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+++FID Indicator - ALPHA+++

+++Via Astropath 7NBS2069LVP1+++

+++Via Astropath 8849042+++

+++Via Astropath 100496-B7+++

+++Thought for the day: Do not wait for death.+++

+++Begin message+++


My noble and revered cousins of the Legio,


Attached for your consideration, you will find a datafile containing the summation of the noble and resolute Astartes Chapter, the Sanguine Gargoyles. It is a most esteemed honor to have been entrusted with compiling this Index, with the hope of inclusion in the Liber Astartes. Within the datafile you will find my own annotations; please forgive my additions, but I do not feel my Librarium staff quite captured the soul of my beloved Chapter, and I felt the need to elaborate and explain certain aspects I felt were noteworthy. Once again, I humbly thank you for the opportunity to honor my Brothers in blood and arms of the Sanguine Gargoyles. May the Emperor ever watch over you.


Your humble servant,


Tempest-wright of the Sanguine Gargoyles



+++Begin Datafile+++


gallery_26_6416_1205.gif     Index Astartes: Sanguine Gargoyles     gallery_26_6416_1205.gif
"May your soul be cleansed by the rain."


Index Astartes Chapter Datafile



CHAPTER NAME: .............. Sanguine Gargoyles

PRIMOGENETOR: .............. Sanguinius

GENE-SEED (PREDECESSOR): ... Blood Angels (IXth Legion)

FOUNDING: .................. 21st, 991.M35; Ultima, 999.M41 [Rebirth]
CHAPTER MASTER: ............ Lucian, Chapter-wright and Master of Pandemonium
HOMEWORLD: ................. Fleet-Based, semi-nomadic
SEGMENTUM: ................. Obscurus
FORTRESS MONASTERY: ........ Pandemonium, Forgeship
COLORS: .................... Dark stone gray w/ dark crimson right shoulder pad
SPECIALTY: ................. Terror, Guerilla Warfare
SUCCESSORS: ................ None
STRENGTH: .................. Unknown (estimated to be nominal to above strength)
BATTLE-CRY: ................ "For Sanguinius!"/"We avenge the Angel!"



The steadfast warriors of the Sanguine Gargoyles Chapter stand amongst the ranks of the Emperor's
finest, ever ready to deliver His wrath and justice upon those that would seek to subvert the Imperium.


  • The First Millenium
    • When: 992.M35; 21st "Cursed" Founding
    • Why: Strategic Prgonostication
    • Founded as Saviors of the Chalice
    • Captain, Chaplain, Librarian, Sanguinary Priest, five Veterans, Veteran Sergeant and ten Marines permanently seconded as training cadre
  • The Aerie
    • Fortress Monastery on Bowden IV
      • Bowden IV destroyed in Gothic War
        • Battle Barge Light of the Angel used as de facto fortress monastery until new homeworld can be found
  • Friends and Enemies
  • The Mutant
    • Gene-seed manipulation by Mechanicus to remove progenitor flaws appears successful at first, but is later seen to have made genetic flaws devastatingly worse 
      • Genetic instability leads to weakening of chapter's forces
  • Death of a Chapter
    • Gothic War - Most of chapter lost in destruction of homeworld
      • Less than 200 battle-ready Astartes left
      • Remaining forces give up on finding new homeworld, decide to embark on crusade until they are destroyed or the chapter is rebuilt
  • A Chapter Reborn
    • Chapter gene-seed is stabilized with help from Mechanicum and Blood Angels' Brother Corbulo
    • Primaris reinforcements from Guilliman's Unnumbered Sons
      • Some Firstborn undergo the Rubicon Primaris, many do not; those who remain Firstborn continue to experience exacerbated genetic mutation
        • New Primaris forged with stabilized gene-seed lift the chapter out of the ashes of death and into 
      • Chapter is reorganized to make best effect of new troops and Guilliman's new strategic force organization
    • Voidborne
      • Mechanicus gift the chapter a forgeship




  • Progenitor: Blood Angels
  • Purity: Flawed
  • Data archives list the known, stable, gene-seed mutations the Sanguine Gargoyles currently suffer from. No known cure or treatment for any of them has been found thus far:
    • Melanchromic Organ Malfunction
      • [Some Astartes' skin bears grayish discoloration; severe cases have stone like growths over large portions of their bodies.]
    • Mutated Catalepsean Node
      • [This causes what is effectively extreme insomnia; all members of the Chapter suffer this mutation.]
    • Non-Functioning Betcher's Gland
      • [All members of the Chapter suffer from this mutation, as well as calcification of their vocal cords, which appears to be one side effect of the mutation. However, the severity of calcification varies widely from one brother to the next. One might be unintelligible when he talks, nothing but the sound of cascading rocks or rushing water issuing from his throat; another might simply have a rich baritone voice; a third might offer a barely audible whisper.]
    • The Apothecarion and the Ordos Biologis have been unable to decipher why only some members of the Chapter suffer certain mutations while others don't. But hope still remains that a solution might be found, for once every few generations, a battle brother suffers none of the Chapter's genetic mutations.




  • Fortress-Monastery: Forgeship Pandemonium
  • Recruiting: tithe agreements (demands) from saved worlds/systems as primary source of new recruits; small number of volunteers from within fleet taken as supplemental recruits; kidnapping all children, ages 5-13, from an entire planet as emergency source of recruits (also used as a punishment against a planet in some circumstances)


Beliefs & Culture
  • Chapter Beliefs: Revere the Primarch
    • Daily meditations include prayers to Sanguinius for guidance, thanks, and forgiveness
    • "Sanguinius blesses you," "May the Angel guide your body and mind," and "I offer my actions to our father Sanguinius that he might judge my soul," are common benedictions heard throughout the Gargoyles' fleet.
    • Against the forces of the Black Legion, the Gargoyles fly into an almost murderous rage, eager to exact revenge from every single traitor legionnaire.
  • Characteristic Chapter Training: Mens et Manus
    • This chapter believes in building their brother's minds and bodies to peak performance, the better to be ready for anything.
  • Demeanor: See But Don't Be Seen
    • Armor  is matte where possible, and appears chiseled from stone rather than forged of metal; overall appearance of statues when standing still
  • Flaw: We Stand Alone
    • Will only request support from other descendants of the IXth Legion except in the most dire of circumstances
    • Will offer aid to those in need, but will disappear without word
    • Will not fraternize with anyone outside the Chapter, even other Chapters of Sanguinius' line; will not even remove helmets around outsiders, except under very exceptional/dire circumstances
  • Angel Graces/Warrior's Virtues
    • The Gargoyles strive to embody the Graces of the Angel and the Virtues of the Warrior. Ever a work in progress, they understand is less about achieving those things, but rather that they continue to better themselves every day.
    • Naming/Cultural Traditions
      • Because of numerous different sources of recruits, the Gargoyles have no standardized naming practices.
      • The chapter utilizes sculpturing and masonry as a way to hone body and mind; their statues are some of the finest in the sector, and numerous humanitarian efforts have been aided by their stone-working. They even apply the practice to their armor, often sculpting leering, howling faces onto their helms and valleys and ridges on their armor to allow water to flow better and create more "natural" sounds when running off them.
  • When not armored, brothers wear a leather jerkin or linen tunic, leather trousers, boots and bracers, a stonemason's belt and tools, and a double-layered linen neck gaiter.




  • Unique Organization
    • Over-Strength
    • 7 Flights (Companies)
      • Each Flight has thirteen Talons (Squads) except 7th, which has the normal ten.
        • 1st Company has unique structure: First seven squads form Veteran Squads (Bladeguard, Sternguard, Terminator, and Vanguard), while the last six form the "command" echelons; Captains and Lieutenants are pulled from 1st Flight ad-hoc to lead Strikes, based on their strengths and capabilities.
        • No Company Captain rank; instead, they are given the title Shisa (function is similar to the Black Templar's Emperor's Champion, but less dogmatic and less exclusive). It is their duty to mentor the Marines in their respective company.
  • Chapter Leadership

    • The Conclave, Chapter Leadership

      • Chapter-wright Lucian, Master of the Pandemonium, [Chapter Master]

      • High Blood-wright Armand, "the Anointed" [Master of the Apothecarion]

      • Soul-Warden Philippe [Master of the Reclusiam]

      • Tempest-wright Pellegrino [Master of the Librarium]

      • Chief Forge-wright Solarus [Master of the Forge]

      • Maester Lamonte [Primary Wing Commander]

      • Maester Bellon, "the Young" [Strike Wing Commander]

    • The Prefecture, Chapter Council

      • Commander of the Arch-Angels; Primus Damascus

      • Master of Reconnaissance; Prefect Zaphiel [2nd Flight Captain]

      • Master of the Marches; Prefect Mercutio [3rd Flight Captain]

      • Master of the Fleet; Prefect Namora [4th Flight Captain]

      • Master of the Arsenal; Prefect Valenti [5th Flight Captain]

      • Master of Relics; Prefect Xorbel [6th Flight Captain]

      • Master of Recruits; Prefect Tovaani [7th Flight Captain]

  • Specialty Restrictions: Limited Tech-Marines
  • Chapter-specific terms
    • Chapter Master - Chapter-wright
    • Techmarine - Forge-wright
    • Librarian - Storm-wright
    • Apothecary/Sanguinary Priest - Blood-wright
    • Chaplain - Soul-wright
    • Sanguinary Guard - Arch-angel
    • Death Company - Revenant
    • Commander - Maester
    • Company Champion - Shisa
    • Captain - Stone-wright
    • Lieutenant - Artisan
    • Sergeant - Mason
    • Brother - Apprentice
    • Dreadnought - Golem
    • Company - Flight
    • Demi-Company - Strike
    • Squad - Talon


The Arch-Angels



An Arch-Angel, the Gargoyles' Sanguinary Guard


After the mutation of the Chapter's gene-seed, and with the chapter in near-ruin, a glimmer of salvation appeared. It took the form of a small number of brothers, seemingly untouched by the ravages inflicted upon their brethren. These warriors formed the core of the Chapter's forces during its dark years of recovery. After the Chapter had rebuilt its numbers enough to venture on its own once more, the Sanguinary Guard changed its name, to honor the warriors who brought the Chapter back from death.


Just as with all Chapters descended from the IXth, the Arch-Angels stand apart from the structure of the Chapter's main force. They are the most highly skilled and venerated of the Gargoyles' brothers, each a Chapter legend in his own right, surviving battles against all manner of foe. There are no specific requirements to become an Arch-Angel; instead, spots are awarded based on merit and skill, regardless of rank within the Chapter.


Like all iterations of the Sanguinary Guard, the Arch-Angels each bear a Glaive or Sword Encarmine and Angelus Boltgun or Inferno Pistol. Unlike the others, however, they eschew the golden armor of their forebears; instead they color their armor an alabaster white.


[It is a curiosity worth noting that, throughout the millennia, a high percentage of brothers unmaligned by the Chapter's gene flaws have gone on to become Arch-Angels. It remains to be seen if there is a correlation between these two occurrences, or if they are merely coincidental.]


The Revenants



A Revenant, the Gargoyles' Death Company




Chapter Fleet

As a fleet-based chapter, the Sanguine Gargoyles possess a larger fleet than other Chapters might, though not its vessels all are commanded by Astartes. Though not nearly a match in scale, it is reminiscent of the vast fleets of the Great Crusade in regards to its composition. The Gargoyles' fleet is a blend of the Astartes' flotilla, the remnants of Penal Legion Theta-Delta-Beta's troop fleet, a few Explorator vessels from the Adeptus Mechanicus, and a permanent detail from the Order of the Shrouded Martyr (including their Dominator-class Cruiser, the Dominus Irae), plus the swarms of the fleet's attendant ships. The Gargoyles command the battle barges and strike cruisers while the rest of the fleet, with the exception of the Sororitas vessels, is commanded by Imperial Navy personnel. This arrangement between the Chapter and the Navy ensures the Gargoyles can prosecute their enemies as they desire, and the Navy gets to do its job, without either side getting in the other's way.


The fleet of the Sanguine Gargoyles is split into three smaller fleets. The Main Fleet makes war, wherever it may take them. Up to five separate, flight-strength campaigns could be supported individually, though it is most often the case that numerous small-scale operations are taking place around one or two larger scale engagements. Additionally, The Rook heads a small splinter fleet, a fast strike force intended to neutralize the most dangerous threats present, or to offer Flight-strength support as rapidly as possible. The last of the fleets, the Fledgling Fleet, traverses the trail of outposts the Gargoyles have set up in their region, termed by the Chapter the "Aeyrie." The members of Seventh Flight see to the Chapter's recruiting as part of their training duties, and they draw aspirants from a handful of such outposts.


Combat Doctrine


  • Terror (primary)
  • Lightning Strike/Stealth (secondary)





Standard armor coloration of the Sanguine Gargoyles


  • fair-skinned, but some have patches of stone-like growths; hairstyles vary based on tribe or planet recruited from



Prior to their rebirth as the Sanguine Gargoyles, the Saviors of the Chalice wore alabaster white armor with crimson pauldrons and gold detailing and decoration. Following the traditions of their brethren, helmets identified a warrior's squad type, with individual squad markings worn on the right knee pad. The Chapter Badge was worn on the left pauldron, while company markings and personal heraldry were worn on the right. Veteran status was denoted by a golden helm and pauldron trim.


After the Ultima Founding and the rebirth of the Chapter, the Sanguine Gargoyles bear new colors. Their armor is a dark, stone gray, with the right pauldron painted crimson. Members of the Librarium, Reclusiam, and Sanguinary Priesthood follow their orders' traditional coloring, with the left pauldron painted the same dark stone gray as their battle-brothers' armor. Flight (Company) is denoted by pauldron trim, and battlefield roles are still identified by helmet color, however squad markings and personal heraldry are no longer worn. Sergeants' helms and right pauldrons are colored the same as the rest of their armor. Lieutenants are identified by a gray helm and right pauldron, while Captains bear an almost-white helm and pauldron.


Chapter Badge

White wings outstretched behind a golden chalice was the original badge of the Saviors of the Chalice. Since their transformation, the Sanguine Gargoyles' emblem bears only a small resemblance to their original; instead of angel-like wings, stone-gray bat wings spread open, with a crimson skull replacing the chalice. Veterans who wear the chapter badge have the skull colored gold.


The Arch-Angels and the Revenants

Both of the Blood Angel's unique companies, the Sanguinary Guard and the Death Company, bear visually unique armor colorations from their brothers. This is also the case for the Sanguine Gargoyles' interpretation of them.

  • The Arch-Angels are adorned in sculpted plates of ceramite colored a white marble, evoking imagery of statues from the ancient Achaemid Empire, and their helms and chest detailing are gold
  • The Revenants wear armor colored a pale, ghostly gray, with a deep bronze helm and chest detail.  Red saltires are still emblazoned on various surfaces of their armor, and their helms' lenses are also colored crimson. Honored by their brothers for their sacrifice, the Revenants bear gold trim on their pauldrons, conferring the (honorary) status of Veterans on those in this baleful brotherhood.



Chapter Arsenal


  • Special Equipment: Blessed Wargear, Modified Jump Packs



  • Storm-Golem Carmine, Librarian Dreadnought
    • Dreadnought Force Weapon
    • Frag Cannon
  • Golem Verson, Furioso Dreadnought
    • Frag Cannon
    • Blood Fist with Heavy Flamer
  • Golem-Ancient Quintus; Venerable Hellfire Dreadnought
    • Paired Twin-Linked Lascannons
  • Golem-Ancient Alessandro, Venerable Ironclad Furioso Dreadnought
    • Paired Blood Fists, with Heavy Flamer and Meltagun
  • Draugr; Death Company Dreadnought
    • Paired Blood Talons, with Heavy Flamer and Meltagun
  • Soul-Golem Derceus; Venerable Chaplain Dreadnought
    • Plasma Cannon
    • "Stonefist"



  • Angel's Light [Ryza pattern "Sunspite" plasma pistol; badge of office of the Master of the Librarium]
  • Aza'zel [Relic force sword; badge of office of the Master of the Librarium]
  • The Dread Spear [A relic spear of unknown origin, made from a xenos metal with a marble-like appearance; badge of office of the Chapter Master]
  • Stonefist [A Blood Fist crafted using the shattered remnants of Soul-wright Derces' Crozius Arcanum, with a built-in meltagun]
  • Death Masks [I think everyone with clearance to read this will already have knowledge of the death masks worn by those of the Angel's line.]


The Fleet

  • Common areas are subjected to constant "rain" from the ships' fire suppression system; this doubles as decontamination, and puts the Marines' minds at ease. Personal quarters have knobs to adjust the flow of the rain for desired strength.
  • Pandemonium
    • Forgeship gifted to the Gargoyles from the Adeptus Mechanicus

[Once again, I have added a sub-list below containing the breakdown of the Sanguine Gargoyles' fleet disposition, for your perusal.]


The Main Fleet

1 Forgeship

Pandemonium [Pandemonium is home to First, Second, Fourth, 5th, and 6th Flights, and also contains the Catacombs, a vast stasis deck given over to the Revenants, where they are interred until their fury is needed on the field of battle.]

5 Strike Cruisers

- Angel of Stone [First Flight]

- The Gargoyle's Nest [2nd Flight]

- Roar of Vengeance [Assigned to Strike force Alpha]

- The Wraith [Assigned to Strike force Beta]

- Prowler in the Dark [Assigned to Strike force Delta]

9 Vanguard-class Light Cruisers

8 Rapid Strike Vessels

5 Gladius Frigates

2 Nova Frigate

4 Hunter Destroyers


The Hunter Fleet

1 Battle Barge

-The Rook [The Rook has also been extensively modified. However, whereas The Crag was retrofitted with additional armor plating and crew and troop quarters, The Rook had extra room repurposed in order to make space for a larger main drive and additional weapon batteries. Due to the speed with which she can reach their targets, Third Flight calls The Rook home.]

1 Strike Cruiser

- Defiant Heart [Third Flight divides into strikes as necessary; often it is Captain Mercutio commanding the Defiant Heart, while Lieutenant Laertes helms The Rook.]

2 Gladius Frigates

2 Rapid Strike Vessels

2 Hunter Destroyers


The Fledgling Fleet

1 Battle Barge

- Light of the Angel [A standard battle barge, the Light of the Angel berths Seventh Flight.]

1 Vanguard-class Light Cruiser

2 Gladius Frigates

2 Rapid Strike Vessels


Chapter Legends


  • Chaplain Derceus
    • Derceus led his Chapter in many glorious campaigns, slaying hundreds of the enemy’s greatest champions. In the end, he was brought down by the Chapter's enemies, and is a reminder to all Battle Brothers of their holy duty.
  • Brother Alessandro
    • Referred to as Alessandro the Selfless; suffered mortal wounds fighting to recover the bodies of a squad of Initiates and their Sergeant from a Dark Eldar raiding party.


Notable Battles & Campaigns



  • ca. ~142–160.M41: The Gothic War (Abaddon's 12th Black Crusade)
  • ca. ~999.M41: The Devastation of Baal
    • The Sanguine Gargoyles, though barely a surviving chapter at the time, sent a squad of Marines and a pair of warships to aid in the void battle against Leviathan and its splinter fleets. None of the seconded members survived.


Allies & Enemies
  • Chapter Allies
    • Adeptus Mechanicus
    • Adeptus Sororitas (Order of the Shrouded Martyr)
    • Astra Militarum (Wilson's Irregulars)
  • Chapter Enemies
    • Abbadon & the Black Legion
      • Valorous Host Warband
    • Kha'Banda
    • Hive Fleet Leviathan
    • Slaghulk's Killa Mob

+++End Datafile+++


+++Closing Thought: Only in death does duty end.+++

+++End Message+++

Edited by Viking Slade
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Reserved for photos of completed models in my chapter's colors.


Lucian the Gargoyle, Chapter Master of the Sanguine Gargoyles, and Master of Pandemonium 

(Dante counts-as)


High Priest Armand, Master of the Apothecarion

(Apothecary/Sanguinary Priest)


Tempest-wright Azkael, Master of the Librarius

(Librarian n Phobos Armor/Mephiston counts-as)


Soul-wright Philippe, Master of the Reclusiam

(Astorath counts-as/Chaplain w/ JP)


Angelo, the Living Martyr, Shepherd of the Revenants

(Lemartes counts-as)


Shisa Ishtah, 1st Flight Champion

(Captain w/ Jump Pack & TH/SS)


Soul-wright Astehn

(Chaplain on foot)


Soul-wright Astorius

(Chaplain w/ JP)


Venerable Soul-wright Kanata

(Terminator Chaplain w/ SS)


Artisan Castio, 2nd Flight



Arch-Angel Damascus, Primus

(Sanguinary Guard)


Arch-Angel Baelin

(Sanguinary Guard) 


Arch-Angel Eshmel

(Sanguinary Guard)


Arch-Angel Karleo

(Sanguinary Guard)


Arch-Angel Mikael

(Sanguinary Guard)


Arch-Angel Thalastaen

(Sanguinary Guard)


Squad Gariel, 2nd Flight 

(Infiltrator/Scout squad) 


Veteran Squad Lamonte, 1st Flight 

(Assault Terminators w/ TH/SS)


Veteran Squad Gasparo, 1st Flight 

(Vanguard Veterans Squad) 


Veteran Squad Lorenzo, 1st Flight

(Sternguard Veterans Squad)



(Death Company)


Golem Draugr

(Death Company Dreadnought)



(Death Company Stormraven)

Edited by Viking Slade

Notes Log & To-Do List

To-Do List/Notes from prior iteration

  1. How do they deal with the insomnia from their mutated Catalepsean Node?
  2. Rain/Storm imagery/synergy/symbolism, why?
Edited by Viking Slade
  • 4 weeks later...


The Line of Sanguinius

- IXth Legion Gene-seed; direct descendants of the Blood Angels

- Altered gene stock; fewer cases of Red Thirst/Black Rage


The Gargoyle's Touch

- Librarium prays over every generation of recruits; every few generations, one or rarely two aspirants receive some sort of minor vision or "memory" from the days of the Heresy (not so profound and enthralling as the Black Rage)/(or perhaps there is a benign minor physical manifestation, like a faint halo or wreath of light); such aspirants are named Untouched by the Chief Librarian, for it is immediately known they will bear none of the aberrant mutations their brothers suffer from.



At first, the warriors of the Saviors of the Chalice seemed better able to resist or control the urges of the Red Thirst. Even so, some of their number still fell victim to the bloodlust felt by all sons of Sanguinius. Most brothers recovered from the Thirst, but there were still those who didn't. Those few unfortunate souls would be placed in stasis until such a time as they could be delivered to the Blood Angels' Tower of the Lost. Though unorthodox, this arrangement was made due to the space-faring nature of the Saviors.


After the genetic degradation of the Chapter, the Gargoyles saw far higher numbers of brothers falling to the Red Thirst. Many of those affected flew into an even more berserk fury than normally seen, and consequently this lead to more Astartes unable to break free of its grip. With the Chapter rebuilding itself after its decimation, pilgrimages to Baal became far less practical, and the Gargoyles instead retrofitted The Crag with an expanded cryo-stasis deck. Here the first of the Unremembered would be kept, and the stasis deck became known as the Catacombs, where the damned and the almost-dead slumber until roused for war.


The Rage Within

While the genetic alterations intended to "fix" their gene-seed appeared to have given the Saviors of the Chalice a modicum of control of the Red Thirst, it didn't appear to have any effect on the frequency with which the Black Rage overwhelmed them. The Saviors often fielded only a small Death Company in a given battle, unwilling to unleash the full fury of those given over to the Black Rage in all but the most dire situations. Such a decision was made for two notable reasons; first, it was to shield those not of the Chapter or its enemies from the brutal savagery of the Death company. The second was to protect the Saviors from excessive scrutiny by agents outside of the Chapter, and of the Adeptus Astartes as a whole.


The Sanguine Gargoyles field a much larger Death Company, termed the Unremembered, than the previous incarnation of the Chapter. It is presently unknown whether the genetic mutation suffered by the Gargoyles affected their susceptibility to the Rage, or if perhaps the confrontations with Abaddon's warbands and his heinous deeds during the 5th Black Crusade triggered the change. Currently, the Unremembered confined to stasis in the Catacombs number around Company strength, though this fluctuates with every new engagement. The largest formation of the Death Company in the Chapter's history, past or present, was marshalled during the climax of hostilities with Abaddon's forces, when the Saviours of the Chalice fell.




Codex Adherence

Though the Sanguine Gargoyles diverge from the path laid out by the Codex Astartes, they do so more out of tradition born of necessity, rather than an outright choice to forge their own way. The Chapter diverges in two main ways; its chain of command, and its troop and fleet organization. The former came about due to the impromptu restructuring required after nearly being wiped out. The latter is a more current change, stemming from the integration of Primaris Astartes into the Chapter. Both aspects conjoin to form a potent fighting force, lead by dual Commanders dedicated to the Emperor and the men in their charge.


The Gargoyles' Wings

- Primary Wing: Commander Lamonte

- Strike Wing: Commander Bellon

--- The two Captains share equal rank in the Coven; only by dint of experience and length of service does Captain Lamonte hold any real seniority. The two leaders maintain a very open discourse with each other, working alongside one another for the prosecution of their foes, and to supreme effect

- Each Wing is responsible for its own brothers, but both Commanders have authority to step in on either side if the need were to ever arise.


The Gargoyles' Talons

- No Scout Company; newly inducted recruits are immediately placed into 7th Flight, where they train in all forms and manners of combat. They remain there until, through death and promotion, spots open within the 2nd through 6th Flights that need to be filled. 7th Flight Commander Captain Pheron, the rest of the Chapter's Flight Captains, and an individual's squad Sergeant all discuss the talents, strengths and weaknesses of a candidate, before assigning him to his new Flight. In times of need, this discussion is forgone, and candidates are placed at the needs of the Chapter

- Each Flight designed around one specific focus of combat, rather than each Flight being its own microcosm (except 3rd Flight). Demi-companies, called "Strikes" by the Gargoyles, are created ad hoc to better suit the nature of each engagement, and may draw upon the brothers of several Flights to complete their task. Others may simply require the specialized handiwork of a single Flight.


Flight of the Gargoyles




The mantle of leadership falls to the battle commanders, heads of the High Offices, and the Chapter Master; the Conclave. They decide the way war is waged by their battle brothers. The when, the where, the how. Sometimes several of these war councils are held before a decision is made, arguments and counter-arguments mulled over and compromises considered. The Master of the Pandemonium has the authority to overrule the voting if it otherwise stands tied, if not enough votes are or can be cast, or when certain actions be taken upon request of an outside authority. Such choices are well measured, not made lightly or given to frivolity. Members of the Conclave are permitted to wear robes of cream over their armor. To aid in the efforts to make war in the name of the Emperor and Mankind, the Conclave is supported by the Prefecture, the Sanguine Gargoyles' Masters of the Chapter.


The Prefects are the Conclave's council of advisors. In this circle, everyone is equal. Each Prefect is the head of his department, reporting on its readiness for the upcoming battle as their expertise is required. Those Prefects chosen to make war may then nominate a proxy to act for them, or choose to have their position vote in abstention. Those Prefects not called to war join the Conclave in the war council. Members of the Prefecture are permitted to wear robes of deep crimson.


Chapter Disposition

The Chapter's strength is divided into seven Flights.


[Flights are similar to the Great Companies the Wolves of Russ prefer. I've edited the datafile to include a sublist containing the breakdown of each unit, so that it may be skipped over by those who choose to do so.]


  Reveal hidden contents

1st Flight ["Stonekin"]

- Veteran company

- Commanded by Captain Lamonte

- Second in Command: Captain Grakkus

- Matte gold pauldron trim


2nd Flight ["Watchers"]

- Vanguard company

- Commanded by Captain Bellon

- Second in Command: Captain Zaphiel

- Matte silver pauldron trim


3rd Flight ["Nightwalkers]

- Strike company

- Commanded by Veteran Captain Mercutio

- Second in Command: Captain Laertes

- White pauldron trim


4th Flight: ["The Murder"]

- Battleline company

- Commanded by Veteran Captain Namora

- Second in command: Captain Fiorenze

- Red pauldron trim


5th Flight: ["The Molten"]

- Close Support company

- Commanded by Veteran Captain Valenti

- Second in command: Captain Odyssean

- Yellow pauldron trim


6th Flight: ["Sentinels"]

- Fire Support company

- Commanded by Veteran Captain Ithakus

- Second in command: Captain Cadoccio

- Blue pauldron trim


7th Flight: ["Untouched"]

- Reserve Company

- Commanded by Veteran Captain Ephraem

- Second in Command: Lieutenant Balluu

- Matte bronze pauldron trim


The Unremembered

- [Death Company of the Sanguine Gargoyles]



- [Sanguinary Guard of the Sanguine Gargoyles]

- Led by Praetorian Damascus


Combat Doctrine


Lightning Strikes/Stealth




- Only recruit from feral and death worlds and penal colonies; may recruit from a hive world in emergency

- "Kidnap" recruits in the cover of night; numerous local myths and legends spawned by practice

- Recruit in "phases": each world is only subject to recruitment every so often, perhaps generations, but the chapter is always recruiting; myths and legends have sprung up on tribal/fuedal worlds about the Gargoyles




Noteworthy Allies

- Order of the Shrouded Martyr

- Penal Legion Theta-Delta-Beta; "Wilson's Irregulars"


The Sanguince Gargoyles chapter benefits from having an auxiliary force in the form of Astra Militarum Penal Legion Theta-Delta-Beta. Colloquially known as "Wilson's Irregulars," after the legion's now-deceased first commander, the legion's ranks are comprised of convicts and criminals of every stripe and from every walk of life, led by true military personnel. Theta-Delta-Beta most often conscripts new "recruits" from the various penal colonies, hive worlds, and prison barges within the Gargoyles' theater of operations, however they do receive a small percentage from among the chapter fleet's human component as well, a result of disciplinary action. They also receive new candidates for officer ranks from within the human population, granted through skill, proven leadership, and unwavering loyalty to the Emperor.


Among all the auxiliary forces the chapter utilizes, Wilson's Irregulars are treated as "highly expendable" and are most often given the most dangerous missions, the ones with the most improbable odds. Though their casualty rate is extremely high, several notable platoons have earned distinction on the Sanguine Gargoyles' Scroll of Absolution, an honor roll of all those men and women who died in service to the legion, the chapter, and the Emperor, their sins forgiven and their names remembered for eternity. As recompense for their almost forced suicide, the Gargoyles have seen fit to outfit the legions forces with better equipment and wargear than many standard Militarum regiments.


Charcoal-black carapace plates over deep crimson fatigues and specially-modified or highly specialized weapons are issued to all members, in recompense for the troopers' almost forced suicide. Each member of the legion also takes part in a short but intense training program designed for their specific, assigned role.

- Adeptus Mechanicus; [non-standard hierarchy within Chapter]


Hated Enemies

- Ka'Bhanda

- Abaddon and the Black Legion

--- Valorous Host Warband

- Slaghulk'z Killa Mob

- Sept Roku'Do'Shan


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Redoing formatting, need to save current work.

Edited by Viking Slade

Lots of small updates over the last several days: reformatted sheet, got a few armor color pics added, and bits and pieces and some outlines in most sections. Removed most of transcribed info from to-do/notes lists.


QC&C welcomed, or just let me know what you think!

Hey. I like the concept of the curse. Reminds me of Greyscale from ASOIF. Here's some of my thoughts as I read from the top.


When dealing with the cursed founding, I feel that maintaining some of the mystery surrounding it is usually the way to go, both because mystery is fun and some questions are best left to the imagination, unless you can provide satisfying answers.

For example, you mention the the training cadre being permanently seconded. What Chapter did they come from? What were they and their Chapter told about the new Chapter? What did they do or say to others when the mutations started to happen? Did they hide it? Does the Imperium know or care? Why has the Imperium not dismantled the Chapter? I think most of these questions can either be ignored or more easily explained by keeping more details mysterious.


Maybe you could describe their origins from the Primaris' perspective, reacting to and dealing with the horrors of learning about the Chapter's problems and what little the firstborn actually know about their past.


One thing I thought I should mention, just in case you were unaware, is that the name is coincidently fitting for what the Chapter has become, not what they were meant to be.

Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of examples of this happening all over official 40k lore and one could argue it's one of the silly fun aspects the universe how some things are given names that perfectly describe their future.

But if this is something you want to avoid, then there you are :turned:

Regarding their beliefs, What does the Chapter think of their own origins? Do they know the full story? Who or what do they blame for their problems? Has the new curse substituted the red thirst and black rage or do those still play a part?

Why are they over strength? And why are they organized in such a unusual way?

Why was the name 'Sanguinary Guard' not good enough? Why was the color change not enough? Why is Arch-angels better?

The fleet composition feels to me like it contradicts the reclusive nature of the Gargoyles you lay out in the beliefs section. 
And even without that, the wide range of imperial forces gathered in one fleet seems highly unusual and unbelievable without a proper explanation.


Hope you find my thoughts helpful.

Edited by Codex Grey

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