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Hail Fraters! 

After a bit of a hiatus from the board I am back with what is my current project, my Skull Reavers, which as you may have guessed from the title, are a World Eater warband. A fledgling, stop/start side project so far, I am hoping to build a mighty Slaughterhost capable of bringing entire systems to its knees!


First up, every army needs a leader, and the Skull Reavers are no different being led by a mighty ascended champion of Khorne; The Fell Reaver, anointed of the Blood God, Master of the Eight Plains, the Bloodied Wing, Despot of the mighty Skull Reavers - a beast of many names and titles but known much more simply to his allies and his foes as the War Bastard. Lord of the Skull Reavers; formerly Dhosun Ghôrne, a Centurion of the World Eaters 48th Company during the Horus Heresy now achieve apothesis climbing to the apex of the Dark Gods servants.





Edited by Midnightmare

Next up we have the warbands second in command, and most trusted ally to the War Bastard - the Butcherlord; Khargor Bane and his cohort of (magnetized) Red Butchers. Close ups also of champions Skorge the Slayer and Bullous Hellmaw, also magnetised.





The Red Butchers




Next up, my Berzerkers so far. As you can see, these have a very much ‘late heresy’ look to them. The next batch are based on the newer kit. Sneak preview with the Champion and Eviscerator wielding dude.





Quadruple post but last, and certainly not least, we have a friend tagging it along with the warband; Khorne’s bestest boi, angriest of them all, Mr Khârn the Betrayer. As I hope is obvious, I based him on Mark Gibbons famous 2nd edition artwork, where Khârn is bellowing in bloodlust to his patron, atop a mound of mangled corpses, which happens to be my all time favourite 40k artwork.


That’s it for now, hope you like and if you do stay tuned for more. 










Edited by Midnightmare

I really like how the sword came out on the daemon prince, and the bloody hazard-striped chainaxe on the legionnaire. :smile: The Khârn conversion is very nice, too. :smile: 

Edited by Firedrake Cordova
  • 3 weeks later...

Aw, man, it warms my old heart to see such a cool project! Fantastic work all around -- the Terminator Lord and the many conversions in the berzerker squad are the standouts for me so far. I'll be watching this with interest! Keep up the amazing work! :thumbsup:

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