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Updated 40k Codex Release schedule

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10 minutes ago, TheMawr said:

Though the headscratcher there is still the Worldeater terminators... could be held back to have something with this edition codex.


I feel maybe WE terminators were held back because the Terminator designers were working on different terminators (side note: SOTs are tiny compared to the other Terminators lol)


Probably if the rumoured "new chaos bikes" arrive in 10th, WE might just straight get that Datasheet.
Maybe Chaos Lord/Termie Lord as well, since DG have those as options too.


Also, Re: Daemons.
All the Daemons are shared between AoS and 40k, so since all the Daemon-having AoS armies have current Battletomes, I doubt any new daemons for us this edition (unless 40k generates them and they're backported into AoS)

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6 hours ago, Indy Techwisp said:

I can see a unique TSons """possessed""" which is just a group of Sorc who drank too deep from the Chaos Goblet and fleshchanged into a magic-spewing balls of feathers, tentacles and feathery tentacles.

Yeah, either that or someone experimenting with the dust of rubrics before reassembly, mixing either flamers or brimstone horrors in, turning the dust filled armour into something that is permanently and malevolently burning inside, ready to burst.


Admittedly I'll take anything non-Tzaangor at this point.

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Im of a different opinion on thousand sons, variety of marine units should be low to not dilute the established lore on them. Those that survived the rubric with an identity should be sorcerer characters. Leading either various bands of thralls ( cultists, tzaangor, spawn), daemons or rubric marines. The leader-bodyguard element could and should be fully exploited here.. but thats just my opinion ofcourse.


A retro callback to the flamer tzeentch  renegades would be very fitting.. but mostly as a character type. And go wild there with the sorcerer-character options.


An army Where its viable to run an entire roster of sorcerers and their bodyguards and summons.. even without a single rubric, because in my opinion thats what thousand sons are. A band of sorcerers only mildly connected to their spacemarine roots, for me them just being chaos greyknights never made sense.


What they need most though is a silver tower, the size of the necron monolith possibly with variant builts ( as i can see it  being a centrepiece hq, heavy fire support or transport function.. though probably not all at once.) And a psychic rubric dreadnought ( with options for an alt more mutated torso and fiery daemonic one... 3 datasheets) But again just my opinion.. though i think the pure marine fans would be behind those too ;) 


But i think its too far offtopic now..

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18 hours ago, Indy Techwisp said:


I feel maybe WE terminators were held back because the Terminator designers were working on different terminators (side note: SOTs are tiny compared to the other Terminators lol)



Thats the big problem with the TS range and probably why they never really got more models. They are out of scale with all the Space Marine stuff that came after.

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