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Some very cool rules for the Suit enthusiasts in here and also something I hope they do more of across armies:


Since we’re on the topic, let’s talk about Crisis Battlesuits. One of the coolest things about the current edition of Warhammer 40,000 is that every unit gets its own special ability. While this is great for most, it hits a snag when massively flexible models need an ability that suits every possible loadout. After all, a bonus that’s ideal for close-range flamers might not be nearly as effective for long-range missile pods.


Imperial strategists have addressed this issue by spreading flexible tanks like the Leman Russ or Gladiator across different datasheets, and the T’au are nothing if not quick learners. The new Codex: T’au Empire splits Crisis Battlesuits into three distinct datasheets based around classic configurations,* and veteran T’au commanders might recognise a few names from lore of yore… 





That does mean that we're likely to see more datasheets disappear from the Tau codex as this is another 2 additional datasheets on top of the 4 we're getting from the Kroot boxset

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I hate being a negative Nancy but I facepalmed when I read it.


”Hey, we want a battle suit heavy detachment, how should we do it?”


”Make Crisis Suits Battleline?”


” No let’s make three redundant datasheets, with restrictive options, that still limit you in what you can take. Oh and existing stuff can just go in legends”.


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1 minute ago, Remain_Indoors said:

I hate being a negative Nancy but I facepalmed when I read it.


”Hey, we want a battle suit heavy detachment, how should we do it?”


”Make Crisis Suits Battleline?”


” No let’s make three redundant datasheets, with restrictive options, that still limit you in what you can take. Oh and existing stuff can just go in legends”.



Do they need to be Battleline though? With this you're able to take 9 squads (3 of each) of up to 6 Crisis suits, that's quite a lot :laugh:

It definitely sucks to lose Ion Blasters, I do wonder why they bothered leaving them in the Index if they were taking them out in the codex

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The most common non-CIB loadout that I've seen is Burst Cannon, Plasma Rifle and Missile Pod, mostly 'cause it was common in 9th iirc.


Since Burst Cannon is paired with Flamers in the article, where as Plasma Rifle is paired with Missile Pods, I don't think that loadout is usable anymore.

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Just now, VanDutch said:

I think the Crisis Commander has been wiped too, given only the Coldstar and Enforcer Commanders are mentioned in the article.


I mentioned this in the Kroot thread but I figured this could be the case as it was for Tyranid Primes becoming the Warrior unit Leader. I'm imagining this will be the case for most units where they used to build a character from the squad box?

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21 minutes ago, TrawlingCleaner said:


Do they need to be Battleline though? With this you're able to take 9 squads (3 of each) of up to 6 Crisis suits, that's quite a lot :laugh:

It definitely sucks to lose Ion Blasters, I do wonder why they bothered leaving them in the Index if they were taking them out in the codex

Actualy as the preview hints with the fixed loadout you need 3 box to make 3 legit units if the fusion needs 2 blaster each battlesuit.

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* This also allows their points costs to more accurately reflect their equipment, rather than the priciest possible loadout.


Hey GW, you know what else would achieve that? Wargear options having a points cost :facepalm:


Honestly this reveal just highlights everything wrong with the design direction right now. Removal of one flexible datasheet in favour of three fixed ones (bloat), push the old one to legends forcing people* to either shelf or modify their existing models, give each of those datasheets a unique rule that it wouldn't need if they could balance wargear/point costs properly, tacit admission that fixed costs for units with variables doesn't work. Arguably the most laughable thing of all is, even with GWs obsession with limiting the rules to reflecting the kit, they still managed to put in a weapon combination that you can't build out of the box.


*Yes casual play vs tournament play blah blah, we all know how that actually pans out in reality

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18 minutes ago, Handsome Fred said:

Actualy as the preview hints with the fixed loadout you need 3 box to make 3 legit units if the fusion needs 2 blaster each battlesuit.




four plasma rifles, three flamers, four fusion blasters, four burst cannons, three missile pods and three shield generators


Unless they're going with the Shas'vre being the dual wielder of Fusion and everyone else has 1? All the other loadouts look to work out

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This seems to undermine the flexibility of Crisis suits, which I always thought was their raison d'etre. Another step towards reducing options. :/


Actually, of all the opinions in the article, I think I disagree with this one the most:

One of the coolest things about the current edition of Warhammer 40,000 is that every unit gets its own special ability.


Interest and personalisation was implicit in the old rules by giving a range of options for you to choose from. Replacing that with fixed units and adding card-game style mechanics is a big turn-off for me.


Edited by apologist
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1 minute ago, TrawlingCleaner said:



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four plasma rifles, three flamers, four fusion blasters, four burst cannons, three missile pods and three shield generators


Unless they're going with the Shas'vre being the dual wielder of Fusion and everyone else has 1? All the other loadouts look to work out


If I have to pay 150 points (I can't image a 3 man unit at 200 points with fixed loadout) for 4 plasma shoots...that's a horror film.

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1 minute ago, TrawlingCleaner said:



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four plasma rifles, three flamers, four fusion blasters, four burst cannons, three missile pods and three shield generators


Unless they're going with the Shas'vre being the dual wielder of Fusion and everyone else has 1? All the other loadouts look to work out


I forsee an even worse option no-one else has considered:

A Default crisis suit has 1 Burst Cannon and nothing else.

What if GW make it so your Shas'vre is the only one with the unique loadout (2 Fusions/Plasma+Missiles/Burst+Flamer) and the other 2-5 minis have 1 Burst and that's it.

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This is so bad. What sort of company asks its customers to build (expensive) models that nominally are built with GLUE and then repeatedly forces them to rebuild/rebuy if they want to play in tournaments? Its not like we are respeccing in a video game, or building with legos. It is crazy to me that people would try to put lipstick on this pig.


The fetish GW has with controlling the player experience right now is totally disrespectful.

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8 minutes ago, USNCenturion said:

That line about people’s existing models arbitrarily going into legends because they’re no longer legal after 20 years is just perfect in a depressing sort of way. 

What the actual hell are the designers doing?

Looks like they're appeasing the pressure coming from those above. Remember, the designers don't have complete free reign, they likely have suits coming in to give them priorities (such as ensuring that a lot of crisis suits are sold, can't get the old players to buy new ones if they'll use their old ones).


What GW needs is a separation of management and designers (only time management should get involved is if a project isn't on time or going off the rails, no suggestions, no "You could...") however, I don't think that'll happen till someone is in charge who knows what its like in the lower levels.

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At least they get to reroll wounds and damage against big stuff, right? Right?


Man, I hadn't really thought about how Battlesuits might get changed aside from just removing the CIB as an option, but this is such a poor decision. One of the most flexible units in the game when it comes to loadout and they absolutely butcher it. This feels like an incredibly poor decision. Also, as mentioned above who knows how this will actually play out given the physical limits on wargear out of the box. Unless you've magnetized everything on your suit this is going to really hurt.


I wonder if this means that the CIB loadout for commanders will be toned down as well, not to mention any of their other wargear.

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My son and I literally just built a squad each with mixed armaments. I’m really starting to hate this :cuss:


I hope they have so many complaints that they’re forced to reprint the whole :cuss: codex.



Edited by TheArtilleryman
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