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=] 12 Months of Hobby 2024 [=

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For the month of March, I pledge (again) to paint my Striking Scorpions. I made very little progress previously but I did do some basecoating and drybrushing on the Exarch: 20240202_2223102.thumb.jpg.d7db5fcb268770d7e95486b97e1d0acb.jpg

That was mostly to make sure I remembered the right colors after not painting Eldar for so long. The rest of the unit is untouched from the last pic.

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I, Llagos_Tyrant, continue on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of March I pledge to complete my unfulfilled vows of 1 Ultramarines Captain, 1 Ultramarines Ancient, 1 Ultramarines Honour Guard, and 5 Ultramarines Terminators, by month's end.


Further, I vow to repaint 1 Ultramarines Chaplain and 7 Necromunda Van Saar Gangers (faces and helmets need painting).



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Hey Grot.  Hate to pick faults (particularly after I somehow managed to get your favourite with my Dread for Jan.  Seriously the transfers are crooked and everything.  But thanks a heap) but I notice you missed a Speed Demon for Feb with my Canoptek Wraith.  I completed it in under two hours as part of the challenge.


Otherwise awesome job and thanks again for running this.  Its the main thing that keeps me motivated over the year.


EDIT: Also the Neurogaunts and Tyrant were from my Plodding Along so I don't know if you want to fix that for the start of March or just catch it at the end of March.  Doubt I will get any Plodding Along stuff done this month as is.


Edited by Brother Argent
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On 3/5/2024 at 11:05 PM, Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch said:

I, Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch, in my madness, join the March for March, and vow to complete 1 Monolith, 1 Ghost/Doomsday Ark conversion, and one of these three infantry units to push me over 500 points. May the Silent King punish me if I am to fail! Glory to the Eternal Empire! 

I am FINALLY getting to put my airbrush to use. Hoping that it makes painting this stuff a LOT easier. 


Adding my March for March vow to 12MoH as well, which will consist of 1 monolith, one ark conversion, and one of the three pictured infantry units. Haven't decided which one yet tho :sweat::tongue:


Also Grot I'm honored to get Artificer two months in a row. (Even if I need to reupload my Obliterator pics, apparently... (and also my Plodding along vow pic. Hm. Discord, I'm going to turn you into a servitor for screwing with my file hosting.)) (Also also I realized my Plodding Along vow was a BIT ambiguous, I'm going for the whole Silent King kit/unit, so if that could be updated I'd appreciate it muchly :thumbsup:)

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Who's an idiot???




=> Grotsmasha <=




Grotsmasha is the idiot.



I bought some Ork decals on eBay to really spice Ghazghull up. Then I rpomptly forgot I'd done that, put him up on eBay, and he sold in under 12hrs. Today I packaged him up, sent him off to the US of A, and returned home to find the decals in mt letterbox :wallbash:

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1 hour ago, Grotsmasha said:

Who's an idiot???




=> Grotsmasha <=




Grotsmasha is the idiot.



I bought some Ork decals on eBay to really spice Ghazghull up. Then I rpomptly forgot I'd done that, put him up on eBay, and he sold in under 12hrs. Today I packaged him up, sent him off to the US of A, and returned home to find the decals in mt letterbox :wallbash:

That just sounds to me like you'll have to paint another one........


And maybe some boys to go with him......


And a truck for him to ride in......


And some buggies and bikes......


And a mek to keep them going......


I think you're going to need to do a full army!


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6 minutes ago, Dwango said:

That just sounds to me like you'll have to paint another one........


And maybe some boys to go with him......


And a truck for him to ride in......


And some buggies and bikes......


And a mek to keep them going......


I think you're going to need to do a full army!


I'm counting the Hatchette Combat Patrol subscription next year to cover me there :thumbsup:

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My Plodding along is still progressing. After Mekboy workshop 2 weeks ago, I finally managed completing the Bheta-Decima set:



I primed the Landing pad from the Moroch set, so, by end of march, I might be left only with the Necromunda market to be painted. 


The Yellow has been applied on the Epic LRs too, so the rest of my "standard" march´s vow is also quite advanced.

This is what happens when it is pouring rain...



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On 3/7/2024 at 5:38 PM, Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch said:


Adding my March for March vow to 12MoH as well, which will consist of 1 monolith, one ark conversion, and one of the three pictured infantry units. Haven't decided which one yet tho :sweat::tongue:


Also Grot I'm honored to get Artificer two months in a row. (Even if I need to reupload my Obliterator pics, apparently... (and also my Plodding along vow pic. Hm. Discord, I'm going to turn you into a servitor for screwing with my file hosting.)) (Also also I realized my Plodding Along vow was a BIT ambiguous, I'm going for the whole Silent King kit/unit, so if that could be updated I'd appreciate it muchly :thumbsup:)

OOOOOH metal destroyers.



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31 minutes ago, Brother Carpenter said:

OOOOOH metal destroyers.



Well, I have some metal Destroyers, but they're not in the shot, or in the vow, lol :sweat: But I do plan on getting to them at some point this year.


But metal Warriors and Flayed Ones? Oh yes. I got them both for relative songs, too, which was the best part. (The metal destroyers were... more expensive, but not more so than the plastics--I set that as my own internal bidding limit.)

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I am making progress.  Albeit it slow.  Far to slow.  But anyway, first squad assembled and based:



And a couple of test models:





Hope they look Australian themed enough.  I've tried to base the colour scheme off the ANZAC uniform of WW2.  The colours are washed out but the rear photo probably shows the colour the best.

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7 minutes ago, Dwango said:

I, Dwango vow to embrace my madness and complete 10 primarisified vanguard vets, 6 blade guard vets, 1 repulsor, 1 Redemptor Dred, 1 terminator ancient and 1 ancient (910 pts) of Dark Angels in 31 days and vow to share my madness with others as I March for March!"

The Van vets are part of my 12 months pledge and are next on the painting list. 


 Added to my vow grot. This may spill over into April along with the grey knights but we shall see how quick I can be. 

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Here comes my LR Company, under IF livery. This completes and concludes my pledge for March.




I have done it a minimum wages. These tiny stuff are too small for me...

I only authorized myself to do some extra stuff on the command LR, just to get it more distinctively visual on the table. Even if, should I remind well my old Epic times, Commands units do not bring anything special... Except a fancy banner.




Time to think about next month pledge. I will probably go back to my AdMechs, with 10 Hoplites waiting to be mounted and painted since January. Or more EPIC stuff. I still have an ooP Warlord titan and a huge amount of infantery slots waiting. I´ll see.

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