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Footguard in 10th

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Because I have one I will jump in. I havent had the chance to use it in 10th but it was pretty nasty in 9th.

What I would do would be to field 6 squads of 20 infantry with 3 command squads and three castellans/marshalls. Max out your heavy weapons and special weapons, plasma, melta and lascannons.

3 lascannon heavy weapons squads. 

2 or 3 field ordinance batteries.

Some medusa or basilisk artillery carriages.

3 Tempestus super squads. 10 man + command squads.

If you have points left over, toss in the alternate battle line infantry squads.


Most opponents will not have the fire power after your turn two to clear you off the board. Remember you do have a 2 cp reinforcement strat to bring back dead squads and thats the only thing I would use CP on. Get into cover and use the go to ground order plus your many medics.

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thanks for the discussion guys.

I have an idea for a trial force:


6 x 10 catachan Wave one: (scout forward, take objectives early then die)

6 x 20 cadians Wave two/three, melta and plasma spam.

6 x 20 infantry, lots of MLs/GLs


2 command squad and 2 castellans to go into a 20 man cadian squad, to give multiple power fists and an extra meltagun.

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5 hours ago, brother_b said:

That’s what, more than 300 models? Let’s say you can do this, how long would that game take? Definitely work on some movement tray options as you develop your army.


Im not sure who could deal with 300 models.


Ive done similar size games in last edition wih concscript blobs. the challenge (time) isnt actually the move phase its the shooting phase

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I think with smaller armies you have to think a lot more about your movement. With massive hordes it’s a lot less tactical because you fill so much of the space anyway so although moving the models takes longer there is a lot less thinking time so it balances out.  


Shooting phase however, definitely agree with greatcrusade. Going through all those different guns in all those different squads … yeah

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Movement trays work great in a mass guard force. You wont be able to keep them in cover and even if you can, who cares? You can expect to lose 60-100 guys per turn but surprise you can bring at least one 20 man blob back each turn. Most TAC lists will not be able to kill all your infantry and once you take the center objectives, keep pushing forward and hold them. This whole thing works even better with Death Korps who can hit BS 2+ with a pile of high quality weapons and bring dudes back each turn it they dont get wiped out.

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