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THE MARCH FOR MARCH! Painting Challenge- A casual month long painting event.

Go to solution Solved by Brother Argent,

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On 3/25/2024 at 8:03 PM, Brother Argent said:

disheartening episode with my kids leading to the destruction of a large number of my paints and almost all my brushes

Hobby destruction sucks. I also learned the hard way with my boy...

So the vanguard vets are done and I think the blade guard should be done tomorrow, apart from decals and chipping. That just leaves the two ancients, dread and tank. It's gonna be close. I'll post pics of progress Saturday.

Wow time is getting tight now … but I’m trying to get there! Green and white done on everything… I’ve got four days to go …





It's a shame I didn't know about this event earlier - I've been painting a Necron Boarding Patrol, but I was about 50% into it when I think I first saw it announced; anyway I finished the Patrol this week :smile:




Best of luck to everyone racing to finish their vow on time, and we'll done to everyone who has managed it! :thumbsup:

Work so far, van vets blade guard and termi ancient done apart from varnish and a volkite glow.


The dread and tank have been started. The blade ancient will be the last one done I think. 


Update: everything painted to the same stage i.e. all base colours done.




Aaaand about 8 hours of edge highlighting later and the first highlight is done on the Stormsurge.



This is the reason the other stuff won’t be finished - I had underestimated just how huge a job panel lining this darn thing was gonna be. I’ve still got to do the second highlight on the green, plus highlighting the other colours, plus tidying up, plus finishing the base.

Edited by TheArtilleryman

Behold the completed Tactical Squad!





My Vow is complete. For The Emperor.


While working on these chaps I had Starship Troopers Roughneck Chronicles playing in the background. Cool show. Plus it inspires my Astartes to tolerate no Xenos. 

Edited by Firedrake Cordova
Removed duplicate image :)

Just about done in time!


Some very nice stuff out there, very much enjoyed diving into madness with you all!












EDIT: forgot the Dread :whistling:

Edited by Kennyjapan

I was debating on entering this (and I'm certainly going more for the spirit of the challenge rather than the letter of it here...), but I've been really happy to get involved with my hobby work more due to the 12 Months of Hobby challenge and it gave me the motivation to jump in. Assuming it isn't too late:


I, Mr. Oddity, vow to embrace my madness and complete a Combat Patrol of Necrons (with custom Skorpekh Destroyers and a Doomstalker counts-as) in 31 days and vow to share my madness with others as I March for March April!


As I'm a fan of the old-school Necron designs - nothing against the new ones, granted - my Skorpekhs will be in the same vein of the OG Wraiths and my "Doomstalker" will be a Doom Obelisk in the style of the OG Monolith. It'll also be my first foray into scratchbuilding so this'll be interesting!


Welp.... I failed...  Horribly.  I'll get up a failed and a complete signature tomorrow.  Its been a rough few days with the mother in law visiting and things have been... interesting...  


Great job to the guys that have finished.  I'll do a proper event update tomorrow hopefully.

24 minutes ago, Brother Argent said:

Welp.... I failed...  Horribly.  I'll get up a failed and a complete signature tomorrow.  Its been a rough few days with the mother in law visiting and things have been... interesting...  


Great job to the guys that have finished.  I'll do a proper event update tomorrow hopefully.

I think (hope) I've still got to the 16th? Is that right?

Finished the Stormsurge:




Didnt manage to fully finish the whole pledge, but I made a bunch of progress:



Edited by TheArtilleryman

Well I bit off a bit more than I could chew. First the finished stuff:





And the not so finished stuff:





I'll be plugging away at them this month as I would like to get them finished.

Although I seem to have misplaced the base for one of the bikers and also my Transfer sheet, my pledge was finished off last night:

















As yet unnamed Terminator lord:















Whether you completed your vow or not, absolutely outstanding work everyone!:happy:

Edited by TrawlingCleaner

Great work on those kitbashed terminators @TrawlingCleaner. Impressed with what you’ve been able to do with that kit. Nothing better than having your own unique models.

21 hours ago, Dwango said:

I think (hope) I've still got to the 16th? Is that right?


Yes.  You do. 


Keep the good work guys.  Today's update is a bust but I am working on some signatures for those interested.  Really impressed with every ones work and I may look at making this an annual thing.  Maybe with a bit more prep for myself next year.

Update 3/4


7/8 complete

5 Vanguard Veterans with Jump Packs complete







*Should* have the remaining Dreadnought done by the 5th my time...

Repulsor is complete and the dread just needs a plasma glow doing. Hopefully be able to get that done as well as the sword for the ancient tonight. Then it'll just be the rest of the ancient to do. 


Photodump incoming!


So! Finished!*

*in that I would put all these models on the board. I set myself a gargantuan task with the color scheme I chose for the monolith and while i do use both shades of red in this vow in my army I meant to do the brighter on the panels (I basically did no work last calendar week thanks to the siren call of Stargate), and i still have some technical paints and basing to do on the Lychguard. And two wrist breakages to fix. 

Very happy with how these turned out! Cheers for a great event, Argent! Sorry your hobby supplies got pillaged. 

(Now, I may get the red panels done later if i find the time and masking skill with my airbrush. We shall see. And i want to put some transfers on there too. )













Looking good guys.  I promise an update is coming.  Things just aren't entirely going to plan in RL world but have faith.  I hope to get an update, signatures and a proper run down (so far) of how the March went by weeks end.

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