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Very early to say at the moment, but if GW give us a new road map at Adepticon we'll know then. Valraks rumours revolved more around Krieg and the possibility they were pushed back for whatever reason, especially since the blood angels are also rumoured around the same time (nothing stopping them from both dropping of course, just not likely given the amount of new stuff they'll both get)

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28 minutes ago, crimsondave said:

“Blitzkrieg?”  Really?  Is the Mordian strategy called “goose step?”  :facepalm:

Love me some good rumors and I love my guard, but I ain’t buying this.  No heat to the OP.  It’s definitely making the rounds.

No heat taken ;)

While I agree Blitzkrieg does have heavy connotations, we've known GW to make missteps such as this.

Still scores negative points to credibility


15 minutes ago, Tokugawa said:

Fake in my eyes. Elysian receive new kits before Catachans? Don't make sense.


Also, IG sub Reddit said this was first seen at 4Chan. Is it equal to "send by Tzeentch from eye of terror"?

I don't know, we've seen plastic Krieg before renewed Catachans too. Are Catachan even that popular? At least Elysians bring a different unit type to IG.


Hadn't seen that about an ultimate source on 4chan, certainly possible (and further negative points to the overall credibility)

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In 10th format, if a person could see the page which stratagems printed, one important piece of infomation can't be negelected, for any reason: whether a stratagem is "battle tactics" or not. 


This self-claimed "leak" didn't include any. 


It's possibly fabricated by someone crazily missing the IG 9th codex. Many names and abilities are brutally copy and pasted.  

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35 minutes ago, Orion said:

I dunno, are Kroot?

From all the clamouring I've seen for updated Carnivores over the years, and especially since the Kroot models of BSF and KT, absolutely.


I've never seen anywhere near as much noise for getting new Catachan troopers (only some favourable mentions about the recent Catachan special character releases) - but I might not have hung around Imperial guard spaces as much.


My remark wasn't meant to be a slight against Catachan, more a genuine question, sorry if it came across as sarcastic :)

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1 hour ago, Tokugawa said:

Fake in my eyes. Elysian receive new kits before Catachans? Don't make sense.


Also, IG sub Reddit said this was first seen at 4Chan. Is it equal to "send by Tzeentch from eye of terror"?

It actually makes sense to me. I would want more than just a single infantry kit for Catachans (at least a command squad and an accessory sprue) while the Elysians are fine with just one kit. 

Since the focus in this update clearly is on Krieg there wouldn't be room for another multiple kits wave of Catachan but a single Elysian kit can be slotted in easily.

Edited by Matrindur
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Guest Triszin

I think it's mostly made up


I think they merged existing rumors, with basic expectations, and a bunch of smoke

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17 minutes ago, Doctor Perils said:

From all the clamouring I've seen for updated Carnivores over the years, and especially since the Kroot models of BSF and KT, absolutely.


I've never seen anywhere near as much noise for getting new Catachan troopers (only some favourable mentions about the recent Catachan special character releases) - but I might not have hung around Imperial guard spaces as much.


My remark wasn't meant to be a slight against Catachan, more a genuine question, sorry if it came across as sarcastic :)


Well I collect both Tau and IG and from what I've seen over the years is that Catachans are really on par with Kroot.

And I say that as someone who really prefers the latter as a subfaction.

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Yes well: 


The biggest hint, the leaker states the info says yarrick is alive, since we have had gw confirmation that's he dead, along with a, de gloria yarrick article....I don't think we need to give this further entertainment. 



Edited by Emperor Ming
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4 minutes ago, Emperor Ming said:

The biggest hint, the leaker states the info says yarrick is alive, since we have had gw confirmation that's he dead, along with a, de gloria yarrick article....I don't think we need to give this further entertainment. 





But in all seriousness, it wouldn't be the first major lore event to get walked back almost immediately.

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To be fair, it wouldn't be much of a walk back if such to say that a certain Necron collector slipped in and grabbed him to go along with Creed. After all, the Imperium at large believe Creed is dead right? Still think they're waiting to put Yarricks last stand out as a book, given we know nothing about his death

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Guest Triszin
1 hour ago, Emperor Ming said:

Yes well: 


The biggest hint, the leaker states the info says yarrick is alive, since we have had gw confirmation that's he dead, along with a, de gloria yarrick article....I don't think we need to give this further entertainment. 



I firmly believe yarrick will return as a saint.


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3 minutes ago, Triszin said:

I firmly believe yarrick will return as a saint.


That could be quite fun, but as far as a model goes, he'll either debut in the end of edition narrative campaign (I think there was a rumour that was going to revolve around Orks? If so, perfect timing!) Or 11th+ release

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1 hour ago, Emperor Ming said:

Yes well: 


The biggest hint, the leaker states the info says yarrick is alive, since we have had gw confirmation that's he dead, along with a, de gloria yarrick article....I don't think we need to give this further entertainment. 



But then GW then posted an article on Warhammer Community questioning if he really was dead, and basically saying it’s not confirmed and anything is possible. Why would they bother doing that if they wanted him dead and gone.


he’ll be back.

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A 20 model battleline infantry unit that can deep strike 3 inches away from enemy units?


If nothing else I don't believe this. This would be the best board control unit ever devised.


5-20 model count also makes no damn sense with current box/unit organization.

Edited by AutumnEffect
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3 minutes ago, Marshal Rohr said:

I wonder if Krieg pioneers are a blend of Grenadiers and Engineers

I would guess Engineers with some fancy Grenadier stuff, i.e. flamer team, melta mines and the like. Military terminology wise I don't think there's much difference between Pioneers and Engineers 

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Elysians coming back is probably the biggest marker for disbelief as a former Forge World range. If they ever do, it'll probably be as something like "Astra Militarum Helljumpers" in the same way they did the Veteran Guardsmen kit.


Still, I wouldn't be against it either.

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