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Ork made to order


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2nd ed Kommandos

3rd ed metal nobs set

3rd ed dreadnought


All on MTO this coming Saturday [27th]


Personally I'll be grabbing kommandos and nobs - I've way too many dreads already and have been after the kommandos for a while.




SundayPreview Apr21 Dreadvku2Xe8Zod3oer3F.jpg



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1 minute ago, brother_b said:

Anybody know how long it takes to do these “made to order deals”? How long to have the models actually in hand?  I ordered my Bretonnians back in January, it’s the first time I’ve done a made to order.


If they ever do Praetorians lol I’d be hard pressed not to buy some.



It can vary hugely. I've done lotr ones and it's been a couple of weeks. I did MTO for the RT book and it took a couple of months. 


However, they will deliver :)


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2 minutes ago, brother_b said:

Anybody know how long it takes to do these “made to order deals”? How long to have the models actually in hand?  I ordered my Bretonnians back in January, it’s the first time I’ve done a made to order.


If they ever do Praetorians lol I’d be hard pressed not to buy some.



They say to allow up to 6 months. My RT book cut that close. My Bretonnians from Jan should arrive this week. I've had some arrive within days. Set your expectations as it being 180 days and anything before then is a bonus.


I don't collect Orks but those Kommandos are proper old school fun. Kinda tempted.

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5 minutes ago, brother_b said:

Anybody know how long it takes to do these “made to order deals”? How long to have the models actually in hand?  I ordered my Bretonnians back in January, it’s the first time I’ve done a made to order.


If they ever do Praetorians lol I’d be hard pressed not to buy some.



It’s a shot in the dark thing in my experience. I purchased three BA characters MTO and it took them 5-6 months to arrive. Other stuff has taken 3 weeks and that’s all.

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Oh wow, nice! I really loved these models. never had thoe Komandos - always seemed like I needed something else more.. But the Dread I had a pair, and bitz ordered some extra buzzsaw blades and more big shootas, rokkit launchas and skorchas..

Those Nobz are ace but the plastic ones still availble (?) are just as good IMHO.. And won´t chip.. Great sculpts but I don´t see a reason to pay so much for just nostalgia here..?


Thanks for the heads up though! I had totally missed this.. And did not expect it.

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22 minutes ago, Wolf Lord Duregar said:

Oh wow, nice! I really loved these models. never had thoe Komandos - always seemed like I needed something else more.. But the Dread I had a pair, and bitz ordered some extra buzzsaw blades and more big shootas, rokkit launchas and skorchas..

Those Nobz are ace but the plastic ones still availble (?) are just as good IMHO.. And won´t chip.. Great sculpts but I don´t see a reason to pay so much for just nostalgia here..?


Thanks for the heads up though! I had totally missed this.. And did not expect it.

Much like the Inquisition, this was totally unexpected!

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13 minutes ago, Trysanna said:

Well there's no need to be rude! I think they're looking pretty good considering their age. 


What year were these released originally? I remember seeing the Nobz and Dread in my 3rd edition rulebook (or at least I'm pretty sure I did, it's been a while) 


I also just noticed the old style Necron head on the Dread banner. Neat 


Blood axe kommandos are 1994 according to this blog - https://sho3box.com/2018/10/16/kommandos-1/#:~:text=The Blood Axe Kommando miniatures,familiar Kev Adams ork sculpts.

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9 minutes ago, Trysanna said:

Well there's no need to be rude! I think they're looking pretty good considering their age. 


What year were these released originally? I remember seeing the Nobz and Dread in my 3rd edition rulebook (or at least I'm pretty sure I did, it's been a while) 


I also just noticed the old style Necron head on the Dread banner. Neat 

I’d say 1994. They’re not mentioned in Codex Imperialis, but they are in the first Ork Codex.

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The old Ork Dreadnought is a great model but the lack of Killer Kans returning alongside is a shame. The Nobz are excellent minis, no complaints there. The Kommandoz are delightfully 2E, would be interested to see them done in a less fluorescent colour scheme (though now I wanna see some Ork "ninjaz" who don red and purple camo to be sneaky but also fast).

Whether I pick any up depends A: on if I feel insane/ADHD-y enough to start a 40K Ork force (been reading a PDF of the 3E Codex, so maybe...) and B: if they're reasonably priced compared to the aftermarket. The Dreadnought generally goes for not-horrific prices, so it'll have to be fairly cheap to get me biting.

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2 hours ago, The Praetorian of Inwit said:

Wow those Kommandos and Nobs are truly hideous looking models. 


You don´t like the current Nobs? ;) They are very similar. A few of them had flak armour, others designed to be éavy armour ones with thick metal plates. Mpst did not notice that though. But they mix well with the current ones.


1 hour ago, Firedrake Cordova said:

Love the old Nobz and Dred. :smile: 


I imagine the Dred is going to be ... quite heavy ... being all metal.


It is wonderfully heavy. Not as nice as the old lead-metal SM Dreds tho.. :biggrin:


1 hour ago, Trysanna said:

Well there's no need to be rude! I think they're looking pretty good considering their age. 


What year were these released originally? I remember seeing the Nobz and Dread in my 3rd edition rulebook (or at least I'm pretty sure I did, it's been a while) 


I also just noticed the old style Necron head on the Dread banner. Neat 


Yeah, they are 3rd Ed. White Dwarf 246-238-ish?  Some stuff popped in during the War for Armageddon, 3rd War for Armageddon too but think there were just after the 3rd Ed ork Codex.

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Wow that’s a trip down memory lane :thumbsup:

I had a couple of those dreads, pinned them really well… so well I think they'd count as lethal weapons :laugh:
so heavy though…. If it was plastic I’d get a few but my metal days are long gone :sweat:
those Kommando’s are smaller ..thus sneakier !! 

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