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Battle for Macragge - Made To Order + Christmas Day Reveal

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AKA Crashed Lander and Pilot (ft. Space Marines and Tyranids).





Wrap yourself in a cosy blanket of nostalgia with this special Christmas Day Made to Order release, which recreates the classic Battle for Macragge from the boxed set that launched the fourth edition of Warhammer 40,000 –  straight out of 2004. This set contains 35 plastic miniatures: the Imperial Pilot Lieutenant Varras, 10 Space Marines, six Genestalers, eight Spore Mines, and 10 Termagants. There are also 17 pieces of terrain – six objective markers, the wreckage of a crashed Imperial Lander, and six infestation nodes.


This set will be available to order from 10am local time on Monday the 25th of December until 8am GMT on Tuesday the 2nd of January 2024. As a Made To Order product, this may take up to 180 days to ship.



In addition,



Tune in tomorrow for a huge reveal, followed by something special on Boxing Day. Throughout the week, there will be teases for what’s coming in 2024, as well as the result of this year’s Miniature of the Year vote.


Edited by Lord Marshal
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Can't say I'm particularly tempted for this besides the terrain. The crashed Aquilla is an excellent set but not really worth paying for everything else it comes with. I've luckily already got a couple of the pilots knocking about, they're a cool and unique model. Much more excited for the preview tomorrow.

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The terrain is very nice. Not sure yet whether I'll pass on it or decide to go for it, I guess it'll depend on the price. I could be tempted to make a scouring/siege of terra squad out of them.


I started back in 7E, so I never picked up some of these sets.

Edited by WrathOfTheLion
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This was the first set that got me started in 40K. Still use the Aquila Lander for terrain in some games. It is not an exact copy as my original has a larger spawning pool in addition to the infestation nodes.  At todays prices it may or may not be worth it to buy. 

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1 hour ago, No Foes Remain said:

Dare we hope it's the plastic Solar Auxilia that's been obviously coming?


I'd be surprised - that feels more like the main focus of a preview stream. But they are running out of time to get it in Winter. 


That having been said, I'm going to speculate on some new character for the next AoS Dawnbringers book.

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1 hour ago, Vassakov said:


I'd be surprised - that feels more like the main focus of a preview stream. But they are running out of time to get it in Winter. 


That having been said, I'm going to speculate on some new character for the next AoS Dawnbringers book.


When was the old HH weekender? Feburary? That's still in winter UK wise, (December, January and Feburary are 'Winter' for us) if they decided to do something then.

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2 hours ago, No Foes Remain said:


When was the old HH weekender? Feburary? That's still in winter UK wise, (December, January and Feburary are 'Winter' for us) if they decided to do something then.


I am assuming it would be released in Winter, not just announced. It could be SA for Heresy tomorros but it doesn't fit GWs normal release/preview approach.

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15 minutes ago, Lord Marshal said:

My guess is tomorrow's reveal will be Dark Angels, because... Christmas Day... green... angel-topper, so on. 


Then whatever the teases are during the week will be revealed at LVO (19th).


There are two hidden yt videos for the old world, two for AoS, one for 40k and one for HH. The HH and 40k single videos and one of the AoS videos could be the "looking forward into 2024" videos so the "huge" thing tomorrow is likely either the second AoS video or TOW. (with the Tomb Kings boxset already leaked I would expect it to be the two Old World boxsets)

Edited by Matrindur
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I am surprised this came out. It appears to be like the 3rd edition MTO starter box. No rules in it at all. I would be interested in this, but it depends on pricee like others have said.


I already have all the firstborn marines i could want. :)

Edited by Brother Navaer Solaq
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1 hour ago, Matrindur said:


There are two hidden yt videos for the old world, two for AoS, one for 40k and one for HH. The HH and 40k single videos and one of the AoS videos could be the "looking forward into 2024" videos so the "huge" thing tomorrow is likely either the second AoS video or TOW. (with the Tomb Kings boxset already leaked I would expect it to be the two Old World boxsets)

TOW they said would get something interesting on the 26th, so I think that system won't be tomorrow.


24 minutes ago, phandaal said:

This is cool nostalgia bait for sure, but that one week order window with almost no advance notice is strange. A lot of people are going to miss this one simply by not being as dialed in during the holidays.

They've done this for a starter set every two years now since 2019, so it shouldn't be too surprising. But yeah, if they're not paying attention, they won't see it.

Edited by WrathOfTheLion
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