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Mechanicum Battle Group & Plastification

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Posted (edited)

Beep Boop






That’s not everything coming to the Mechanicum range – shortly after the Battle Group is released, two more units will also make their plastic debut. The thunderous Thanatar-Cavas Siege-automata mounts a giant plasma mortar to lob blazing spheres of destructive energy over walls and fortifications, and at twice the height of a Castellax it’s a truly terrifying figure to behold.







That’s still not everything you can expect to see in the coming months, and we’ll have more announcements soon.


Edited by Lord Marshal
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I'm kind of let down by the Archmagos. I think he skews a little too closely to the existing Tech-Priest Dominus for 40k. Not that it's a bad model by any stretch, I was just expecting something different, perhaps closer to the chap mounted atop the Abeyant or the Magos Dominus (who, incidentally, has now vanished off the webstore).


Everything else, save perhaps the Thallax, looks like a solid recreation of the resins. I have zero interest in the Mechanicum, but I'm very pleased for those who are.


Edited by Lord Marshal
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10 minutes ago, Lord Marshal said:

Everything else, save perhaps the Thallax

Glad someone else thought so, I was kinda disappointed in the new Thallax, which were my old favorites. I think the red scheme doesn't do them favors compared to the clasaic brasa metallic


I'm not a HH or AdMech guy, BUT those Tech-Thralls could be a great base for a Nurgle Dark Mech kitbash. Maybe some zombie/pox walker parts?

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Unfortunately for my wallet, I love these!


The Thallax do look a bit strange but that might just be down to the weird colour scheme, flat colours are a weird choice on them.


I do like the Magos, even if he lacks the pazzaz of the Abeyant but he does seem more regal than the Myrmidons (who I am really eager for) and I do recognize some design elements from the 30k range so no problems there. My one wish would be for some Dragonscale plates over the robes. Tech Priests are often silly but if even the Myrmidon lunatics can be bothered to no go into a warzone naked, you'd think the normal primes would...


Troubling times ahead for my spending.

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I'll echo the others, the Thallax seem a bit of a downgrade. They appear to be a bit wider than the originals which detracts from their menace imho. The thralls I'm not sure on. I liked the original weapon designs better I think. The Castellax, Thanatos and Triaros are just fabulous and will be part of an allied force for my SoH. 

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I adore every single sculpt. They probably won't get "Legends" rules because Legends always feels like a step back, never forwards. If they do get some rules A Thanator will be joining my Resin Triaros. I might even get it as a shelf-only mini. Time will tell.

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Fantastic set of kits.  Really brilliant.  


Only think I’m not a fan of is the shambling zombie style poses of the tech thralls.


I like the beefed up look of the Thallax compared to the resins.


30k releases are just blowing 40k stuff out of the water at the moment.  Superior.



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Is it wrong of me to adore these little mechanical killing machines and find them cute?


I’m not sure if anyone at our club has actually gotten around to playing HH (I think LI was the final nail in the coffin for HH) but I would just love to paint these. :blush:

Best part out of the two days of reveals, IMO.


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5 minutes ago, Orange Knight said:

Annoyingly far better looking than the 40k range lol

I don't have a dog in this fight, neither being an AdMech or HH fan, but I don't think it's so clear. The HH Magos is great and that Castellax dominate the Kastelans in looks, but I like the 40k vehicles more and the Heresy range doesn't have something similar to Kataphrons or Skitarii or (my favorite) Electro-priests.


Besides the Cybernetica stuff, the two ranges embody different aspects of the AdMech. In a perfect world where GW has its head on straight, this would all be one giant range

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1 hour ago, sitnam said:

Glad someone else thought so, I was kinda disappointed in the new Thallax, which were my old favorites. I think the red scheme doesn't do them favors compared to the clasaic brasa metallic


I'm not a HH or AdMech guy, BUT those Tech-Thralls could be a great base for a Nurgle Dark Mech kitbash. Maybe some zombie/pox walker parts?

Yeah thinking the same, the new AoS ghouls would bash well… they just have that shuffling cyber zombie vibe! 

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