore (or are they temporarily missing? Seems to be a lot of missing image links on a lot of products).


I try to always be fair, but the fairest assessment here is that the new site is worse. I don't really care if FW also is on here. The net value has still decreased.


The whole frontpage feels like it should be an "about warhammer" subpage instead. This website is supposed to be a store so put the fricking store on the front

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To be fair, I'm fairly certain that's the intent; it's being treated as more of an introduction to the Warhammer brand than it is a webstore, which you now have to click through to rather than it being immediately present as it was before. I suspect the landing page will be used to promote w/e major stuff is going on in the brand moving forward outside of the webstore, i.e. licensed content like the games and so on.


On the one hand, it does make more sense; on the other, it does leave the webstore languishing as a result.

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23 hours ago, Vassakov said:

At what point due we all just accept that the good Chapter Master Valrak is not, as he claims to be, a stout Son of Dorn but is in fact either a witch blessed by Tzeentch or an Aelderi Farseer?

Nah, he's just wrapping his head in a Necron Overlord's exodermis layer and thus doing time shenanigans with his mind.

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20 hours ago, Marshal Rohr said:

This is the biggest screw up and waste of time and money GW has made in years. Fire the developers, fire the managers that approved this. The mobile version is a nightmare and looks like an Etsy shop. There’s four clicks between you and actual product. The landing page looks like a blog or HR page. If I didn’t know GW scraped the bottom of the barrel with independent contractors to make this, I would say it’s hostile by design. Terrible user experience, terrible layout, terrible menus, just a complete failure. 

Another great example of GW actually being a small company with no professional tech staff and cost cutting being the order of the day. 

100% my experience. It's a nightmarish webstore that should be use as a "how not to" example.

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