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If I Were a Moral Man - Angron WIP


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The general rule is to ensure that there's enough contrast (hue, value, etc) between adjacent elements to ensure they're visually distinct and the model can be "read".


The icon is a much lighter "bronze" than the teeth enclosing it, and the liberal verdigris gives the area a cooler tone than the warmer brass of the surrounding area, so I'd say you're fine (I'd also add that the screen capture looks a lighter colour than yours, which may influence perceptions).


The only thing I might suggest, looking at it exceptionally critically, is maybe add a little panel-lining between the trim of the shoulder-pad and the teeth, where the teeth come out of it, and a smidge more highlight to the edge of the trim at the same point, although, if I'm honest, I'm really not convinced it's needed.

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Thank you for that!  That's a great explanation.  When I tell my friends I'm not an artist and they look at the models and don't understand what I mean, that's exactly what I mean. I have pretty good paint-applying technique,  but when it comes to making color choices and that sort of thing, I'm really all thumbs.


As a follow up question, I did not do anything in the way of highlights on the teeth aside from the over-stipple as I was doing the icons, would you put a little more highlight on them or just go with a little dark lining in the "gums"?

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And as a side note, I did do the verdigris a little different than how it was done for the screen grab.  He did a light layer of nihiloc over the whole thing and then added some more in spots + a green wash between the teeth.  I did a darker, blue/green glaze over the whole thing, added some nihiloc, then another glaze layer, then spots of nihiloc, so it is definitely darker than what the other guy did....which is probably why, as you say, the bronze teeth are looking good on my version.

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46 minutes ago, Guiltysparc said:

I did not do anything in the way of highlights on the teeth aside from the over-stipple as I was doing the icons, would you put a little more highlight on them or just go with a little dark lining in the "gums"?

I think the main thing would be adding a slight edge highlight on the "gums" would increase the definition of that area (it would also make the base of the teeth appear a little darker, due to the way we perceive colours/contrast). You could add a subtle highlight down the central "ridge" of the teeth, but it's a case of "less is more" - be careful not to over-do it because you don't want them to become light enough to compete with the legion icon (the human eye is drawn to lighter areas, so you want that difference in brightness).

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Thanks for the advice.  I put a light, stippled highlight on the ridge of the teeth, a fine edge highlight on the gums, and then I ran some coeilia greenshade in the recesses of just the lower gums.  I think I'm pretty happy with it now.  I also blacked out the leather strips too so I could get a better look at the bronze without the over-stipple that was on the leather.  One thing to note on this picture, I titled the piece a little away from the light so show the new highlights a little more.  The bottom isn't quite that dark, but it's resting in a little shadow.




Also, while I was deciding on what to do there, I went ahead and blocked out and shaded the silver and skin.



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Ok I love the black teeth version(not going to lie) yours is pretty darn good too though :thumbsup: I’d say if you were to keep your version then I’d personally highlight the teeth parts up a bit more than the other areas just for that little extra pop and it will create a border around the icon in the middle without being way different-the black teeth example. , not sure if I explained it well but you get my drift … :sweat:


cheers , M 


+EDIT+ I must’ve replied without getting to the next page , discard all I said then :tongue:. Its looking great 

Edited by Mumeishi
Learning to read >.<
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21 hours ago, Mumeishi said:

Out of curiosity (in response to grotsmashas post)  what exactly was Angrons armour like ?!… did he have facial tattoos like I’ve seen in pics or was that just warpaint ?!?… 


cheers, M


I feel like the armor on this model has some nice congruency with the HH Angron model.  From what I recall, his armor was described as ancient, gladiatorial armor, so a different look than power armor.

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25 minutes ago, Mumeishi said:

Are you going to do the leather straps in a dark red ?!, I’d try and simulate those red markings on his head as well in some way … 


No, I'm thinking with the red skin on the demon model, red leather wouldn't work as well as on the HH model.  Going to do it black with cooler highlights (dark reaper and thunder hawk blue).  I do like the idea of the warpaint on the face though.  It scares me, but I'll think about it lol.

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Has the flu for the last week, finally today I felt well enough to pick up the brush.  Just did a little low stakes work on the tubes, hair, and claws, so nothing super exciting.  Once I get these done then, I think, it'll be on to the skin.



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