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THE MARCH FOR MARCH! Painting Challenge- A casual month long painting event.

Go to solution Solved by Brother Argent,

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I wish to embrace the madness, but I have a query - the only army I'm doing at the moment is my own AT Titan Legion - given that a Warlord clocks in at over 500 points by itself; how many Titans would be acceptable?

Does the army that we pledge have to be for 40K? Just that I have a 30K Blood Angels 5th Assault Company army that I've started building, and was looking for the motivation to paint them.

Well, I’ve finally gotten a handle on how to use my airbrush, so I basecoated my Ark and my Monolith tonight!


There was a lot of gunk to clean up from my airbrush’s previous owner, and I’ll probably need to keep removing old paint from the exterior as time goes on, but overall I’m happy with how things have worked out!


This chrome (vallejo) isn’t QUITE as bright as I’d prefer it, so I’ll be doing the infantry in Chrome Pen as opposed to spraying them, but that isn’t too much of a surprise. 


Some awesome looking progress here guys.  I am glad you are all not only taking the journey with me but, honestly, most of you are already ahead of me.  I've got all the infantry assembled and ten guys based.  Heck, I have even started on a couple of test models.  I'm not sure I will make the end of the month but eh, half the fun is trying.


@Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch: I love that monolith mate.  The purple/crimson and the silver are going to look ace beside each other.


@gaurdian31: I was really sad when they got rid of Greater Possessed.  Then they resculpted the possessed and I was skeptical.  Now I see yours I am sold.  Going to need to get some for my White Talons I think.


@Montuhotep: As far as I can tell a 1000 point to 1500 point army is about the equivalent game/model count size list.  So anywhere around the 1000 point mark I think will get you a pass.


@TheArtilleryman: That lining between the panels is amazing mate.  I am completely envious.



1 hour ago, Brother Argent said:

Some awesome looking progress here guys.  I am glad you are all not only taking the journey with me but, honestly, most of you are already ahead of me.  I've got all the infantry assembled and ten guys based.  Heck, I have even started on a couple of test models.  I'm not sure I will make the end of the month but eh, half the fun is trying.


@Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch: I love that monolith mate.  The purple/crimson and the silver are going to look ace beside each other.


@gaurdian31: I was really sad when they got rid of Greater Possessed.  Then they resculpted the possessed and I was skeptical.  Now I see yours I am sold.  Going to need to get some for my White Talons I think.


@Montuhotep: As far as I can tell a 1000 point to 1500 point army is about the equivalent game/model count size list.  So anywhere around the 1000 point mark I think will get you a pass.


@TheArtilleryman: That lining between the panels is amazing mate.  I am completely envious.



Thanks man! Appreciate the nice words. Remember though, with regards to progress, that most of us have a headstart on you because the models are already built and, in my case, primed and partially based as well. You’ve started with everything still boxed, so that’s going to give you a bigger challenge which you should take into account.


Good luck with everything you’re trying to get done.

If you’re interested in a suggestion:


a trick I used in Green Scorpion’s challenge over Christmas was to do the base colour on all my guard, then go through and finish each unit. In my case I put a hasty basecoat, wash and drybrush on all the clothing on every model and on every tank. This only took a couple of hours to do in one sitting, not counting wash drying time.

I then went back through and did the details on the units two or three at a time in a batch. Having everything base coated meant when I came to actually complete a unit, it felt faster because a big chunk of perceived work had already been done.


Edited by TheArtilleryman
3 hours ago, Brother Argent said:

@gaurdian31: I was really sad when they got rid of Greater Possessed.  Then they resculpted the possessed and I was skeptical.  Now I see yours I am sold.  Going to need to get some for my White Talons I think.


Yeah, I wasn't super happy when they got rid of them but I am glad I can still use the models. They help break up the possessed as well so you have 7 models that you can use to break up the sameyness if you have multiple squads.

8 hours ago, Brother Argent said:


@Montuhotep: As far as I can tell a 1000 point to 1500 point army is about the equivalent game/model count size list.  So anywhere around the 1000 point mark I think will get you a pass.




Right. Game on.


"I, Montuhotep, vow to embrace my madness and complete 1000 points of Adeptus Titanicus (Battlegroup Crackskull) in 31 days and vow to share my madness with others as I March for March!"


Edited by Montuhotep

So to show I am actually doing something here is the first guard squad assembled and based:




I know flamers aren't ideal but I am equipping them the same as the combat patrol set to get games in there.  I am reminded doing these how much I love the guard.  I have also got two of them gone for the most part:



The colours are a little washed out but they somewhat get the idea across.  Not sure I will be able to get through the full amount I need but I am loving how they turned out and thats all that counts really.  Unfortunately got a cricked nerve in my neck painting them yesterday so might get back to assembly for today.


I finished up the Bikers last night (which brings me up to a clean 12), Terminators are next I think!






Great idea. A cool way of bringing the community together and getting some motivation for painting is always a boon. Some really good looking stuff here guys. The chrome Monolith looks very striking. So I shall join you. Here is my vow. A Tactical Squad, an Assault Squad (Firstborn) and two Devastator Squads. I think that's 585 points based on the codex. I did have the Assault Squad already undercoated so I have a cheeky head start. 


"I, The Praetorian of Inwit, vow to embrace my madness superior fort building genius and complete 585pts of Imperial Fists in 31 days and vow to share my madness with others as I March for March!"



Welcome to the March Praetorian.  Will be good to see some first born (a.k.a Real Marines).  And will be good to see some Fists too.  Yellow is always a striking colour to see well done.

I, Dwango vow to embrace my madness and complete 10 primarisified vanguard vets, 6 blade guard vets, 1 repulsor, 1 Redemptor Dred, 1 terminator ancient and 1 ancient (910 pts) of Dark Angels in 31 days and vow to share my madness with others as I March for March!"

The Van vets are part of my 12 months pledge and are next on the painting list. 


I would say " Wow Dwango thats a fair bit more then 500 pts, are you sure you can get it done?" but I have seen your previous efforts in the Call to Arms and everything.  Welcome to the March mate.

Hit the hobby hard today. Got my Assault Squad painted and based. I am not a good painter by any means but getting paint on the mini is still a win and I paint to a level that I get enjoyment and satisfaction from. 




1 hour ago, Montuhotep said:

Well, my vow didn't last very long at all.


Death in the family.


Sorry guys, I'm out.

So sorry to hear this. Wish there was a sympathy reaction I could tag on your post. Take care mate

Sorry to hear that, @Montuhotep. :sad: Take care of yourself and your family - we'll still be here when you come back. :smile: 

@Montuhotep You have my deepest sympathies mate.  Real Life can be a bugger sometimes.  As Firedrake said look after yourself and your family.  We will still be here.  If you feel like having another crack at it before months end I am happy to give you a reset on the 31 days.

Well... after my youngest son was left unsupervised by my darling wife on two occasions it seems I am not likely to get my own challenge done.  As he has mostly destroyed all my paint brushes and a large number of my paints, including several brand new unopened ones.  Whilst my models themselves are safe the fact that I now have close to $100 dollars of over priced paint all over my desk and keyboard and most of my brand new brushes are likely ruined I am some what struggling with motivation to paint at this point.  The fact it was let happen a second time is also kind of frustrating.  And I can't easily store the paints anywhere else at this point to avoid it happening again.  I am honestly to the point of giving up with the hobby.  At least for a few years. 


Or giving up on the wife and kids.... thats always an option too... :mellow:

26 minutes ago, Brother Argent said:

Well... after my youngest son was left unsupervised by my darling wife on two occasions it seems I am not likely to get my own challenge done.  As he has mostly destroyed all my paint brushes and a large number of my paints, including several brand new unopened ones.  Whilst my models themselves are safe the fact that I now have close to $100 dollars of over priced paint all over my desk and keyboard and most of my brand new brushes are likely ruined I am some what struggling with motivation to paint at this point.  The fact it was let happen a second time is also kind of frustrating.  And I can't easily store the paints anywhere else at this point to avoid it happening again.  I am honestly to the point of giving up with the hobby.  At least for a few years. 


Or giving up on the wife and kids.... thats always an option too... :mellow:


Ouch. I feel your pain. When my eldest was three he somehow managed to accidentally delete my Xbox 360 profile and all my progress on every single game, including about 100 hours on my main Oblivion character. This was back before cloud saves were a thing and if the profile was gone from your drive it was gone forever.


What you describe is so much worse. And the worst thing is you can’t even get mad because he’s just being a kid…


I say keep the box of stuff in your car from now on, whatever is left and any new stuff you might get. Take it with you everywhere!


Just thought, I get my brushes really cheap from a local railway model store and was gonna offer to mail you some, but I’m guessing you’re in the US?

Edited by TheArtilleryman

@Brother Argent Oh, I'm sorry that this happened and I feel your frustration. Give yourself some time for the zeal to subside.


I can just say that you'd be missed here should you choose to give up the hobby. I found your work inspiring to the point that I've almost went for an orange colour scheme for my future project.


And I'm sure your wife and kids would miss you, too, should you go for the grimdark path :tongue:

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