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Index: Emperor's Children (now availiable)

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16 hours ago, CL_Mission said:

The most terrifying foe for the illiterate amongst the teaming masses of the galaxy.


Difficult to tell tone by writing: are you making fun of LSM's spelling? Cos' thought it was a rather clever play on phoenix/ phonic (ie synonym to sonic)


Edit: sorry just saw the later posts XD

Edited by Doctor Perils
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1 hour ago, 01RTB01 said:

You could run sonic weapon armed termies in 2nd ed too.

You could do this in the 3.5 codex too. As well as noise Dreadnaughts and noise Predators.


A squad of noise Terminators with Doom Sirens and a crab claw for old time’s sake could be really great.

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2 hours ago, Doctor Perils said:

Difficult to tell tone by writing: are you making fun of LSM's spelling? Cos' thought it was a rather clever play on phoenix/ phonic (ie synonym to sonic)


Naaah, it's a "Hooked on Phonics" joke. (ie. a method for teaching kids to read.)




8 hours ago, LameBeard said:

...On the wider point, I hate to come across all “Rogue-Tradier-than-thou”, but the original Realm of Chaos Emperor’s Children army list pre-dated Noise Marines. The defining EC trait was not particularly duellists, but their mockery of the Imperium by retaining their name....



Looking back over their lore in RoC: Slaves to Darkness, I see that Codex: Chaos copy/pasted a fair bit: “While corrupt beyond human comprehension, the Emperor’s Children are a savage fighting force. Like many of Slaanesh’s followers they have become what are known as Noise Marines. These crazed followers of the Lord of Pleasure have become depraved and totally decadent warriors who seek and find perverse enjoyment in battle. The danger of combat is a rediscovered thrill and aphrodisiac, allowing them to reach new extremes of debauchery.”


Other notes:

  • They really like psykers - both as enemies (the sensation of broadcast terror) and friendlies (being able to kill with pleasure or sensory manipulation).
  • They really like close combat - that's where the fun is, where you can feel and hear what you're doing to your enemy.
  • They really like getting possessed - it's a neat experience.
  • They really like hanging out with daemons - rather than crying with the saints.
  • They really like turning people into drugs - some things never change.


(While there's no mention of Noise Marines, the World Eater section also has no mention of Khorne Berzerkers. By the time of RoC: The Lost and the Damned two years later, there are Plague Marines and Thousand Sons Marines in the Death Guard and Thousand Sons sections, though the latter should be noted to be pre-Rubric of Ahriman lore, so Thousand Sons Marines weren't dusty boys yet.)


Edited by LSM
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While it's not as exciting as a Codex announcement, I think this is a nice gesture on GW's part. It's a decent way of hanging a hat on the removal of Noise Marines/Lucius from the Codex in the short term, and a free Index is a welcome get-you-by option.


I'll look forward to seeing an Emperor's Children Codex eventually; I think there's a lot of design space there. Given how the other cult Legions have hewed closer to Jes Goodwin's original sketches, I'd love to see some of the below drawn out.




Particular favourite elements of this sketch that I'd love to see include an emphasis on Corvus armour (just as Jes' sketches mention Death Guard favour Armorum Ferrum; Thousand Sons Maximus Armour; and World Eaters Heresy plate, which were followed through on the models), the studded leather wraps and electro/neuro whips

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i truly hope we get somethign that leans into more perfect and beauty side of Slaanesh with the marines and that GW doesn´t do scumbag move with making just legionares box with upgrade sprue

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3 hours ago, Joe said:

Worth adding his second Noise Marine from 1995 as well.





Thanks for posting that - I'd seen a lot of those old sketches, but not that one! I'd be super happy with that vibe.




4 hours ago, apologist said:

...Given how the other cult Legions have hewed closer to Jes Goodwin's original sketches, I'd love to see some of the below drawn out.


Particular favourite elements of this sketch that I'd love to see include an emphasis on Corvus armour (just as Jes' sketches mention Death Guard favour Armorum Ferrum; Thousand Sons Maximus Armour; and World Eaters Heresy plate, which were followed through on the models), the studded leather wraps and electro/neuro whips


Vis-à-vis the cult legion's armour marks, the 2021 White Dwarf HH article Armour Through the Ages suggests that Noise Marines will end up in MkVI:

  • MkIII: "...The same has been said of the Death Guard, who favoured grinding and relentless frontal assaults for which Iron Armour was especially well suited. So well suited to the singular mien of the sons of Mortarion was Iron Armour that in ages to come it would become synonymous with their fall, for it would serve as the basis of the heavily corrupted and debased power armour worn by the vile warriors even now becoming known as ‘Plague Marines'."
  • MkIV: "...The Thousand Sons Legion, however, appears to have adopted the mark later in the Horus Heresy, though how and why remains beyond our ken at the time of this study. In the years after the war, the Thousand Sons would manifest the dreadful ‘Rubric Marines’, who, according to accounts, appear to be almost universally equipped with a highly ornamented variation of Maximus Armour, making the mark now synonymous with the sons of Magnus the Red."
  • MkV: "...Likely due to the relentless pace of operations, one Legion in particular made especially heavy use of Mark V towards the end of the war: the World Eaters. Of all the Traitor Legions, the sons of Angron were committed time and time again to the most high-intensity assaults, and so the Legion’s Techmarines and attached Mechanicum adepts were ever forced to make do with the armour components at hand, especially once the World Eaters ranks began to be rapidly replenished with those referred to by some sources as Inductii. Indeed, so prevalent was the use of Mark V amongst such warriors that the Legion’s red-clad berzerkers, dedicated wholly to the so-called ‘Blood God’, would use it almost exclusively in the wars of the Scouring and beyond."
  • MkVI: "...Like so many of the other marks of power armour, Mark VI would come in time to earn the dubious honour of being associated with the ranks of one particular Traitor Legion. In this case it would be the Emperor’s Children, who have been observed to field troops who are evidently the descendents of the dread Kacophoni. These fallen Legionaries have come to be known as ‘Noise Marines’, and they appear to favour a heavily debased and corrupted variant of Corvus Armour, though what characteristics made that mark more suitable for that role than any other remains a mystery to our order."
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In line with the Warhammer Community post, I find this very curious. In the photos, they continue using the fourth and fifth edition plastic miniatures and have not yet painted current ones with those colors.

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16 minutes ago, Agramar_The_Luna_Wolf said:

In line with the Warhammer Community post, I find this very curious. In the photos, they continue using the fourth and fifth edition plastic miniatures and have not yet painted current ones with those colors.

They also have not taken any new photos of them in a while since those guardsmen in the second pic are the now retired old kit. :laugh:

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1 hour ago, Agramar_The_Luna_Wolf said:

In line with the Warhammer Community post, I find this very curious. In the photos, they continue using the fourth and fifth edition plastic miniatures and have not yet painted current ones with those colors.

Chances are, since the painted miniatures in the pictures are the printed prototypes nowadays, they probably have the picture sets all done a while ago and just waiting for release. So no sense in making new pictures of the old kit.

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4 hours ago, Agramar_The_Luna_Wolf said:

In line with the Warhammer Community post, I find this very curious. In the photos, they continue using the fourth and fifth edition plastic miniatures and have not yet painted current ones with those colors.

It’s because the current models are called “Legionaries” and the only models literally called Noise Marines are the ancient upgrade kits for the years-defunct 3.5 ed CSM kit.


GW is very careful about matching unit names to explicit models for 40k so that little Timmy* and his Xanax addled mother don’t get confused.

*Or whatever people name their kids nowadays. Traxton or whatever.



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6 hours ago, Agramar_The_Luna_Wolf said:

In line with the Warhammer Community post, I find this very curious. In the photos, they continue using the fourth and fifth edition plastic miniatures and have not yet painted current ones with those colors.


The resin Noise Marine Upgrades don't properly fit on the current kit. (You can make them work with minimal effort - except for the torso piece, that requires cutting and then is noticeably too small - but they're not... good.) GW is, hopefully, embarrassed and doesn't want to draw attention to that fact.


If you mean why not paint some modern models in the Black + Pink scheme: they have. Or... at least one model. The Chaos Chosen box/website art has an EC marine as a secondary scheme.



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Just remembered Stu Black was quite big into Emperors Children (a loooooong time ago) so that hopefully bodes well for their book rules wise at least! 

Funny how memory works, it was that colour scheme that brought it back to me :D 

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These were my personal fave Noise Marines:


Oldschool Noise Marines.jpg


I think I have 8 of them. I also have HR Giger looking chaos dread- I think it's called a Furibundus (although that's the name attached to the loyalist version, and I can't find anything about whether the chaos version has the same name or not... But I'm painting it to go with the metal Noise Marines. They'll be a small band of warriors who join a larger EC Warband made out of whatever we get for EC when the dex drops.


I'll be happy to have an Index for them until then. I'll be curious to see the detachment rule, enhancements and strats- having an index guarantees they get a detachment that does its best to represent their lore specifically.

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This seems exciting, some form of sonic terminator would be amazing, would be a shame not to reuse the CAD files...


There's definitely scope for some "Emperor's Children" space marines, as not the entire legion will be noise marines. I'd assume this will take the form of an upgrade sprue, like Nightmare/NL, tha would be a great indicator of an upcoming release. 

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          I also think an upgrade  sprue us inevitable.  I thinknit will contain new weapon options like a noise pistol. maybe a Chem needler. Something like that. Besides of the typical stuff like a power sword (maybe a spear)   of course.           

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2 hours ago, Maschinenpriester said:

I also think an upgrade  sprue us inevitable.  I thinknit will contain new weapon options like a noise pistol. maybe a Chem needler. Something like that. Besides of the typical stuff like a power sword (maybe a spear)   of course. 

Chances are the upgrade sprues will only be for the non-cult legions, seeing as EC are about to become a standalone faction with a completely distinct model line.

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3 hours ago, Trysanna said:

While I'd absolutely love to see some sonic Terminators, I will go into a murderous rage if World Eaters are the only Chaos Marine faction to not get a dedicated Terminator kit. 

The conspiracy theory is that WE did not get Red Butchers because Termies were getting rescaled, and Chaos had to wait to get rescaled Termies until after loyalists got theirs, so that Chaos players would not get any illusions about our status as second class gaming citizens. Which is what it is, the back of the bus is comfy. As long as we actually do get legion specific Terminators with our 10th codex. Which is far from guaranteed.


Grain of salt and all that; but, as with most conspiracy theories, there’s always a small chance that it might be false.

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1 hour ago, Rain said:

The conspiracy theory is that WE did not get Red Butchers because Termies were getting rescaled, and Chaos had to wait to get rescaled Termies until after loyalists got theirs, so that Chaos players would not get any illusions about our status as second class gaming citizens. Which is what it is, the back of the bus is comfy. As long as we actually do get legion specific Terminators with our 10th codex. Which is far from guaranteed.


Grain of salt and all that; but, as with most conspiracy theories, there’s always a small chance that it might be false.

I can also imagine that between eight bound and exalted eightbound, adding a 3rd unit of "big guys on 40mm bases with axes" might not have had much appeal.

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