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Edit: Now available.



A sign of things to come?


TLDR Lucius and Noise Marines won't be in Codex: CSM, but will be in their own Index. Lucius has to be your Warlord to run an Emperor's Children force.



You might think that this heralds the imminent announcement of a new Codex, perhaps one bound in human skin and painted in garish colours – but if so, it’s too distant for even Warhammer Community’s astropathic choir to detect any signals, and we got a stern talking to from the Inquisitors for even trying. We can only assume we’re safe for the foreseeable future, but if that changes then we’ll let you know.


Edited by Lord Marshal
6 minutes ago, Indy Techwisp said:

World Eaters had this happen as well, so maybe we're looking at an end of edition Codex like them?


Tail end of Q4 2024 / Q1 2025, according to the last raft of rumours.

1 minute ago, USNCenturion said:

Saving up money for this release for sure! Just hope it’s a death guard scale line as opposed to using a lot of existing CSM units. 


They'll probably be roughly in line with the Chaos Legionnaires kit, if not a bit larger depending on whether they go with normal helmets + topknots or go with the insane mohawk design of the original noise Marines.

1 minute ago, USNCenturion said:

I meant like more unique units and not having to use normal chaos terminators, helbrute, master of executions etc like World Eaters and Thousand Sons to a lesser extent. 


Oh, I thought you meant physical scale.

Well, when you get that Death Guard size release, can TSons and WE also get the rest of our ranges then?

To be honest, if the release is anything like World Eaters, we're looking at;


  • Lucius
  • Miscellaneous Slaanesh Lord or Eidolon
  • Noise Marines
  • Mortal Cultists
  • Mutated/Possessed unit
1 minute ago, Joe said:

To be honest, if the release is anything like World Eaters, we're looking at;


  • Lucius
  • Miscellaneous Slaanesh Lord or Eidolon
  • Noise Marines
  • Mortal Cultists
  • Mutated/Possessed unit


And Fulgrim...

I can't wait for codex Slaangor and it's crossover release with AoS.


On a more serious note, beyond Fulgrim, Lucius, Noisers, and variant cultists, it could be basically anything beyond that. Maybe Terminators like TS and DG, maybe Possessed like WE, or Daemon Engines like DG.  They could also blindside us with things like a jump infantry unit, a chosen equivalent, bikers, or even a Land Noise Speeder. Or they might actually borrow Slaangor Fiendbloods, which could be a good fit if they end up sharing some design cues.

30 minutes ago, USNCenturion said:

Saving up money for this release for sure! Just hope it’s a death guard scale line as opposed to using a lot of existing CSM units. 

Expect more WE scale. 1-2 characters, noise marines, cultists, some sort of elite unit, maybe Terminators. And thats it. No Primarch as he is in FW resin

Edited by Redcomet

Strange that the article seems to indicate that Lucius has to be your Warlord in the Index, but hopefully that's just a bit of a muddled sentence (and means that if taken he has to be your Warlord).


Also interesting that there's no mention of Fabius Bile exiting C:CSM for I:EC. Personally, one of the reasons that I love Bile is that he's very much an ex-Emperor's Children, so I was hoping he'd stay Undivided (and have one of the eight C:CSM detachments). But I understand that a lot of EC players seem to really love him and wanted him to migrate over.




25 minutes ago, Joe said:

To be honest, if the release is anything like World Eaters, we're looking at...


Personally, my minimum wants for a C:EC release:

  • Fulgrim
  • Lucius
  • Noise Marines (10 models, only ranged sonic weapons)
  • Mêlée Dual Kit (5 models, Chainswords + Doom Sirens or Accursed Weapons + Combat Drug Dispensers)

With what I feel are also reasonable asks:

  • Eidolon 
  • Fleshcrafter-Apothecaries (3 models, tons of options, like the TS Exalted Sorcerers)
  • Sonic Dreadnought

And stretch goals:

  • (Jet) Bikers
  • Phonics Terminators
  • Slaaneshi Sorcerer
  • Blademaster




4 minutes ago, Redcomet said:

Expect more WE scale. 1-2 characters, noise marines, some sort of elite unit, maybe Terminators. And thats it. No Primarch as he is in FW resin



FW is (strongly rumoured to be) doing daemon versions of all traitor primarchs for HH


There will be a plastic Fulgrim released if there's a full EC wave, no question.


Edited by LSM
1 minute ago, Redcomet said:

Expect more WE scale. 1-2 characters, noise marines, cultists, some sort of elite unit, maybe Terminators. And thats it. No Primarch as he is in FW resin


Fulgrim will definitely get a model.  Whether it'll be with this release is less clear.

They're already talking about the new Angron Ascendant model for 30k, and he has a 40k model.

16 minutes ago, Joe said:

To be honest, if the release is anything like World Eaters, we're looking at;


  • Lucius
  • Miscellaneous Slaanesh Lord or Eidolon
  • Noise Marines
  • Mortal Cultists
  • Mutated/Possessed unit


If it isn't a DG sized release, but larger than the WE release, I'm predicting:


● Fulgrim (40k ver, probably quite different from newly ascended HH Fulgrim.)

● Lucias the Eternal (Probably in a more AoS Slaanesh "Hero" Duelist pose rather than shooting a snake out of his hand or whatever his current model is meant to be doing.)

● Noise Marines (I'm predicting their "modern" armour design but with the crazy Guitar Guns.)

● Mortal Slaanesh Cultists (These guys are either gonna look like Punk-Rock Metalheads or extras from a Hellraiser movie. Either way, I think they'll be Melee focused)

● A Generic HQ (Maybe that "new" classic style Noise Marine gets promoted to a HQ?)

● An "Exalted" Marine unit of some kind

● A new Terminator (Think Melee Tartarus armour with a massive inbuilt Speaker system).

16 minutes ago, Nephaston said:

I can't wait for codex Slaangor and it's crossover release with AoS.

As an unabashed Beastmen fan I’ll be for it. Mind you I already bought Slaangors and I don’t have any interest in Hedonites:biggrin:

1 minute ago, sitnam said:

As an unabashed Beastmen fan I’ll be for it. Mind you I already bought Slaangors and I don’t have any interest in Hedonites:biggrin:


Hey, can you take our Tzaangors?

GW needs somewhere else to offload them.


Also, since you're a Beastmen fan, I'm sorry for your loss.

Edited by Indy Techwisp
Additional thing
9 minutes ago, Indy Techwisp said:


Hey, can you take our Tzaangors?

GW needs somewhere else to offload them.


Also, since you're a Beastmen fan, I'm sorry for your loss.

I love my Tzaangors. I am a Tzeentch fan, so they actually make sense for me too. I actually don’t have a Beastmen AoS army, I took the old Beastmen Start Collecting and converted them all for 40k, with the Cygor being a counts as LoC. The new Felgors that came out actually fit in perfect with the Gors I converted, so I’m pretty happy with it. 


i do feel pretty bad for that AoS community though. Being a Renegades and Heretics fan, it sucks having your faction taken away, even if you can still kind of play it in other ways.

5 minutes ago, Special Officer Doofy said:


And Fulgrim...


Who now ?  :p


But yeah I really dont think expecting deathguard level is warranted here... the rumor may say massiver range refresh, but the source uses those words a little bit too liberal ;)


I think the same formula as this initially (ignore the grayscale placeholders):




The first 5 being the core design formula, yes world eaters terminators are missing, but I think thats a case of just being held back for the moment.


So Fulgrim, Lucius, Noise marines and some kind of terminator unit. Also the 3-man "exalted" squad.. I find interesting that they are in a way remniscent to their primarch/champion.. so they are probably some kind of grotesque duelists for EC.


The 2 others where maybe not in the core design formula ( because for TS it was just an upgrade sprue for tzaangor ) but could have been something planned for all 4 during 8th.

The characters ( for TS and WE ) are both combining Marine and Cult daemon elements, they are likely also designed when Mark codexes where still the plan. I think we will see a character like that for DG this edition (palanquin or not.)

The Mortals represent the peak corruption of the regular humans.. should be thrall sorcerers for TS and some mutants for EC.

However I think the last 2 core concepts are highly speculative on my side.


Now Deathguard gotten some more, but that was their starterset privilege.. Obviously others will get more things as well, but maybe they want to put the cores out first.


I am very curious what the role of the Noise Marines will be given their history and lore because, uniquely for Cult Marines, they have never been a majority presence.


Rubrics, Berserkers and Plague Marines, those have always been understood as line troops of their legion.


Noise Marines have on the other hand always had a smell of the elite, blessed or - more cynically - the damned. They are more like a force of nature to be carefully unleashed than the go-to chaff.


So will the codex bastardize them into 'every EC, an infamously martial legion of duelists, is now purely ranged' or will the Noise Marines remain elite and a new unit of debouched Astartes will represent the 'normal' depraved EC? 


Personally hope for the latter as that would allow a range of expression in terms of differing obsessions!


If its WE scale that would:



-Eidolon/Generic Lord

-Noise Marines/Noisier Marines

-Line Hedonites



Obviously one would hope for more but it seems sensible!

Edited by StrangerOrders

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