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THE MARCH FOR MARCH! Painting Challenge- A casual month long painting event.

Go to solution Solved by Brother Argent,

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Likewise, between this and 12 Months I've been more active in the actual hobby part of the hobby than I have in years!

13 hours ago, Mr. Oddity said:

Likewise, between this and 12 Months I've been more active in the actual hobby part of the hobby than I have in years!


It is one of the key benefits of such challenges: emulation that leads to progress... Far better than a lockdown, isn´t it?

Great work everybody. Some really cool paintjobs here. 


This has been a really cool event. Perhaps we should have a March For May to continue?

13 hours ago, The Praetorian of Inwit said:

Perhaps we should have a March For May to continue?

June may bring that which you seek....

22 hours ago, Grotsmasha said:

June may bring that which you seek....


And just when I had promised to myself to take a step back from painting.  Or at the very least a step back from over the top painting commitments...

4 hours ago, Brother Argent said:


And just when I had promised to myself to take a step back from painting.  Or at the very least a step back from over the top painting commitments...


Any pretext to get back into the hobby is a good one. I do hope that this might convince you to reconsider ;)



At this point I am waiting till the second of May for our last challenge undertaker to finish.  I haven't, at this point, done signatures as I figured most of the peoples signatures on the board are already full and with the awards for bigger challenges so I din't want to clutter things.


If people do want signature images though let me know and I will whip something up.


As it stands we have had almost 50/50 split on completions and fails.  Interestingly enough we have had most of those whom committed early (myself included) fail and those whom committed later succeed.


I wanted to thank you all for participating in my March for March.  I fully intend on this becoming a yearly thing and hopefully next year I will actually pass my own challenge (perhaps not picking an army with so many models...)


I am also considering a May Madness event that will hopefully run a little smoother then this.  It may be around different conditions however.  I am going to do a plan in advance (not much advance really) and get it off to Brother Tyler.  With an event coming up in June (thinking it might be the Call again) I don't want to overrun into that though.


Thanks again all and I will get a full event round up as well as let Brother Tyler know what people get the super rare Achievement badge for the Event.

Unfortunately I'll be weighing the scale towards failure, despite a decent start some health complications with my wife came up (she's better now) and my hobby time disappeared. Despite a push to recoup progress I don't have anything but primed models to show for it. Regardless, another thank you to Brother Argent for his organization of this challenge and congratulations to all frater who were successful!

  • Solution


And so, ladies and gentleman, that brings the March for March to a well and truly overdue close.  Thank you all whom joined in for my first on site challenge in a long time (first since the original Iron Gauntlet).


Although, due to my own real life events, the event didn't quite go as planned and I failed my own commitments and was unable to keep up the support to the event as much as I would have liked I still consider the event a success.  We have had some amazing models and forces painted, whether people completed the full army or only got a few models done.  Any completion is a victory against the legions of the unpainted.


We had twelve people take up the March and embrace their inner madness and resulted in a outstanding 50/50 completion rate. 


So please join me in congratulating:

  • Kennyjapan
  • Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch

  • Reclusiarch Jolemai

  • TrawlingCleaner

  • Praetorian of Inwit

  • Dwango

On their completion and earning themselves the March for March completion award:




This will be awarded by the illustrious Brother Tyler to your profiles.  If you want to attempt to signaturise it go for it.  I would like to personally give a huge congratulations to @Dwango whose bases alone would have taken my the whole month.


As for the others:

  • Brother Argent (sigh...)
  • TheArtilleryman
  • guardian31
  • mini_painting_mike
  • Casual Heresy
  • Mr Oddity

We tried.  And some of us did some pretty damned impressive models.  But what is important is that we all embraced that spark of madness and, with a little TLC, it will still be there next year to earn our redemption in the March for March 2025!  And again I feel the need for a special shout out to @TheArtilleryman whose impressive Stormsurge is, well, probably worth the award for the March as it was.


So again a huge thank you all for joining me in the March and a huge thank you to the B&C for letting me run and host this little foray into the madness that dwells in us all.


And I shall see you all in the next one.  Whatever or whenever that will be.



The badge that Brother Argent depicted above has been awarded to all members that successfully completed their vows. In addition, Brother Argent has been awarded a Crux badge for coordinating this challenge. Running events is never easy, demanding considerable time and effort from those that are willing to undertake them. The entire community should applaud those that are willing to sacrifice for the community at large.


This badge may be changed later - I've been working on some additional badges for different types of achievements, including running events, and those badges may be awarded retroactively once I (a) get them codified/finished, and (b) upload them to the system. In the meantime, here is the shiny new badge that Brother Argent is sporting:



@Brother Argent thank you so much for the shout out! I’m really pleased with the reaction that model has received between this and the 12 Months of Hobby thread. I’m glad people like it :)


Feel a bit sad that I didn’t finish the full vow though. I haven’t made any further progress on the rest of the T’au since the last picture posted, partly because I felt a bit meh when I missed the deadline and partly because I have now got distracted by a large Heresy-shaped package … however I have just ordered a brand new set of brushes and my first wet palette, so when all that arrives I might have another go at finishing them, to see how well my new kit performs highlighting those fiddly models. When I do eventually do it I’ll post them here, even if it’s weeks away :)


Well done to everyone who finished and to everyone who didn’t - there were some amazing vows and superb models on these pages and it was great fun following them all!

Edited by TheArtilleryman
  • 8 months later...

@Brother Argent As promised, thought I’d post this here - rather than just March, it took me the whole of 2024 to get the models done that I pledged here - realised they were still not done with a couple of days of the 12 months of hobby left and that gave me the incentive I needed!




I hope there will be another March for March this year, because this time I intend to redeem myself in the eyes of the Emperor with a chunk of either my guard or heresy collection!


Edited by TheArtilleryman

Looking good there mate.  If I am honest my models from last years March are still as I left them.  Well, the sarge of one of the squads has been mauled by my kids and is baseless and armless but otherwise they are just a bit dustier so really good to see yours complete.


And don't worry, there will definelty be a March for March this year.  Looking to get sign up going next month with a few refinements of the rules.


I also have finally completed a tally of my Pile of Shame... its... painful to say the least.  But from it I have realised I should be able to construct at least one Combat Patrol force.


So, stay tuned.  And keep up the good work

6 hours ago, Brother Argent said:

Looking good there mate.  If I am honest my models from last years March are still as I left them.  Well, the sarge of one of the squads has been mauled by my kids and is baseless and armless but otherwise they are just a bit dustier so really good to see yours complete.


And don't worry, there will definelty be a March for March this year.  Looking to get sign up going next month with a few refinements of the rules.


I also have finally completed a tally of my Pile of Shame... its... painful to say the least.  But from it I have realised I should be able to construct at least one Combat Patrol force.


So, stay tuned.  And keep up the good work

Great news! Looking forward to it.


Pile of shame … yeah I need to completely redo my leadweight because I’ve lost track entirely. I don’t think it’s too bad but it’s hard to tell because there is potential for a bunch of Horus Heresy models in my non-Raven Guard box but how much depends on whether I buy all the additional bits I’d like to. Got my eye on some nice volkite breacher sets for a start … I have the parts to make a bunch of regular bolter guys but I’ve got plenty of those so it’s not happening without the extras lol

Edited by TheArtilleryman
  • 1 month later...

Sorry about the delay for this years March guys.  I hope to get it up and running in the next few days.  Will have a few slight changes but stay tuned.  The March is coming

5 hours ago, Brother Argent said:

Sorry about the delay for this years March guys.  I hope to get it up and running in the next few days.  Will have a few slight changes but stay tuned.  The March is coming

My remaining Astra Militarum are looking forward to it!

7 hours ago, Brother Argent said:

Sorry about the delay for this years March guys.  I hope to get it up and running in the next few days.  Will have a few slight changes but stay tuned.  The March is coming

Excited to try again this year! I did finally get the last of the terminators painted in January and the characters were painted over the course of last year.

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