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This has been updated to an overall collection/WIP Log, and not just dedicated to my custom chapter of Space Marines. The main focus here will still be my chapter, but I don't have enough of anything else to justify (in my mind, at least) giving any of those projects their own WIP thread, except maybe the diorama.


Sanguine Gargoyles:

Primaris units

  • Lemartes; needs assembly and painting
  • Death Company w/Jump Packs; need assembly and painting; add Sanguinary Guard wings
  • Stormraven - 'Charon,' Death Company; mostly assembled, needs painting


Firstborn Units

(All models need to be primed and painted, but some need to be stripped first)

  • Apothecary/Sanguinary Priest; fully assembled (High Priest Armand)
  • Astorath, counts-as (old metal Asmodai model); fully assembled (Castellan Philippe)
  • Captain w/ JP&TH/SS; fully assembled (not WYSIWYG) (Champion Ishtah, 1st Flight)
  • Chaplain (on foot); fully assembled (Chaplain Astehn)
  • Chaplain in Terminator Armor: needs storm shield (Venerable Chaplain Kanata)
  • Chaplain w/ Jump Pack; fully assembled (Chaplain Astorius)
  • Librarian/Librarian in Phobos Armor/Mephiston, counts-as (old metal Tigurius model); needs pistol arm (Chief Librarian Pellegrino)
  • Commander Dante (old metal model); needs jump pack (Chapter Master Lucian)
  • Lemartes (old metal model): needs jump pack (Angelo, Living Martyr)
  • 5-man Death Company squad w/ Jump Packs; fully assembled
  • 5-man Death Company squad w/ Jump Packs; needs jump packs
  • 10-man Death Company squad on foot (assault-y, not bolter boys); fully assembled
  • 5-man Terminator Assault Squad w/ TH/SS, counts-as (Grey Knights Terminator models; they're modeled with the ranged weapon options, so I may also run them as a shooty Terminator Squad occasionally as well): needs all arms (Vanguard Squad Lamonte, 1st Flight)
  • 6-man or 2x 3-man Sanguinary Guard; needs jump packs (Baelin, Damascus, Eshmel, Karleo, Mikael, Thalastaen)
  • 5-man Scout squad; fully assembled (Squad Argastian, 2nd Flight)
  • 10-man Sternguard Veterans squad; fully assembled (Squad Lorenzo, 1st Flight)
  • 10-man or 2x 5-man Vanguard Veterans squad; needs jump packs (Squad Gasparo, 1st Flight)
  • Death Company Dreadnought; fully assembled and primed (Draugr)



Planned Primaries Models/Units

  • Apothecary x3
  • Captain w/ Jump Pack (TH/SS)
  • Chapter Master/Commander Dante counts-as
  • Chaplain
  • Chaplain in Terminator Armor
  • Chaplain w/Jump Pack/Astorath counts-as (Plasma Pistol) 
  • Librarian in Phobos Armor/Mephiston counts-as
  • Lieutenant x3 (Heavy Bolt Pistol, MC Bolt Rifle, MC Power Weapon) 
  • Assault Intercessor Squad, 5-man
  • Intercessor Squad, 5-man x2 (Grenade Launcher, Plasma Pistol, Power Weapon) 
  • Death Company Dreadnought (Blood Talons, Multi-Melta)
  • Death Company Marines, 10-man (Eviscerator x2, Inferno Pistol, Power Fist)
  • Death Company Marines w/ Jump Packs, 5-man (Eviscerator, Inferno Pistol, Plasma Pistol, Power Fist x2)
  • Infiltrator Squad, 5-man (Helix Gauntlet, Infiltrator Comms Array)
  • Sanguinary Guard, 6-man (Encarmine Spear x3, Inferno Pistol x2, Sanguinary Banner
  • Sanguinary Priest
  • Sternguard Veterans Squad, 10-man (Power Weapon) 
  • Terminator Assault Squad, 5-man (TH/SS)
  • Vanguard Veterans Squad, 5-man (Storm Shields)


Miscellaneous Projects:
McFarlane figures

  • Assault Intercessor; Captain Raphen - Needs Death Company and/or Blood Angels-style decorations, plasma pistol, and power/relic sword; Repaint in Sanguine Gargoyles' Death Company colors
  • Hellblaster; Sergeant Olivius - Needs Blood Angels-style decorations and plasma pistol; Paint in Sanguine Gargoyles chapter colors
  • Intercessor; Brother Makoa - Needs chainaxe and eviscerator, and studded helm and left pauldron (shark/islander-style decorations also, if they can be found); Paint in Carcharodons chapter colors
  • Battle Sister; Sister Heterina - Paint in Order of the Shrouded Martyr colors
  • Necron Warrior; Unnamed Necron Warrior #42 - Paint in [Custom Dynasty] colors


"Honor of the Old Ones" Diorama

  • 1 Necron Lord (old metal model)
  • 3 Lokhust Destroyers
  • 11 Necron Warriors w/ Gauss Flayers
  • 3-ish bases' worth of Scarabs
  • Seraphon Saurus Oldblood


Chaos Space Marines

  • 1 Terminator Chaos Lord
  • 1 Sorcerer Lord
  • 10 Legionnaires
  • 5 Noise Marines
  • 5 Warp Talons 


WIP Pictures

Index Astartes: Sanguine Gargoyles

Edited by Viking Slade
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8 hours ago, Firedrake Cordova said:

Good luck with the project. :smile: 


With regard to the primer, would an airbrush be an option, as it's less sensitive to temperatures?

It would, and my uncle has my Dad's old airbrush that he's going to send me. My only problem is I don't know when it will be shipped (and therefore when it will arrive). And being up north in Montana, we're already starting to get snow, so unless he mails it off soon, it's a good bet that it'll get delayed by the weather. I also have no idea what condition it's actually in. Both my uncle and my dad were avid model builders (cars and airplanes, not tabletop minis), but I don't know if my uncle kept the airbrush in use after he acquired it. So I'm hesitant to spend money on a new one, hoping that all I'll need to do when it arrives is simply replace some o-rings/gaskets and nozzle bits and it'll be good to go.


I'll also have to learn to use one in the first place, heh.

Edited by Viking Slade

Today I got the arms, shoulder pads, and bolters attached to my Sternguard squad, so they are fully assembled other than some minor bitz additions. I also got the arms and weapons for my Vanguard squad(s) attached. I attached the head and jump pack to my Smash Captain, got the plasma pistol on my Jump Chaplain, the bolt pistol on my Apothecary/S.Priest, and the power fist in my last DC model.


I'm running out of things to do aside from painting, which is a good problem because it means at least most of my minis are assembled. But I find I'm also running out of shoulder pads, and I know I don't have enough jump packs for all the models that need them.


Especially now that Firstborn are on the way out, I simply want to get my guys built and painted, so I've used most of the spear and sword hands and a couple heads from the Grey Knights Terminator kit, and a few regular Terminator power fists, for some of my standard Marines. I'm not terribly worried about scale irregularities, I just want to finish them. I've also opted for using what wargear I do have, so three of my storm shield Vanguard Vets have two power weapons, one has a thunder hammer, and one has a combat shield, all to represent storm shield models. As I ran out of inferno and plasma pistols, I used melta and plasma guns for four of the other five (the 5th guy getting my last plasma pistol). As for the lacking jump packs and possibly some shoulder pads... If more find their way to me, cool. If not, no big deal.



Also, a question, and I don't know where to put it. Would a fully assembled Stormraven fit in one side of a Citadel monster figure case?

Edited by Viking Slade

Yesterday I got the arms, shoulder pads, and bolters attached to my Sternguard squad, so they are fully assembled other than some minor bitz additions. I also got the arms and weapons for my Vanguard squad(s) attached. I attached the head and jump pack to my Smash Captain, got the plasma pistol on my Jump Chaplain, the bolt pistol on my Apothecary/S.Priest, and the power fist in my last DC model.


I'm running out of things to do aside from painting, which is a good problem because it means at least most of my minis are assembled. But I find I'm also running out of shoulder pads, and I know I don't have enough jump packs for all the models that need them.


Especially now that Firstborn are on the way out, I simply want to get my guys built and painted, so I've used most of the spear and sword hands and a couple heads from the Grey Knights Terminator kit, and a few regular Terminator power fists, for some of my standard Marines. I'm not terribly worried about scale irregularities, I just want to finish them. I've also opted for using what wargear I do have, so three of my storm shield Vanguard Vets have two power weapons, one has a thunder hammer, and one has a combat shield, all to represent storm shield models. As I ran out of inferno and plasma pistols, I used melta and plasma guns for four of the other five (the 5th guy getting my last plasma pistol). As for the lacking jump packs and possibly some shoulder pads... If more find their way to me, cool. If not, no big deal.

I finally got an album created for my WIP photos. I threw a link in the opening post, at the very bottom.


Not pictured:

DC Dreadnought


Terminator Chaplain

Terminator squad



3 hours ago, Dr_Ruminahui said:

You might want to throw the link into your signature - that's how I keep track of my various army threads while giving folks an opportunity to discover them if they wish.

I'd honestly completely forgot about signatures. Thanks for the reminder, I'll definitely get that set up soon. 


I'm the meantime, I've been thinking about how I want to paint my Mcfarlane Space Marine figures, and I'm seeking some input to help me with that decision. I have an Intercessor, an Assault Intercessor, and a Hellblaster. I'm pretty set on the Hellblaster paint scheme, he'll bear my custom chapter's colors. The part I need help with is deciding on the chapter for the Assault Intercessor. I'm a hardcore Blood Angels fan, but the Carcharadons hold a special fascination for me, since sharks are some of my favorite animals. I'm torn between painting the Assault Intercessor in either my custom Death Company colors, or the Carcharadons colors. Input? Thoughts and opinions? I'm leaning towards painting the regular Intercessor in the Death Company colors, and the Assault one as a Carcharadon.

  • 2 weeks later...

Sooooo...I started re-basing some of my models with bases that I already had on hand. My mistake was not double-checking that they were indeed 32mm bases like I needed. Instead, they turned out to be 40mm bases. Thankfully I only did some character models and my Sanguinary Guard.


Everything I could find said characters would probably be fine in tournaments, while whole units might get some pushback. Totally fine, I'm not a competitive/tournament player. However there was always the comment that casual games would most likely be cool with it, which I know is the general rule for "is this okay" type questions, and I appreciate it whenever I come up to it. In this case, I plan to continue putting my characters on 40mm bases, and leaving my current Sanguinary Guard on them as well, and when I get Primaris replacements I can simply swap them out. My question is this: would you accept such models (both my individual character models, and my Sanguinary Guard unit) in a Crusade? All remaining squads would be based properly, on 32mm bases.

Edited by Viking Slade

Doh! :sad: Personally, I wouldn't have a problem with it. If you're worried about it, how solidly are they stuck on? Sometimes you can apply a little plastic glue to the foot and it weakens the bond enough to be able to snap the base off.

10 hours ago, Firedrake Cordova said:

Doh! :sad: Personally, I wouldn't have a problem with it. If you're worried about it, how solidly are they stuck on? Sometimes you can apply a little plastic glue to the foot and it weakens the bond enough to be able to snap the base off.

Well, I used plastic glue to attach the old bases to the 40mm's, as I was also going for some additional height. I may be able to use my hobby knife to separate the bases from each other, at least enough to try getting some more plastic glue in to weaken the bonds.

My Dante model had its base sprue removed at some point before I got him, and for the longest time I'd been trying to figure out how to base him. This is what I've come up with, using an extra clear flyer stand and some trash bits of plastic and sprue. The stand itself didn't work like I wanted it to, but the grey bitz look good. But overall I'm not happy with leaving it like that. So this is going to end up becoming my first true usage of greenstuff to turn the stand into a crumbled pillar.



Edited to add: after seeing this pic when I took it, I realized the axe was slightly bent. I have since bent it gently back into place.

Edited by Viking Slade
2 hours ago, Firedrake Cordova said:

If you want a brick pillar, the other option is to cut up some modelling foam into brick-sized blocks, and build the pillar yourself (you might end up having to pin Dante on, though).

Dante actually is already pinned on. I had tried just super gluing him to the flyer stand, but he got tipped over at one point and popped right off. So I ended up pinning him, and his backpack will be pinned on too. That's part of why he tipped over in the first place, the backpack wasn't counterbalancing him on the stand.


I'm thinking a stone pillar, actually. But I could still use the modeling foam for rubble.

The city terrain that came with the genestealer cultist vs mechanicus box set contains a number of small pieces that could be used for your purposes if you wanted to forgo sculpting your own - here is a picture of metal chaos raptors, of which 2 use such bits to gain some height when their metal flight "stands" broke.

On 11/22/2024 at 4:04 PM, Dr_Ruminahui said:

The city terrain that came with the genestealer cultist vs mechanicus box set contains a number of small pieces that could be used for your purposes if you wanted to forgo sculpting your own - here is a picture of metal chaos raptors, of which 2 use such bits to gain some height when their metal flight "stands" broke.


On 11/23/2024 at 10:31 AM, Tallarn Commander said:

As the Doctor notes, terrain makes for great jump pack bases. I have also used barrels, large worms, tank parts and stacks of rusted metal.



If I didn't have anything else to use to get the height I wanted, I probably would have done something along these lines. The problem there is, I don't have any actual terrain bitz like that, so I'd still end up having to cobble something together anyways. I need to start practicing my GS skills anyways, so this would be a good chance to get some in.

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